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Chatty Member
The new rules don't suit my style of shopping . Pre-lockdown I was the kind of person who loved browsing, drifting around stores taking everything in, going back and forth selecting things and putting other things back, etc etc. All these new rules seem awfully militant and are going to suck all of the fun out of it for me, I know I would just find it extremely stressful.

That's just my personal opinion of course!
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Iconic Member
The scenes from penny’s (primark) in Ireland are the level of embarrassment a nation can’t recover from easily.....

queuing in the lashing rain at 5.30am (when the store didn’t open until 10.30) for 2 quid tee shirts is a certain type of insanity I don’t understand,
and we’re gonna need to explain it to the next generation.

i can’t explain it. I can’t do it 😐

not planning to go shopping (bar groceries) until things settle,
I dislike people more than I like the ring of a checkout.
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chocolate choux

VIP Member
I will out of necessity - my daughter needs some new clothes and her body shape makes shopping online difficult. But I won’t be shopping for leisure / just having a look around because I’m bored. Too much hassle and honestly I feel like I’ve been weaned off of that lifestyle

That video makes me feel glad I don’t work in retail anymore
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VIP Member
Yeah I really don't understand the logic of queuing all night to get into Primark either. I'm sure I read somewhere they can't afford to do much of a sale anyway so it will just be normal fare. It is almost as if people are scared they will run out of clothes to sell by the time they get there.
What's the point of queuing to buy clothes in Primark they will only go bobbly after one wash anyway. :rolleyes:
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When I go shopping I like to meander, browse, take my time, go back on myself and generally take my time and enjoy it. This new way is the complete opposite of how I like to shop so until things are relaxed I’m going to avoid.
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VIP Member
I might go eventually but certainly not next week. Primark will be packed tomorrow..well outside will :giggle: and the thing with going shopping is if you are going in a car how much will parking cost if you have to queue outside every shop!

I LOVE a good browse around shops but I was starting to feel tired of my city centre before lockdown due to crowds, not quite at the level of agoraphobia but new anxieties of being in busy spaces. Looking at the videos of what you can and can't do in the shops I'm probably going to stick to buying clothes at Sainsburies or online. Size wise I am pretty consistent across brands and shops. I know friends who only buy clothes they've tried on and are prepared to just wait until next year. Cosidering how quickly this summer is disappearing I can imagine it being Christmas before we know it and I'd want to avoid city centres then also. I will try to pop to my local village gift shops etc to support them though, it will be a rough time for them.
This is another thing the no trying on clothes before you buy, if they dont fit you have to come back again. Its easier to just order it online.
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Chatty Member
I haven’t read much about it! What sort of things are they putting in place? The whole fun is shopping is browsing 😢
From what I've read in various places - limiting the number of people in a shop, and limiting the number of people in the queue outside too so you may not even be able to join the queue to get in, one way systems (marked with arrows right from the entrance), 2 metre marking stickers on the floor (so not allowed to enter a 'zone' if another person is stood there), changing rooms either fully closed or quarantining clothes for anything between 24-72 hours once tried on, not allowed to touch things unless you intend to buy (these items may have a quarantining rule too if you want to put them back) temperature checks on entry.

I think each shop will have a slightly different mix of rules, but even if every shop is vaguely like the above it's going to be a nightmare. I used to lovely casually strolling around clothes shops, rummaging through rails, feeling the material, trying things on - it's not going to be a very relaxing experience any more!

OBVIOUSLY I understand why they're bringing all of this in, and I'm not saying I disagree with it, just saying I will still be avoiding shops for now. I miss the pre-covid simpler times 😔
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VIP Member
I'd rather not but I really need new pyjamas and I'm really fussy so I only really like primark ones cause of the shape.

Side note: I did NOT realise how little pairs of pyjamas I own until it was the only thing I've been wearing 🤣 🤣
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Chatty Member
This looks like way too much effort for me, id rather buy less or buy online than bother going to the high street seeing what going to Primark will entail:

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VIP Member
I LOVE a good browse around shops but I was starting to feel tired of my city centre before lockdown due to crowds, not quite at the level of agoraphobia but new anxieties of being in busy spaces. Looking at the videos of what you can and can't do in the shops I'm probably going to stick to buying clothes at Sainsburies or online. Size wise I am pretty consistent across brands and shops. I know friends who only buy clothes they've tried on and are prepared to just wait until next year. Cosidering how quickly this summer is disappearing I can imagine it being Christmas before we know it and I'd want to avoid city centres then also. I will try to pop to my local village gift shops etc to support them though, it will be a rough time for them.
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VIP Member
I think I’ll wait at least a week. I know it’ll still be busy but the first week will just be a bit too much I think. Imagine the queue outside primark! They’re doing one in one out. I think you’ll spend most of the day just outside waiting.
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VIP Member
I love shopping! I’m well known for my love of it! But I’ve saved so much during lockdown, I’ve realised how much I’ve spent on make-up, clothes, shoes etc.....I’m in no rush to shop, but I’d find it hard to enjoy at the moment
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chocolate choux

VIP Member
Just got back from shopping and it was fine. Few shops had queues outside, most I could enter without waiting. Staff by the door counting people in and out as well as explaining the rules. Optional hand sanitiser on the way in/out. Markings on the floor/one way systems but less restrictive than in supermarkets & I’m used to it at this point anyway. Very few staff around to enforce the rules though most people were following them. My only complaint is that some of the changes are poorly thought out, for example other entrances/exits were closed off making it harder to social distance. Plus the sales weren’t great :ROFLMAO:

I was pleasantly surprised though, I assumed it’d be tedious and stressful but actually it felt pretty natural
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VIP Member
FFS I’m torn now. I’ve seen some videos of Primark once you’re inside and it looks like heaven! No crowds or hoards of smelly chavs throwing £2 tops on the floor. Calm, organised, neat. I want to go now before normality returns 😂
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My work hours mean I couldn’t even if I wanted to 😂

I couldn’t be bothered queuing outside to get into shops when I don’t really need anything anyway. I have been to homesense and m and s this week though. Homesense wasn’t busy and it’s distancing set up was good too.
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VIP Member
I know someone in that primark video back of head shot an old manager lol as i work in retail myself im not going to go. I'm going to work then go back home when i do actually go back ha

Edit just watched the video above definitely saw them 😭😂
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