Questions for those who have been through menopause

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It is called B6 toxicity and causes nerve damage amongst other things. I was *advised* by a (male) GP to take a daily supplement of 100mg which i did for about 16 months
It is helpful to take to assist with balancing hormones but you only need 10mg a day and i would err on the side of caution to only take it for as long as you feel you need it
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I took a vitB complex last year, but realised quite quickly I didn't need when it turned my pee neon yellow I get annual bloods done as part of my diabetes review and asked to get iron studies, ferratin, bone profile, etc, done as well, and they were all normal.

Speaking of diabetes, I'm Type 1 and have come to realise there is a massive information gap when it comes to T1 and menopause. Hormones have such an impact on blood glucose. For example, most women become insulin resistant prior to her period and this is "thought" to be due to an increase in progesterone. I would often run an annoyingly high BG a couple of days prior to my period. Now however, it's more like two weeks!! My bloods are all over the shop and terribly difficult to control.

I still don't think I'm exhibiting many obvious peri symptoms, but this is definitely one I've noticed over the past year.
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For those with aches and pains it’s worth making sure you’re getting adequate amounts of vitamin D and magnesium as we often don’t get enough Vit D especially in the winter months, or if you‘re using sunscreen (which I appreciate is important). If you take Vit D it’s so important you also take magnesium, as Vit D depletes magnesium which is needed for so many things bone/heart health, blood pressure, it also helps with stress/anxiety etc.

HRT and some contraceptives deplete magnesium along with other nutrients (added link). If you take a multivitamin I would add in magnesium as you get very little magnesium in a multivitamin and it’s important to take magnesium at least an hour away from other vitamins/medications as it can prevent you absorbing them and magnesium is better to take in the evening as can help with sleep.

I take Better you vitamin D oral spray and magnesium glycinate.

I’ve added a link that explains further it also lists some of deficiency signs. Xx

Sometimes it can be because you’ve taken too much but some vitamin B’s do turn your pee bright yellow, it’s very difficult to overdose on vitamin B’s if you take a sensible amount and not excessive amounts, as we deplete vitamin B when we’re stressed and also vitamin B’s are water soluble so we pee excess amounts out. But yes important not to take high amounts especially longer term unless advised by GP.

Inositol can be helpful for diabetics and women with PCOS, lots of reputable information about it online.
I’ve added another link on B6 for those concerned.
I have taken it for many years but just the RDA in a multivitamin, occasionally I will take an additional complex B if I’m feeling stressed but I don’t take it longterm. I agree 100mg is quite high especially to be taking longterm.
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I’ve taken your previous advice and started taking magnesium. All super helpful information, thanks!
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Yes, I'm going to start taking Magnesium soon. I sort of wanted to try the citrate as my bowel can be very sluggish and I get constipated despite a good diet. It's meant to be very good for that, but then have read glycinate is the better one for hormones. I believe you can take both but not the max dose of each. Maybe half and half? Is 300mg the upper amount for magnesium?

I may look at taking the VitB complex again at some point. I ended up just taking half a tab every other day but was concerned due to the neon pee, it was still too much for me. But I'll look at it again.

It would seem the B vitamins and magnesium are the most talked about ones for peri/meno?
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Does anyone have a recommendation on the best brand of B’s and Magnesium
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Does anyone have a recommendation on the best brand of B’s and Magnesium
I normally use Oxford Vitality for VitD/K2 and Vit C (although the price of the latter really went up so now use Superself). The VitB complex I got was also from OV. You can buy from their website or via Amazon.
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Vitamin D, omega 3, probiotics….. are some other things mentioned in regards peri/meno, especially vitamin D.

Yes citrate is good for constipation but magnesium glycinate also helps keep you regular. I take chelated magnesium glycinate as it’s gentler on the tummy but I do take citrate sometimes as I feel it gives me energy, whereas glycinate can make you feel a little sleepy/relaxed, it can also help with sleep so best to take magnesium glycinate later in the day. You may be able to get the two combined. I don’t often take the full recommended daily dose, sometimes I take 50%/75% of amount they suggest. Personally I would start on a low dose as it can upset the tummy and work up, seeing what feels right for you within the RDA.

I’ve added a link that explains the different types of magnesium for anyone interested and some info on Vit D


I’ve also added a list of things I take (as someone asked on a different thread) but I’ve also added it on here it case it helps anyone.
Please just ignore if it’s not for you and of course only only take what’s right for you.
I added a couple of additional things on the bottom of my list that might be help to women who have those concerns. Xx


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@Jwren Thats great info. Interesting that glycinate works for bowel regularity, too. As I don't currently have anxiety or sleep problems, I might give the citrate a go first because I do lack energy. I've seen you can get it in powder form which might be good for controlling intake.

Do you take your VitD all year round? Currently I'm only taking it through autumn to early spring.
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Yes I do take Vit D Better you 1000mg daily all year round, even in the summer and in winter I often double up on the amount, it all depends how I’m feeling but I always take adequate amounts of magnesium daily too.
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Hi..does anyone get hot flushed cheeks? I’m not sure if it’s peri or ovulation
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Hello all,

Apologies for hijacking the thread but, with horror, I've realised that I'm 38 and potentially in the age range for peri-menopause

My behaviour over the past couple of days has had my partner very concerned and on the verge of marching me to the GP. Since having my second child in 2020, my cycles have been fairly regular of 28 days. Well this month I started my period on day 27 and my moods in the days beforehand were horrendous. I felt tired, upset and like I needed to go back on anti-depressants (I had PNA after my eldest child five years ago which I was on AD for about a year). I was even Googling how to tell my partner that I didn't love him anymore and wanted to leave our 15 year marriage. Low and behold, this morning I woke up feeling like a different person with no intention of wanting to break up my relationship.

This mood swing scared me. I've experienced PMT before but never this bad. I didn't like the impact it had on my partner or, I'm ashamed to say, my children.

I'm worried if I go to my GP about this then they won't take it seriously. Is it just a bad case of PMT or a sign of the early menopause? Or am I just a horrible old cow?

On a serious note, are there any supplements or vitamins I can look at to help combat any future mood swings? I refuse to put my family through another weekend like this one.
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It sounds more like PMT to me but the older I got and when I had kids, my PMT got worse. Monitor it for a few months to see if it’s the same each month.

Even in peri it’s a good idea to keep a symptom diary throughout the month.
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You're on the weight loss thread aren't you? Have you cut out dairy or anything with cholesterol in it as our bodies need cholesterol to manufacture hormones. FWIW anything after 35 I don't consider too young to start noticing changes, after all, our fertility starts to drop significantly then so changes are occuring.
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I noticed, probably around 2018, that my PMS changed. I never really suffered badly with it - and still don't, to be fair. But I would usually get a bit irritable and short on patience but that seemed to get replaced with a lower mood and I would find, in bed at night, I would just get awful morbid thoughts and a very real hoplessness about the future - ending up in tears.

Haven't been too bad the past few months. But I do feel, though I could be totally wrong, that this was perhaps the start of my peri. I would have been 41/42 at the time.
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Hello, well remembered although the week of my period is when my self restraint takes quite a battering I've not had any dairy products in about 12 years but it's perhaps something I need to look at. I take BetterMe Iron & B12 sprays daily (well, B12 can be when I remember) but maybe cutting out some foods has impacted on my hormones. It's not something I had considered so will take a look at that. Thanks for the tip x
Oh God, I can't remember *not* lying in bed having terrible anxious thoughts Been like that since childhood. I've read that Lions Mane (?) is a good supplement to take to help with anxiety so going to buy some when I get paid. Works for some folk, doesn't for others.

Mr B says he tends to notice my moods dip during my period but that could just be him making that assumption because I've mentioned it IYSWIM?
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I've had hot flushes now for 5 years - manageable during the day with layers - but hell at night. I sleep a max of 2 hours then wake up sweating.
Tried the doctor when it started but was just prescribed antidepressants which I won't take.
Kept thinking it would pass but if anything its getting worse. I can't go on like this. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Do GP's get extra money for prescribing AD's, my former GP seemed to push them on us for literally everything. It was the realisation that I absolutely should not be offered AD's for menopause that encouraged me to switch Surgerys
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Oh it’s horrible isn’t it, and unfortunately it will more then likely get worse before it gets better. ADs are supposedly good for hot flushes, they worked for me for a while but I still get them. They did help with HRT to level my mood though.
Not much help I’m afraid, but you know you’re not alone with this x
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I haven’t found anything that’s helped with hot flushes bar HRT. I know it’s not for everyone though
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