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VIP Member
thanks so much for thinking of me lovely ladies ❤ we’ve had a bit of a set back and it’s been a really tough, draining few days. But we will get there, I’ve just got to keep on going. My partner has been incredible, so have my family. I’m so lucky that me and bubba have the people around us that we do, we will get through it, for now it’s just a bump in the road.

I hope you’re all doing okay. I’ve not really had many spare minutes to read over the threads but I have thought about you all. Sending love to everyone xxx
You are such a strong mom, and I have no doubt your beautiful baby has your strength. Wishing you both a much smoother road ahead. 💕
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Love that this thread has been made.

My boyfriend knows about Tattle and the pregnancy thread and I was saying to him how invaluable I have found it. It’s so nice seeing the same names, knowing where everyone’s up to and sharing our moans/happiness/dilemmas. I don’t know anyone pregnant in real life so would have massively struggled not having anyone to have the conversations with. Peanut has been a weird place and I can’t even bring myself to consider Reddit as I feel like I could post something about having a cold and some lunatic will tell me I’m probs losing the baby. I love it here.
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See this just makes me think cos I was saying to my boyfriend is it weird if we send messages with things like wash your hands before touching baby / don’t come around if you’re not well to our family/friends and he said “everyone knows that now it’s common sense” clearly fucking not!!!
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I always say this! I could never be one of them up and out at 8am parents. My 2 year old does football once a week and I am frazzled and sweating before we leave at 9 for it hahahaa
The other day we had an appt at 9:30 and I said to Mr R we’d need to be up early to get everything sorted and make sure we could leave on time and he was like “really? Surely you just put his bag in the car” yes, yes it’s that simple. Baby definitely won’t want feeding or changing as soon as we’re ready to leave, he obviously won’t throw up either on himself or one of us when we’re all dressed, we can easily both be getting ready at the same time cus baby won’t want holding at all and we’ll definitely have bottles washed and sterilised ready to go and all the stuff we need in the bag, have his red book ready and he’ll easily go in the car seat 🙄😂
imagine how i felt this morning trying to get a 4 year old ready and a newborn for the school run!! i can totally see why some parents do the school run in their pyjama's 😂 (i didn’t go in my pyjamas, i’m not that bad, yet!!!)
I’ll 100% be a pyjama mum 🤣 luckily when he’s older all the kids in our village get a bus to school and it picks them up from the end of our road so I’ll only have to face village mums and not all the school mums 🤣
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I’ve just come to moan because I’m ill and in bed with a head cold. I hate not being able to pop all the pills to make myself feel better 😩 I know I’d rather be ill now than when baby comes but it’s so annoying being ill when pregnant!
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watermelon sugar

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A nice part of Motherhood is the trips to Costa. We were in the Asda and baby kicked off so I thought ‘ooooh this must mean a cheeky feed in Costa’


vanilla latte and choccy twist for me ✔
boccy for baby ✔

I never used to say boccy now but we jokingly call it a boccy now because of my 4 year old 😂

Also it was nice to take my bloody coat off in Costa i was sweating 😂
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I did read to him why it’s so important and the consequences if he constantly gets it wrong. He said he won’t do it again but now I’m like how can I trust that?! Baby R is so little and it’s no extra effort at all to do it properly. I think it’s annoyed me even more because I made a point yesterday of saying I was going to measure out the formula in to those little travel pots for overnight so I didn’t have the faff of trying to balance a crying baby while measuring it out properly in the night when I’m on my own and he was nodding saying it was a good idea etc and then this morning he’s just scooping whatever he likes in to the bottle 😩
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I got a non maternity playsuit from Next a few weeks ago think I got 2 sizes up and I literally look like a pregnant toddler in it 😂 it's so comfy though so I don't care but I caught a glimpse of myself side on and nearly died I am so huge hahahaha
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Death row -
Loaded nachos with sliced rare steak and tons of jalapenos (cos you don't have to worry about the next day)
Sushi platter with a side of veggie tempura and lobster tails in garlic butter
Creme Brulee with a little buttery short bread biscuit
Fat coke, no ice
.....But I believe there's actually a $10 limit so a McSpicy meal w/cheese, double cheese burger, strawberry milkshake and hope they have chilli cheese bits in at the time.
McD's once did a nacho burger, it had crispy nachos inside, salsa and cheese sauce, it was frickin' delightful.

I'm awake cos I feel :sick: so this convo is both awesome and horrible in equal measure 😂
We broke into my hospital snacks bag last night and binged the Oreos, Pringles and fizzy belts... which I saw again at 2am so they're all of the list for a while.
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Any smiles yet @raspberryjuice Baby W looks like she’s dying too but cos she was early it’ll probs be a while off !
We have smiles. We’ve had them for about a week and they’re so cute! I wish we could share pics without being outing 😭 Hope Baby W shows off her smile soon too 🥰

Since the day Baby R was born I’ve always rubbed noses with him like Eskimo kisses and for the past 2 days he’s shuffled himself to my shoulder then started whacking my head with his hand so I turn to him and like stared at me til I rub noses with him and then he smiles 🥰 he probably has no idea what he’s actually doing and it’s probably not intentional but it made me cry at the cuteness the first couple of times. Now I’m worrying we’ll both look like rudolph if he doesn’t stop doing it 🤣

Gals how do you decide on a pram?
I thought I’d found the one but I’m not so sure now :cry: the one I like is a bundle and expensive as it is, but the sales person said the car seat isn’t great so would recommend getting an alternative one. What do you doooo
Listen to the sales person on the car seat! We ended up buying another one when Baby R was about 2 weeks old because the one with our travel system was awful. Can you buy the pram separately without the car seat?
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watermelon sugar

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I have genuinely never heard of this happening before, I’m not sure I can quite believe the absolute glamour of mum life that is waiting me in a few weeks 😂 hope you’re not too traumatised but this really did make me laugh!
I’m sure my first didn’t do this 😂 But honestly it’s like she shoot’s and aims right at me. And it’s like she never finishes a poo either; it’s like she thinks ‘i’ll start it so they know i’ve pooed but i’ll carry on pooing mid change to be a pain in the arse. Might even poo on them for good measure’

At least I know she should be good at them arcade games with the guns where you shoot at things on the screen 😂
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I got 2 the other week on the amazon sale I'm gonna have to practice with it before the babies born, I'll be looking back over all the instructions you've all given cos the ones in the box were rubbish 😂
Yeah I remember getting the box out the day after i got home from my C-section and my head was cabbaged I just put it back in the box and hid it in the back of the cupboard and forgot all about it 😂 Now @Laughalong and @raspberryjuice and their instructions have changed my life 😂
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VIP Member
thanks so much for thinking of me lovely ladies ❤ we’ve had a bit of a set back and it’s been a really tough, draining few days. But we will get there, I’ve just got to keep on going. My partner has been incredible, so have my family. I’m so lucky that me and bubba have the people around us that we do, we will get through it, for now it’s just a bump in the road.

I hope you’re all doing okay. I’ve not really had many spare minutes to read over the threads but I have thought about you all. Sending love to everyone xxx
You really are amazing ❤ these days will all be behind you eventually and baby will be home and all will be okay. I’m so glad you have such a good support network around you xx
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Sorry to disappoint you all who want to start trying for number 2 straight away, but they lead you in to a total false sense of insecurity with their newborn cuteness and cuddles and turn into an absolute monster at the age of 4 😂😂 My little guy has been a nightmare today!!! He used to be so well behaved and ever since his little sister has been here he’s been the devil reincarnated 🤣

I also bought size 2 teats and the baby just smashed a bottle with them then, like it was literally the quickest bottle she’s had since she was born 🙂
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Elle Woods

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Omg gutted I missed the sweetie chat, I have such a sweet tooth! I’d pick sweet over savoury every day of the week! My fave are the pink and blue fizzy bottles, rainbow belts and those blue dolphin things. I also love giant strawbs though. Fav chocolate is a Terry’s chocolate orange. Omg I love skittles as well, the skittles desserts are immense.
Ps that pizza with no cheese is the weirdest thing ever 😂
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We have no food in, but I've got an eyebrow appointment in a minute next door to a nice chippy so I think it'd be rude not to grab one.

Baby brain is in full force this week. Mr Brew is working late tonight and asked me if I want to grab food while I'm at my brow appointment. I'd totally forgotten I had the appointment so thank goodness he remembered.

Then a friend I've not seen in years just messaged me with a picture of the exact Birthday card I'd ordered for Mr B from bump, turns out I accidentally ordered it to be sent to her 😭🤣

I need help hahaa
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Ok, I'm taking prune juice and dried apricots!
I'll take my peri bottle thingy for relief after the first wee too. I really have a total blank about the first few days after the birth last time. Think I was just shocked and out of it by the time I realised what was going on I was past the worst. I did somehow some come home with the plastic measuring jug I had to wee in though 😂
I've read evening primrose can help recovery, anyone tried that?

I slipped one foot out on a mat earlier and basically did the splits, with SPD/PGP - the agony!
whenever i see evening primrose i just think of this

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Oh @Elle Woods you truly are a super Mum, your little one is so very lucky to have you. I am chuffed to hear he had such a good day yesterday, but you're definitely right to take it one day at a time. Here's hoping the positive days become much more frequent and he's home with you and Mr W soon x
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God getting a newborn ready and out of the house with all the stuff they need is challenging. Me and Mr R decided to get Nando’s for lunch at 10:30….we’ve only just managed to leave the house 😂
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