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Chatty Member
How many likes did this get? The ‘girlie’ stuff was covered on the last thread but no actual adult female would say this about themselves
Over 70 likes in the space of an hour 🙃 and in the comments someone said they know him from seeing posts in the Popsy Clothing group and his response was about it being a “Popsy in the virtual wild” 🤮

His comparison between Taylor doing her re-recordings to own her work and him taking control of his life leaves a bad taste, and the reference to “girlhood” go away you’re a creepy grown man.
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Chatty Member
The best thread title 😂
Weirdly I stopped seeing Popsy posts on my Facebook timeline for a while but they are back now. Did the mystery of Timara disappearing every get resolved?

That dress is awful. The front tie and the tiered part starting so high up
Also are those little shrugs back in fashion? I remember that from the late 90’s/early 2000’s.
It seems like he went for a popsy meet up with a certain person from the group who knew all about this thread and so he found out that not everyone thinks he’s ‘popsypretty’.
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Chatty Member
I’m generally very supportive of trans individuals.

that said, I do get irritated reading the same essay of “this is all about meeeee” in every bloody group I’m in. Danielle and I share a LOT of groups and I definitely eye roll when I see ANOTHER essay three or four times,

just live your life. It doesn’t have to be your super special unique ✨pink and sparkly✨ life. Just live your life and stop going on about it
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VIP Member
I think this might be a me problem, but the Popsy Pretty thing bothers me. I don't think pretty is something to aspire to past about 25. Stylish? Yes. Attractive? Yes. Pretty? Nah, no thanks.
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VIP Member
Popsy cunt = the ones who claim to hand out the business cards to people who compliment them on their sweaty bobbly delights.
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I'm wearing nice clothes, made from natural fibres and everything fits. Not a word from anybody all day. I'm absolutely raging!
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VIP Member
The best thread title 😂
Weirdly I stopped seeing Popsy posts on my Facebook timeline for a while but they are back now. Did the mystery of Timara disappearing every get resolved?
Not a good idea to filter on a carpet with lines. View attachment 3022820
That dress is awful. The front tie and the tiered part starting so high up
Also are those little shrugs back in fashion? I remember that from the late 90’s/early 2000’s.
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Itchy of Itchington

Well-known member
I am astounded at how high she's pulled that little thin belt tie. I have big boobs too so I know that the waist lines of dresses and tops can get pulled up higher than they should sit but that's actually deliberately been pulled up under her boobs so the rest of the dress flows out to make her look slimmer .
That ruffle on that dress is awful. Flounces and frills are a sign of a manufacturer trying to save money on making longer dresses. Much cheaper to add a rectangle of extra fabric to the hem than to cut a longer skirt block. It's like a dropped waist design except it already has a waist in it about a foot higher. Absolutely awful design
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VIP Member
It’s perfectly understandable, your phone obviously expects you to write “cunt” more often than “cult” and has kindly corrected your typo for you 😂
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NPR (sorry 🤣) but Manielle has joined a Swifties Facebook group I’m in with his biro boob line 🤮
does he ever ask about anyone else or comment on anyone else’s posts? I’ve never come across such a self centred individual. Mind you why would he when he gets fawned over by a bunch of daft women at the drop of a hat
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Chatty Member
Someone else complaining that no one commented on or complimented their dress 🙄
No-one’s complimented my outfit today either - boo-hoo. I’m wearing gym wear and have barely left the house, but still probably look better than the majority of those bobbled dresses!
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