Pregnancy/Birth horror stories

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Had a dream pregnancy, loved it, quick birth then two days later was taken back into hospital with sepsis. Had a hysterectomy 3 days afyer giving birth and spent the next 12 days in a coma on life support. Woke up with a trachy in and hooked up to a ventilator and not being able to move a inch due to muscle wastage. Didn't get to see my son for 6 weeks as he wasn't allowed into intensive care. Had to learn to walk again, and spent months having to build my strength up again. My feet were black due to the sepsis and medication I was on and luckily only lost the tips of 5 toes. I say luckily as it was looking like i would lose my feet. My sister came and massaged my legs everyday to get the blood flowing and I believe she saved my feet. Probably took me about 3 years to bond with my son. Still feel angry about missing out on the early days of my son, but he is 7 now and we are very close. Sad that he won't have a sibling tho. Feeling it more during lockdown and him not being able to see his friends. Feel like he is quite lonely at times.
What an awful thing to go through for all your family. But it proves how much of a survivor you are. I'm glad your ok now.
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It’s just extremely uncomfortable. I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but I also feel embarrassed about it too 😂 My partner has told me to go to the doctors but I was checked over twice post pregnancy and both my midwife and GP said everything has healed well and back then I hadn’t even attempted sex, we waited about 2 months after baby was born and that’s when I first realised something didn’t feel right 🤷🏼‍♀️
I had a bad tear and it felt uncomfortable for a good year and that was with everything healing well, definitely worth getting checked. Would only be like having a smear? I must say though that my libido has never returned properly after having kids. It's great when we do it and we're both adventurous but it's like a chore having to make time for it sometimes as you're so knackered in the evenings after working and looking after the kids and then any other time it's quick whilst you get a spare min so doesn't feel the greatest :LOL:
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It took me a long time to want any more babies after my first. Medically the experience probably wasn't bad ( although baby was back to back, I needed lots of stitches and had a pph) but they wrote the birth weight as 3.9kg instead of 3.6kg. They kept me in hospital for 5 days (til I told them I was discharging myself) because they thought baby had lost too much weight and I wasn't breastfeeding properly and lied baby had jaundice ( it didn't say that in my notes). I swore if I ever did have another baby I'd never go back there,I hated the whole experience. Luckily, that maternity unit had closed by the time I had my next baby (after a 10+ year gap).
I also think that the midwives treat young, unmarried first time mothers differently to married mid 30s mothers who've had a baby before.
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I know this may seem a bit off topic... but it’s related to birth so whatever. Does anyone not enjoy sex since giving birth? It’s been 11 months since I had my baby and it just feels so uncomfortable. I never had any problems healing, I only had a second degree tear which healed well. I don’t even have much of a libido anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️
Same, I’m 14 months pp and only this week started to feel a tiny inkling of a sex drive, I wondered whether it’s cos I don’t have my periods back as I’m still breastfeeding so my hormones aren’t ‘normal’ if you get me, also physically it feels uncomfortable, I didn’t tear but I was cut and stitched back up, Healed well but it just doesn’t feel right down there, feels like it’s closed over or something!

Oh and I’m so glad I just put a blanket ban on any visitors to the hospital right before the baby was even born, I couldn’t think of anything more stressful, you need the time to sleep, feed, hold baby, process what has just happened etc, plenty of time for visitors later on
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It took me a long time to want any more babies after my first. Medically the experience probably wasn't bad ( although baby was back to back, I needed lots of stitches and had a pph) but they wrote the birth weight as 3.9kg instead of 3.6kg. They kept me in hospital for 5 days (til I told them I was discharging myself) because they thought baby had lost too much weight and I wasn't breastfeeding properly and lied baby had jaundice ( it didn't say that in my notes). I swore if I ever did have another baby I'd never go back there,I hated the whole experience. Luckily, that maternity unit had closed by the time I had my next baby (after a 10+ year gap).
I also think that the midwives treat young, unmarried first time mothers differently to married mid 30s mothers who've had a baby before.
Oh they definitely do treat young, first time mums differently. Some of them treat you like an idiot. I was 25 when I had my first (not totally young) but I look younger. I had this one particular old midwife who was a real battle axe. Accused me of not feeding my baby enough - he would scream more than any other baby on the ward, bearing in mind that he was also poorly and being treated for an infection. I physically couldn’t get him to feed anymore than he was taking. I felt like such a failure. Not a good way to start motherhood, and her attitude among other things caused me to fall into a depression. I struggled to bond with my son in the first 6 months and felt I wasn’t good enough to be his mum.

With my next baby a few years later, it was like night and day. I was obviously more experienced and confident, the midwives were great and not one bit condescending/patronising.
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Two weeks after my baby was born I had a massive pulmonary embolism and and nearly died - had to spend two days in intensive care. Terrifying and even more so that I have massive health anxiety. Safe to say he is my last! I wasn't high risk either, I'm 21 and not overweight. The birth was super stressful so that's why they think it happened. What us ladies go through!!
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Not me, but my friend has three. Baby one and baby two were both very fast labours and births, so the minute she felt a contraction with baby three (a week early) she though it would be better to go to hospital. She lived about half an hours drive from the hospital and didn't have family nearby so all her (incredibly panicked) husband could do was put her other two children in the back of the car and drive. For some reason, in his panic, he put the Jack Russel in the car too!
Anyway, ten minutes in and she was screaming at him that he needed to pull in because she could feel the head. He pulled up outside a house and ran in for help and to see if they would ring an ambulance (late nineties so not everyone had a mobile).

The couple that lived in the house came out to help. He was a gynaecologist and she was a midwife!!!

They delivered the baby and the ambulance arrived. She'd lost quite a bit of blood, but in the end mother and baby were both fine.

Her husband had the snip after that!
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Not me, but my friend has three. Baby one and baby two were both very fast labours and births, so the minute she felt a contraction with baby three (a week early) she though it would be better to go to hospital. She lived about half an hours drive from the hospital and didn't have family nearby so all her (incredibly panicked) husband could do was put her other two children in the back of the car and drive. For some reason, in his panic, he put the Jack Russel in the car too!
Anyway, ten minutes in and she was screaming at him that he needed to pull in because she could feel the head. He pulled up outside a house and ran in for help and to see if they would ring an ambulance (late nineties so not everyone had a mobile).

The couple that lived in the house came out to help. He was a gynaecologist and she was a midwife!!!

They delivered the baby and the ambulance arrived. She'd lost quite a bit of blood, but in the end mother and baby were both fine.

Her husband had the snip after that!
Oh god the jack Russel part made me laugh so much 🤣 I hope he made a good birthing partner for her!
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Oh god the jack Russel part made me laugh so much 🤣 I hope he made a good birthing partner for her!
Probably better than the poor panicky husband did at the time 😂

Her eldest daughter was almost 8 at the time and can remember it very clearly.
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My mum announced my pregnancy on facebook before I could, all because I told her she could tell some of her friends... (in person)
My OHs auntie announced the death of his grandmother (her mother) on Facebook before the rest of the immediate family had been told. She’d been asked to wait 48hrs as family who live abroad hadn’t all been called yet. Some people have no filter!
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I know this may seem a bit off topic... but it’s related to birth so whatever. Does anyone not enjoy sex since giving birth? It’s been 11 months since I had my baby and it just feels so uncomfortable. I never had any problems healing, I only had a second degree tear which healed well. I don’t even have much of a libido anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think a lot of it is probably your mind rather than body. At that age you are likely exhausted from chasing baby round all day and it's so hard to get " in the mood"

I was exactly the same and it was just too much going on in my head thinking about is the baby going to wake up and all the jobs I needed to do, work , etc

Have u had a night away from the baby just you and your partner?
Not a horror story as such but I suffered with cholastasis in both of my pregnancies, you itch from head to toe 24/7. Your liver basically isn’t working and they get the baby out at 37 weeks due to risk of stillbirth. Being induced at 37 weeks isn’t great, your body just isn’t ready to be in labour. Takes days & days.
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My first pregnancy, midwife doing checks every visit and said baby's head was down, everything ok. I was high risk so had some checks in hospital, different midwife checked me, then did an ultrasound (had 9 in total) got told baby was breech and next thing the obstetrician came in without a word, grabbed hold of baby turned it round and walked back out again, I was screaming in pain. I wish I'd known at the time that was assault, a midwife was stood nearby and just kept saying sorry. If I was given a choice I would've asked for a section, I had so many complications giving birth and also had group b strep but didn't find out until much later when I spotted it in my records, thank god my baby was ok. The obstetrician was a horrible man who mistreated many women.
Group b strep testing should be mandatory on nhs but it is shocking that it isn't.
The same midwife was my labour midwife and she was awful, I was induced and she spent most of the time out of the room, I was pushing for 3.5 hours and had physio and ultrasound therapy afterwards for the injuries. Next one was like shelling peas!
That's absolutely awful, Dr's like rhat should not be allowed to practice. Have you recieved any debrief service?

As an aside the issue with mandatory gbs testing is that the test just says what your status is that day. Women can test positive and then be negative and get unnecessary antibiotics which can result in resistanxe to Antibiotics, or test negative then get gbs later on. Testing much later on can mean the results aren't back before baby is born.

It’s just extremely uncomfortable. I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but I also feel embarrassed about it too 😂 My partner has told me to go to the doctors but I was checked over twice post pregnancy and both my midwife and GP said everything has healed well and back then I hadn’t even attempted sex, we waited about 2 months after baby was born and that’s when I first realised something didn’t feel right 🤷🏼‍♀️
Please don't feel embarrassed, women do go to the Dr for this. Sex should not be uncomfortable and painful sex not something to put up with. Things can be done to help. Things may have healed well but something is causing discomfort.
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It’s just extremely uncomfortable. I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but I also feel embarrassed about it too 😂 My partner has told me to go to the doctors but I was checked over twice post pregnancy and both my midwife and GP said everything has healed well and back then I hadn’t even attempted sex, we waited about 2 months after baby was born and that’s when I first realised something didn’t feel right 🤷🏼‍♀️
It took me years after the kids were born to feel like I actually needed and wanted to have sex again. 🙄

It was uncomfortable and even using lube it just seemed to dry up very quickly 🙈and it sounds horrible but I always felt like I had a million other things I should have been doing instead or just wanted to go to sleep.

We are well past the baby stage now and I definitely have a new renewed libido but it took a looooong time
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That's absolutely awful, Dr's like rhat should not be allowed to practice. Have you recieved any debrief service?
This was in the mid 90s so nothing got done about it but it should still be on my records, I'd hope so anyway. I think (and hope) he's retired now. I needed gynaecology treatment several years later, had a lovely female doctor who left and this monster took over. I told my gp I refused to see him and wanted a female doctor, only to get told I could be sued for discrimination 😳
Also subsequent pregnancies weren't tested for gbs, they just assumed I had it and gave me antibiotics in labour 🤦‍♀️
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This was in the mid 90s so nothing got done about it but it should still be on my records, I'd hope so anyway. I think (and hope) he's retired now. I needed gynaecology treatment several years later, had a lovely female doctor who left and this monster took over. I told my gp I refused to see him and wanted a female doctor, only to get told I could be sued for discrimination 😳
Also subsequent pregnancies weren't tested for gbs, they just assumed I had it and gave me antibiotics in labour 🤦‍♀️
Yeah if someone has had gbs in prev pregnancies and baby was affected we offer abx anyway

You won't be sued for discrimination, plenty of women have reasons for requesting female Dr. I hate it when healthcare workers try and scare women into accepting things.
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