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At this point its just easier to let her carry on talking because she just digs herself a deeper hole and more people question her by what comes out of her own mouth 🤣

UK isn't different. Rs mind is! Its not the first time she has stereotyped high rise flats with drug takers and gangs of youths!
She watches too much TV 🤦‍♀️
Thank you I thought so just looking for confirmation 😊
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Did she show on her stories a childminder dragged all the children she’s paid to look after to her book signing? Surely not? I was half joking when I said it was a Karen Matthews convention but clearly the children come last with a lot of these huns just like their skank of a saviour.
Looks like a couple of them. Ridiculous.
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her face makes it look like she's lifting her leg up to fart in sloshys direction on that first one.

she goes on about not trusting the ex friends, she should rethink the ones she still has because that dress and trainers combo looks dreadful on her.
And also tell her to give the low cut dresses a miss too. Just what was she thinking, she may as well have worn the 40th party dress.
It looks like it's only Jo, Jen and Linda left now in her ever decreasing circle. Leatherface Gastrid just uses her to increase her followers.
One thing that has just occurred to me due to her lovely choice of dress and styling it so we get to see her delightful tatt. She says she has never and would not have any kind of Botox or filler what ever it is, as she wouldn’t be able to cope with the pain of having something injected in to her face. Yet she has managed to sit through the pain/discomfort of having several Tatts? I’m sure the pain of the Tatts would be quite bad too?

The shit show last night is just proper cringe fest, but I’m sure she lapped up the attention and was in her absolute element, she wants to be hero worshipped doesn’t she.


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I've just changed mine to tattletroll, I don't think I could read it all, @VCJR you did well to read it twice!
View attachment 2069614
So i can now email the book to you?
I can't read it on here I'd never keep track of what I've read and haven't. Kindle email is not a proper email address is it I wonder if I could just post the beginning bit of the

Although saying that it is my full name 🤣
I'll send it to whoever wants it.
I wouldn't even bother reading it. It's hard to read because it's so poorly written.
This is for anyone who is wondering if Rachel Hambleton is running her rip off Freedom Programme legitimately, I'm posting screenshots of the emails i received from the Freedom Programme organisers last year. I sent them all the information they asked for. They also said i could telephone them, i explained that wasn't possible.
After i sent them the information on the Patchwork Club Freedom Programme, I waited for a response and got nothing.
I emailed them several times after, but my emails were ignored.
So here are screenshots of the emails i received from them, which includes their names and telephone number.


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Chatty Member
🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for another fab thread and bloody brilliant title 🤣 Chablis Shaun hahaha, these names kill me.
(I've rewritten the first verse of STAN for Lindsey. For £400 and a Cost Voucher, I will go and Rap it outside one of her book signings through a megaphone 📣.)


Dear Rach, I DM'ed you but you still ain't respondin'

I left my number, my @ and my home address at the bottom

I sent two fluffy clouds back in Winter, I know you got 'em

They are probably in the bin, or got thrown into the toilet by Wibble or somethin'

Sometimes I get emotional and desperate when I post 'em

But anyways, babes, what's been up, hun? How's your centres going?

My Husbands a twat too, I'm 'bout to be a single mother.

But if I get married again guess who I'll be marrying?

I'ma marry you

I read about your Ex Wayne too, I'm sorry

I also had a kid with a man who didn't want me.

I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan

I even pay on two patreon's and still donate to your PayPal

I got a shrine full of your books, wine glasses and calendars mam

I even pretend to like Josh too and that shit is hard damn

Anyways, I hope you get this, Rach, hit me back

Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest of Prin's

This is Lindz
Hahaha this is brilliant 👏👏👏
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VIP Member
I've just taken some more screenshots. They're probably loving each other the hardest right now🤢
@VCJR its not insomnia tonight for a change, I'm working so I'll probably be having a catch up of other threads when I can.
Jo is stood at the front and Jen was stood at the back, and Sloshy must have been on the door frisking everyone.
View attachment 2065364
View attachment 2065363
Thank you for these beauties 😁.
There's not much on the dodgy box tonight, so this is more than entertaining 😆.
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my daughter had one this year £1500 without the extra equipment, however myself and partner both full time workers couldnt afford this so she didnt go... unlike scammy gunt
how do they do it.
i always look at adverts on tv andthink come on do people really get influenced to buy the product.
but by seeing all these folk online you realise it must do. it must just manipulate the brains.
becasue how do people gloss over the shit they ARE doing. to see what they are laying down for them to beleive. the manipulation and abuse of their platform is gross.
they are not one of you. they are no where close. and they dont give one flying fuck about you. otherwaie they wouldnt be on the gram making money of you.
they would like other have a social media account that makes no money.
its a job.
their job
to be an advertisement
a brand
a carefully managed scripted advert
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Wow, what a sight!!!
Tits out, big pink maternity dress & a pair of trainers!!!
Thank you Mrs Ogre for sharing this treat ❤.
And of course Betsy accidentally phoned in the middle of her mother's performance 🙄.
I do hope some kind person videoed this!
I can apparently send a full copy of my kindle version of The Patchwork Family, by email to one other person, and I'd like to offer it to you, before i return it 🥰.
Me please 🙋 was gonna wait for it to go to 99p 🤣
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😂😂😂 completely forgot about that saying “has his budgie died”

not sure where you’re from but where I used to go school it was “Tesco 2 stripes” as a horrible name 😂
Wonder if you were at school with me !? 😂
Joyce is missing a trick here. He could insomnia!
Sorry I was half sleeping when I typed this. I meant to say cure insomnia with his droning on and on and on !
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I'm hoping to go, i want to thank her for writing such a lush book, which I have now actually read twice.
True story.
Where can i buy tickets for tonight?
I can't find where she's selling them, like the link she posted yesterday.
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VIP Member
Apparently you can actually share a book you have paid for, by email.
I've never done it. I read a lot of books on Amazon prime kindle, but i read the free ones. I'm not sure if you can share the free ones.
I know insomnia is horrendous, but I'm glad you have it tonight and have shared this treasure, and i hope you get some sleep.
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