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Well-known member
Me too, it is gone a terrible app.
I cant stand him either, more so since he asked his followers to pay for him to extend his holiday in Benidorm last year so he could be with his new boyfriend who he just met over there and the fools sent him money to his PayPal.
I watched a bit of his live yesterday from the outside, he said come on let's get on the rising stars, the more gifts the better šŸ˜” I dont think he realises that to get anywhere close to the leaderboard he needs to be on for reset, have some battles lined up and get quite a few biggish gifts, he hasnt a clue what the leaderboard is or how to get on it. A few Roses is not going to keep him topped up.
Yes exactly the gifters gave him money like idiots.He's no shame and just has horrible like the rest of the scum on that app.He must be short of money,maybe because he took time off work to look after his boyfriend while he had operation.Think he does know how to work the begging side of the app,but dosn't have the followers or the clout he gained off banterqueen in the past.They fell out and ended friendship mutually because she threatened him if said her name in anyway for clout she would reveal something she had on him.If was true we will never know now.All went sour when he used her name while she was in hmp to get gifts when people thought was for her,then stole majority of it.
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VIP Member
What do people make of him?

All I know is he is Elsa frosts best mate, seems to of been very supportive of Elsa through all the court stuff and while she is in jail. But now it seems to have stolen money from her or something. He was crying on his live saying he would never do that šŸ¤”

I don't know much more about the bloke, didn't they become friends because Chelsey hardwood lost him his job so Elsa ' took him under her wing?'
He lost his carers job because he was mass reported for doing tiktoks whilst on duty , think CH had abandoned in it as it was her supporters reporting but he was in a position of responsibility , who'd want a care assistant looking after their nan but more bothered about tiktok
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Well-known member
He's been getting on my nerves for a while now.Always on the beg like the rest of them.Started to think something creepy about him with his attitude when he was getting all the gifts,which people thought was going to banterqueen when in prison.Must have made quite a bit off her back no wonder they fell out.His singing as got worse as well.He's very manipulating how he gets his followers to gift.There all daft when he has a good job and his own money.
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VIP Member
Why are people so stupid in giving these saddos money. How about giving money to unicef instead.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone know what's happened with him and elsa? He's live with his brother now his brother is telling him to stay away after what happened in the live and the way he spoke to jenny keeps getting brought up
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VIP Member
Hi he's on live now scrounging for money to stay longer in benidorm with his boyfriend.unbelievable cheek & people are giving it him.Are they crazy,whys his problems to do with anyone else.Why don't he ask his boyfriend to help out while over there instead of manipulating people on his live.More fool them.
Yeah so cheeky sending these mugs his PayPal!
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Last time I saw him on live he was saying he was now a care home manager, it might not have been a live actually maybe a video? but anyway he was saying he got the job etc so I wonder whatā€™s happened with that?!
I think he has done that and worn the uniform, hes popped up on my FYP a lot lately from his partners Mums house but I havent had the time nor the interest to find out what's going on, each time I've heard him say let's get the gifts in to try and get on the rising stars šŸ™„
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Basically, when Elsa first went into prison, he was on lives and everyone was sending gifts to him to pass onto Elsa. Two days later, albeit very quietly and never repeated he told people any gifts he got were his and people can just send them to Elsa whens she's out. People have constantly been gifting him under the impression they are going to Elsa. Therefore technically he's used her money. She won't be happy about that at all! To be expected tho as she does it with everyone, can't keep a friend for long!
Yes I seen all the gifting coming in i assumed for Elsa why would anyone be gifting him.
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VIP Member
What do people make of him?

All I know is he is Elsa frosts best mate, seems to of been very supportive of Elsa through all the court stuff and while she is in jail. But now it seems to have stolen money from her or something. He was crying on his live saying he would never do that šŸ¤”

I don't know much more about the bloke, didn't they become friends because Chelsey hardwood lost him his job so Elsa ' took him under her wing?'
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Chatty Member
Did anyone see the ticktock he did with elsa in that while dress she's a 40 year old woman and has kids and grandkids and she's got everything on show put it away love I would be ashamed if she was my mum or grandma
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Well-known member
Last time I saw him on live he was saying he was now a care home manager, it might not have been a live actually maybe a video? but anyway he was saying he got the job etc so I wonder whatā€™s happened with that?!
Hi yes my thoughts exactly,he only recently started going live again and I was wondering too why he not at work.Unless he on hols or been sacked.Only turns up when after money off his gullible followers.Can't stand him and all the other begs on that app it's so damaging to people's mh now and so toxic.
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