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Had a dream pregnancy, loved it, quick birth then two days later was taken back into hospital with sepsis. Had a hysterectomy 3 days afyer giving birth and spent the next 12 days in a coma on life support. Woke up with a trachy in and hooked up to a ventilator and not being able to move a inch due to muscle wastage. Didn't get to see my son for 6 weeks as he wasn't allowed into intensive care. Had to learn to walk again, and spent months having to build my strength up again. My feet were black due to the sepsis and medication I was on and luckily only lost the tips of 5 toes. I say luckily as it was looking like i would lose my feet. My sister came and massaged my legs everyday to get the blood flowing and I believe she saved my feet. Probably took me about 3 years to bond with my son. Still feel angry about missing out on the early days of my son, but he is 7 now and we are very close. Sad that he won't have a sibling tho. Feeling it more during lockdown and him not being able to see his friends. Feel like he is quite lonely at times.
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Fizzy dolly mixture

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My first was born prematurely at 23weeks, i cannot begin to explain how terrified i was. Everyone who knew unknowingly was making it worse by attempting to give me grief support despite the fact my DD was alive and breathing with assistance.
Amazingly we were out within a few weeks as she showed everyone how strong she was! Within a few days she was breathing on her own...i remember the midwife supporting me said her granddaughter arrived at 20 weeks and made it through with no problems too...just goes to show how amazing our little humans are.
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Not me, but my friend has three. Baby one and baby two were both very fast labours and births, so the minute she felt a contraction with baby three (a week early) she though it would be better to go to hospital. She lived about half an hours drive from the hospital and didn't have family nearby so all her (incredibly panicked) husband could do was put her other two children in the back of the car and drive. For some reason, in his panic, he put the Jack Russel in the car too!
Anyway, ten minutes in and she was screaming at him that he needed to pull in because she could feel the head. He pulled up outside a house and ran in for help and to see if they would ring an ambulance (late nineties so not everyone had a mobile).

The couple that lived in the house came out to help. He was a gynaecologist and she was a midwife!!!

They delivered the baby and the ambulance arrived. She'd lost quite a bit of blood, but in the end mother and baby were both fine.

Her husband had the snip after that!
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Apparently right after my second was born I kept telling them to ‘put him back’.

He’s ten now and his new found attitude is making me wish that they did 🙄

Kidding. Slightly.
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Mrs Cucumber

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Not me, but my friend has three. Baby one and baby two were both very fast labours and births, so the minute she felt a contraction with baby three (a week early) she though it would be better to go to hospital. She lived about half an hours drive from the hospital and didn't have family nearby so all her (incredibly panicked) husband could do was put her other two children in the back of the car and drive. For some reason, in his panic, he put the Jack Russel in the car too!
Anyway, ten minutes in and she was screaming at him that he needed to pull in because she could feel the head. He pulled up outside a house and ran in for help and to see if they would ring an ambulance (late nineties so not everyone had a mobile).

The couple that lived in the house came out to help. He was a gynaecologist and she was a midwife!!!

They delivered the baby and the ambulance arrived. She'd lost quite a bit of blood, but in the end mother and baby were both fine.

Her husband had the snip after that!
Oh god the jack Russel part made me laugh so much 🤣 I hope he made a good birthing partner for her!
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My second was born quickly on the dining room floor. Mum arrived to watch the eldest who was still sleeping so we could go to the hospital but came in to find me on all fours, she caught the baby literally two minutes later. ❤ Paramedics arrived just after and I walked to the ambulance with her (placenta still inside and cord hanging out!!)
Not really horror it was amazing!!!
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Mine was having to be cut from front to back coz i couldn’t get her out and she was getting distressed and no time for c section, baby came out blue, honestly thought i’d lost her, the worse feeling in the world 💔 now she’s 21 and 8 months pregnant with her own baby ❤
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I tore into my bum and they didn’t diagnose it for 3 years. I had horrific problems but I was fobbed off. It took 8 years and a solicitor for them to actually help me.. two surgeries later and they fall over me to apologise. Too late.
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The midwife said to me “oh you want to be more careful down there you’ve nicked yourself” while I was 6cm dilated with a nearly 10lb,overdue, back to back, induced baby. You’re lucky I even bothered mate!
Then I had a drip in an awkward position and it kept ripping so the doctor told me to put my hand above my head and he wrapped something over it. The same midwife then walked in and saw me laid back with my hand above my head and said “ oh quit the woe is me act and get this baby out will you”.
When he was born she went in my bag, picked his outfit out and dressed him. Didn’t even ask my husband if that was ok ( I couldn’t see because the doctor was stitching me and pulled the curtain) when they pulled the curtain back she was sat there bottle feeding him and looked at me and said “ oh I’m sure you didn’t want to breastfeed”
Then to top it off she told me none of my family could hold him when they visited because he had a delicate head, yet she kept popping in and out and picking him up without asking. She pulled me a death stare when she walked in and saw my dad holding him. With my next child I had a lovely midwife and she said “oh you’ve got lovely hair and beautiful eyes and gorgeous teeth too does your little boy look like you” I said no he’s like his dad, she looked at my husband and said “oh” Hahahaha. I’m pleased she said it though because after my little girl was born and my husband rang his dad to tell him he had a granddaughter he said “ hi dad, you seen the Liverpool score? Oh yeah the baby is here it’s a girl” 😂
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Having my first baby 4 weeks prematurely and they said they were going to have to give me a spinal block and try emergency forceps before a caesarean and MY MIDWIFE said "oh I feel so sorry for the student midwife, she desperately wants to see a natural birth" 🤦🏻‍♀️ funnily enough it wasn't exactly what I had planned either!!!!
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Mine isn't so much a horror story but I was 4 days away from my due date it was about 8pm and my boyfriend had finished work. He wanted me to go to his parents as it was his mums birthday which was about 45 minutes away.
I didnt realise at the time how emotionally abused I was and never used to stick up for myself.
Luckily my parents said something to him as I went in to labour (He said to my parents he was going to take me to hospital)
I then went to hospital and everything happened so fast and my son was born within half hour with no pain relief.
I don't remember much about the labour or much of his first year of life.
As my then boyfriend made me live between 2 houses with a baby.
When my son was 5 days old I was expected to go and stay with his parents (Anyone knows how emotional you can feel after having a baby) I ended up severely anaemic due to the control. He used to say to me its not fair your parents see him more.
Nearly 3 years later and being in a situation where the emotional abuse and control then to physical I left him.
The sad thing for me is not having those happy memories of my little boys first few years of life. ( and that might of been my only chance).
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With my firstborn, I had an em/cs under general anaesthesia. My son spent an hour or so in NICU due to complications after he was born. When I woke up in recovery, I was very groggy and “out of it” when they brought him in to me. It was about 5am and all I remember is my mum hovering about, moaning about how she had to drive home (about an hours drive away, not even) and wanted to hold him before she left.

She literally interrupted my skin to skin with him, took him off me just so she could get a hold and gave him his first bottle feed (I‘d decided not to breastfeed, but still), and then gave him to my husband for a quick hold before they left. The nurse was apparently fuming as she’d told her not to interrupt the skin to skin. I was fuming later when I was made aware. My husband was, very rightly, fuming also. I’d made it clear that if I couldn’t hold him first then I wanted his dad to. Then when I was on the ward, she brought everybody up to see us (I ended up being in hospital for a week as I’d developed sepsis during labour and baby had an infection).

This was on day 3 when all my hormones were raging and I was very emotional/weepy. Not one person asked how I was, I sat there while they all played pass the parcel with my baby, and I just felt so forgotten. Then when everybody else was distracted with my son, my mum started talking about how I needed to start Slimming World and lose the baby weight.

I’d had my baby 3 days before. We almost didn’t make it, and she’s sitting there telling me I had to lose weight.

When my second was born, I said I wasn’t having any visitors at the hospital. I would’ve banned my mum too, but she was looking after my son and I wanted him to meet his baby brother so she brought him to the hospital. Then she started hounding me about my older son’s struggles (he was being assessed for autism at the time) telling me what I “had” to do with him. I was very short with her that time and shut the conversation down quite sharply. My husband was the first person to hold our second born. That whole day up until then had been amazing, a far cry from my traumatic first post-natal experience.
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My mother in law sent me links for gym classes and post pregnancy weightloss 6 weeks after I had my baby. My baby was premature in special care, out of hospital, back in due to slow weight gain. 😠😠
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My mum announced my pregnancy on facebook before I could, all because I told her she could tell some of her friends... (in person)
My OHs auntie announced the death of his grandmother (her mother) on Facebook before the rest of the immediate family had been told. She’d been asked to wait 48hrs as family who live abroad hadn’t all been called yet. Some people have no filter!
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chocolate choux

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Sorry, this is long and more of a medical horror story

I was in and out of hospital in the few weeks prior to giving birth as I couldn’t feel movement anymore. My placenta was anterior but I’d been able to feel her before so I was worried. Then I had contractions for a week but nothing happened, ended up so stressed out and admitted to hospital for MH reasons. The midwife told me the ‘contractions’ might be a result of a UTI and gave me medication even though the test came back clear. To reassure me that everything was fine, they sent me for a scan. The sonographer found that I had polyhydramnios (excessive amniotic fluid) and immediately I was categorised as high risk and told I would need to be kept in hospital. I had no idea what was going on

That night I went into labour during changeover and was in agony as the midwife took over an hour to come. When she came, I was 4cm dilated and she injected pethidine into my thigh which caused me to bleed everywhere but I didn’t care at that point. Went down into the labour ward, had an epidural, everything was okay for a few hours. Then when the time came to push, the epidural failed(?) and I had excruciating pain around where the pethidine was injected. I started vomiting everywhere and the next thing I know, I’m half conscious and overhearing the midwives talking between themselves about the baby’s heart rate dropping and having to take me to the operating theatre. Ended up giving birth in there, with a NICU doctor on standby, I think about 10 people in the room

Luckily she came out fine though struggled to breathe at first. She was born at the cusp of 37 weeks. No NICU needed. However, she was born with an unusual feature and different staff kept coming in to have a look at her. She was one of those babies who never slept so I was knackered and it pissed me off. I also got really bitter because it was a sign of her not being ‘normal’ and on reflection there was evidence of that in my medical notes even before the scan. It seemed wrong for them just to be popping in and lightheartedly being like ‘look at this!’

A week later I got out of hospital and straight away family members were expecting me to dress her up in complicated girly outfits which were too big, uncomfortable and stressed her out. I said fuck this and she lived in sleepsuits for the first few weeks

I would go through it all again in a heartbeat. Sometimes pregnancy and birth can be traumatic and you can have horrible feelings but it’s such an amazing feat
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I have lots, my mother in law told me she thought I was incapable of giving birth (for my first) 🤷‍♀️
For next one, I came home from hospital all seemed ok, my leg started swelling up really badly. Midwife was doing weekly checks and said oh that's totally normal to have one swollen leg after birth. Was back in hospital 2 weeks later with deep vein thrombosis 🙄
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Well-known member
Had a dream pregnancy, loved it, quick birth then two days later was taken back into hospital with sepsis. Had a hysterectomy 3 days afyer giving birth and spent the next 12 days in a coma on life support. Woke up with a trachy in and hooked up to a ventilator and not being able to move a inch due to muscle wastage. Didn't get to see my son for 6 weeks as he wasn't allowed into intensive care. Had to learn to walk again, and spent months having to build my strength up again. My feet were black due to the sepsis and medication I was on and luckily only lost the tips of 5 toes. I say luckily as it was looking like i would lose my feet. My sister came and massaged my legs everyday to get the blood flowing and I believe she saved my feet. Probably took me about 3 years to bond with my son. Still feel angry about missing out on the early days of my son, but he is 7 now and we are very close. Sad that he won't have a sibling tho. Feeling it more during lockdown and him not being able to see his friends. Feel like he is quite lonely at times.
What an awful thing to go through for all your family. But it proves how much of a survivor you are. I'm glad your ok now.
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