I don’t know her personally, just know of her and a girl who used to work for her. She does nice things on camera but everything nice she does she will record. She might be nice but she’s so fake and not very transparent. When she first started releasing makeup loads of people weren’t getting their products and weren't getting any replies to their emails because her work/professional side is crap. She’s too dumb to run a business. When people were asking where their products were on the PLouise insta page, they would get blocked just for asking a question. I assume she has more people working for her now but she does employ her fans off social media instead of seeking professionals that have experience. But nobody stays working for her for more than a few months apart from her trashy Aunty. She claims she started from the bottom because she got a loan from the bank but every business starts like that except for the odd one. Nearly every business starts with some savings and a loan. Thats how thick she is.
So you don’t know her but have managed to come to this conclusion based on... not knowing her.
Got it...
She seems incredibly humble to me, always offering discounts, donated thousands for Oopsy Daisy/Daisy Ellis the 21 year old who recently died of cancer sadly, she also donated her own money for Charlie Gard if anyone remembers the heartbreaking story involving him, she didn’t actually mention the donation she gave for him, it was the family who did.
She’s also given free courses to quite a few girls via Instagram one being a single mother who sent her a DM about being a big fan of Paige’s and wishing she could afford the course and Paige gave her the course for free, again Paige never mentioned this, I remember the girl writing a really long comment of gratitude on one of Paige’s posts, then she screenshot it and put it on her story about wanting to give as many people a chance as she could.
In regards to the loan, if you followed her story and actually listened to it you’d know that she originally borrowed money off her Nan in order to start and then eventually got a bank loan after a while. She tells the story regularly and the story is always the same, it didn’t start with a bank loan, it started with her Nan borrowing her cash I think it was something like £3,000, and her first venture being a fail where she mentioned only three people turned up to her “launch”, the rest were friends and family and her dad was really disappointed, and then it took off from there, I remember all that well as the whole story was quite inspiring on how she sold her car and didn’t give up.
Her mum has recently battled cancer and won and her stories in regards to her mums treatment and journey were incredibly raw and relatable, and the “Health” party she threw her mum as a celebration for beating cancer was really sweet, the way she cates for her brothers is amazing too.
Coming from a rough family isn’t an insult, she has never hidden that she came from nothing, infact she mentions it a lot.
I think she’s a great young business woman who is doing a lot of positivity in this industry, many women older than her should take a leaf out of her book.
Theres not really anything factual in your quote since you don’t know the girl but have come to the conclusion she’s thick which is strange. You sure there isn’t an agenda in your post?