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Oh my godddd that’s awful! My friend is a midwife and she said the amount of women who feel the need to lose their pregnancy weight and get back to “pre pregnancy body” is unbelievable. I doubt I’ll ever fit back into my size 4’s again but it’s so worth it for the life I’ve bought into this world!
I was a size 6 uk before pregnancy, usually a size 8 in the years before that. I didn't give a f*** about my weight. Thought I'd lose it slowly over the year and needed rest and food to breastfeed at that stage. Initially I laughed at the message but it festered and really hurt. I bought some size 12s jeans at my biggest and I'm back to a size 8 now after a year. I really think people should think before they speak about someone's weight post pregnancy.
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Yeah if someone has had gbs in prev pregnancies and baby was affected we offer abx anyway

You won't be sued for discrimination, plenty of women have reasons for requesting female Dr. I hate it when healthcare workers try and scare women into accepting things.
Oh that's good to know, it seems that pregnant women shouldn't get told anything about their care and it must all be kept a mystery. Thankfully I didn't need any further gynae treatment as well.
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Chatty Member
I know this may seem a bit off topic... but it’s related to birth so whatever. Does anyone not enjoy sex since giving birth? It’s been 11 months since I had my baby and it just feels so uncomfortable. I never had any problems healing, I only had a second degree tear which healed well. I don’t even have much of a libido anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️
Same, I’m 14 months pp and only this week started to feel a tiny inkling of a sex drive, I wondered whether it’s cos I don’t have my periods back as I’m still breastfeeding so my hormones aren’t ‘normal’ if you get me, also physically it feels uncomfortable, I didn’t tear but I was cut and stitched back up, Healed well but it just doesn’t feel right down there, feels like it’s closed over or something!

Oh and I’m so glad I just put a blanket ban on any visitors to the hospital right before the baby was even born, I couldn’t think of anything more stressful, you need the time to sleep, feed, hold baby, process what has just happened etc, plenty of time for visitors later on
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Not a horror story as such but I suffered with cholastasis in both of my pregnancies, you itch from head to toe 24/7. Your liver basically isn’t working and they get the baby out at 37 weeks due to risk of stillbirth. Being induced at 37 weeks isn’t great, your body just isn’t ready to be in labour. Takes days & days.
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I'm not a mum and I won't become one soon, but I love reading these stories! (they are great to learn what not to do when you have or when someone else have kids)
By "horror stories" I mean things that people did/said that weren't appropriate at all!
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8 hours of back labour, epidural didnt work, 3rd degree tear and I couldn't walk for 8 weeks because I felt like my faff was going to fall off! Hes 3 and a half now and I still dont feel right down there 🤣🤣😭 needless to say he was my first and last!!


VIP Member
My first was traumatic, baby was in distress, had blood taken from her head, I was only young & spoken to like a pile of shit by all the staff, but my labour wasn’t too long 10.5 hours, my 2nd child I was huge with but I’m big myself anyway, went 10 days overdue, waters broke & at 7.45pm, rang hosp & was told to stay at home, finally got to hosp 10.30pm, I gave birth just after 1am, to a 10lb 5oz baby, his head & shoulders got stuck & had to be yanked out didn’t cry for what seemed like an eternity, only had gas & air, my 3rd again overdue by 9 days, midwife took one look at me & said I didn’t look like I was in enough pain to be in labour?! & would send me home after examining me, I was 6cm dilated & an hour later I gave birth 9lb baby this time! My 4th I got to hospital at 7.45am & was 8cm dilated & gave birth at 8.20am so not bad 8 days overdue this time just under 9lb!


New member
💩 inside too, have birth very quickly at home with ambulance when told to wait by hospital as it was my first baby. Midwife then arrived but everyone missed the meconium, he had inhaled a lot and turned blue. NICU for ten days and didn't get to hold him again til day 5. He's 2 and half now and fine , pregnant with #2 and getting anxious about birth again.
I'm not a mum and I won't become one soon, but I love reading these stories! (they are great to learn what not to do when you have or when someone else have kids)


VIP Member
With my son, he was born on the Wednesday, my husband's sister insisted she visited on the Saturday. They arrived at 8am!! We were all still in bed! His other sister told me I needed to start on my tummy exercises on day 7, I had a sacral dysplasia during labour and couldn't even stand up without help!

With my daughter, we were keeping her arrival to family only until our son had met her, to suddenly start receiving congratulations texts from friends as my husband's family had announced her arrival and tagged us in their posts on fb!
The facebook things awful. My step dads mum announced my pregnancy on Facebook! Were not even friends on there and barely see her (max twice a year). We had not told alot of our friends and family we like and see. 🤯

The visitor thing really also annoyed me. Luckily we didnt have chance together visitors in hospital with our first.

Our second my mil brought my daughter down. My mum was there at both births but left very shortly after.

People popping around the day after we got home was sooooo annoying. It got to the stage where we was just sat on the back garden chilling, baby in her moses basket outside (summer baby) and didnt answer the door. We also closed the gates on our drive so could hear if anyone was coming 😂😂


Chatty Member
Omg reading this thread is making me so anxious 😣 my pregnancies and labours were pretty normal, only minor complications - but I just find the whole thing so traumatic! I honestly don’t know how we do it.

Keiffers pipe

Well-known member
I know this may seem a bit off topic... but it’s related to birth so whatever. Does anyone not enjoy sex since giving birth? It’s been 11 months since I had my baby and it just feels so uncomfortable. I never had any problems healing, I only had a second degree tear which healed well. I don’t even have much of a libido anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think a lot of it is probably your mind rather than body. At that age you are likely exhausted from chasing baby round all day and it's so hard to get " in the mood"

I was exactly the same and it was just too much going on in my head thinking about is the baby going to wake up and all the jobs I needed to do, work , etc

Have u had a night away from the baby just you and your partner?


Hope your little one is doing well now.

I had Epidurals with baby 1 and baby 2, and i had excessive shaking with both, it wasn’t until I had baby 3 that I was told it was a side effect of the epidural!
She’s doing really well now thank you.
Ah I did think it could be that - I asked the midwife at the time if it was because of the epidural and she was very nonplussed and went “uhh... it could be” but just kept asking me if I was cold.


VIP Member
the bottom of the feet itching was the worst! I had it from 30 weeks both times so you can imagine 😂they told me because you’ve had it once it’s like 8/10 you’ll get it again. Twice was enough for me! X
oh gosh that’s so high! It really puts me off 😩 did you have monitoring early on to check, how was it for your second pregnancy? x


Well-known member
I had this too!
I was quite lucky and was at 38 weeks. I knew on the weekend before he was born something wasn’t right and my husband nagged me to go get checked but I refused and said I’d see how I went (I didn’t wanna seem OTT, I know better now)
I remember sitting at my mums house scraping my feet on the floor because the itch was unbearable.
the next morning I found myself scratching my hands raw, i gave in, called maternity and went in and was induced straight away. I remember my mum coming with me and being horrifed when they said about stillbirth and she told me I would not be leaving until he was born 🤣
When I was being monitored then kept saying the machine was showing contractions and could I not feel anything?! I was like nope - not a thing, I was checked and I was about 2cm (had absolutely no idea) but when they burst my waters the next morning, by goddddd did I know about them then!

I felt like being induced really messed up my feelings of being ready to give birth - it was so out of my own hands, I didn’t get to my due date so I felt like I’d ‘got there’ and I was just like this is all waaaay too soon if that makes sense?
He was born 8 hours later though we did have the consultant in once or twice because they thought he had pooed, luckily he hadn’t but I do remember the look of terror on my husbands face when they told him when he was born he’d be take straight to the side because he might not cry.

I definitely had a good birth, but the fear of obstetric cholestasis again in another pregnancy really puts me off. I know I’d be induced earlier and likely to have it again 😩 I also found after I gave birth because my liver levels Didn’t sort themselves out my skin was AWFUL. Like acne everywhere. It really affected the first few months PP for me and my doctor didn’t even check my 6 week bloods to ensure my liver levels were ok
the bottom of the feet itching was the worst! I had it from 30 weeks both times so you can imagine 😂they told me because you’ve had it once it’s like 8/10 you’ll get it again. Twice was enough for me! X


Well-known member
oh gosh that’s so high! It really puts me off 😩 did you have monitoring early on to check, how was it for your second pregnancy? x
Nothing until I started itching again. I think they just leave you to it and see if it happens again x


VIP Member
Not a horror story as such but I suffered with cholastasis in both of my pregnancies, you itch from head to toe 24/7. Your liver basically isn’t working and they get the baby out at 37 weeks due to risk of stillbirth. Being induced at 37 weeks isn’t great, your body just isn’t ready to be in labour. Takes days & days.
I had this too!
I was quite lucky and was at 38 weeks. I knew on the weekend before he was born something wasn’t right and my husband nagged me to go get checked but I refused and said I’d see how I went (I didn’t wanna seem OTT, I know better now)
I remember sitting at my mums house scraping my feet on the floor because the itch was unbearable.
the next morning I found myself scratching my hands raw, i gave in, called maternity and went in and was induced straight away. I remember my mum coming with me and being horrifed when they said about stillbirth and she told me I would not be leaving until he was born 🤣
When I was being monitored then kept saying the machine was showing contractions and could I not feel anything?! I was like nope - not a thing, I was checked and I was about 2cm (had absolutely no idea) but when they burst my waters the next morning, by goddddd did I know about them then!

I felt like being induced really messed up my feelings of being ready to give birth - it was so out of my own hands, I didn’t get to my due date so I felt like I’d ‘got there’ and I was just like this is all waaaay too soon if that makes sense?
He was born 8 hours later though we did have the consultant in once or twice because they thought he had pooed, luckily he hadn’t but I do remember the look of terror on my husbands face when they told him when he was born he’d be take straight to the side because he might not cry.

I definitely had a good birth, but the fear of obstetric cholestasis again in another pregnancy really puts me off. I know I’d be induced earlier and likely to have it again 😩 I also found after I gave birth because my liver levels Didn’t sort themselves out my skin was AWFUL. Like acne everywhere. It really affected the first few months PP for me and my doctor didn’t even check my 6 week bloods to ensure my liver levels were ok


Can you identify a particular problem? If it’s physically uncomfortable may be worth double checking with a gynaecologist that you’re okay down there (obviously subject to the COVID situation). If you don’t already use lube that might help you feel more comfortable. Maybe you need more foreplay? Also, if you don’t already do them, pelvic floor exercises will help

Lack of libido is harder to solve though part of it might be related to sex being uncomfortable. I expect you’re busier and more stressed since having the baby so that could be effecting things. Is anything else going on in your personal life? Maybe you’ve grown apart from your partner? Or maybe you’re bored and need to spice things up? Identifying whatever factors are affecting you is important so you can start to move forward
It’s just extremely uncomfortable. I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but I also feel embarrassed about it too 😂 My partner has told me to go to the doctors but I was checked over twice post pregnancy and both my midwife and GP said everything has healed well and back then I hadn’t even attempted sex, we waited about 2 months after baby was born and that’s when I first realised something didn’t feel right 🤷🏼‍♀️