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Of course, I didn't say that. But of instead of such "robust discussion" as "can't be arsed", why not specify what you think is particularly British.
I don't think the discussion is really around Nigel and his fans saying we don't like immigrants/expats in Britain, or anything that isn't British, or that some migrants being here don't make Britain feel British. It's about some very specific migration situations that are just overkill. The comment you were responding to was saying it's okay that no English is heard on a South London train, or that mass, unbeneficial immigration is okay just because Britain was built around immigration. Nobody's objecting to the concept of immigration in Britain, or that it wasn't partly built on immigration.
It's a good question and I almost think someone who's not from a big multicultural city like me would be better at answering it. There's a lot about English ( I can't speak for the other UK countries) culture that's celebrated all over the world, from quaint Harry Potteresque things to classical architecture to our Tudor and Georgian history to British words and dialect (Cockney is dying out) to lovely country houses to high tea culture etc. I don't really feel that's first and foremost in big cities any more; they've just become a mishmash of too many cultures and too crowded. It wasn't like that in say the 80s.
I guess on a really base level people who have a British sense of humour and community spirit, which has held us together since the world wars. That's what people don't like about all of this and why Nige has gained his following. It's not very British to hear no English spoken on a train, or not to be able to joke with people in the shopping queue because they've only been here a few years and either don't speak the language well enough or understand British sarcasm.
Really interesting question though! I just think we need to stick to what makes us unique :)
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Have you driven on a motorway recently
I very regularly drive over 200 miles from one part of the UK to another and have done since the mid 2000's (and also to various other parts miles away) and haven't noticed a difference, bar the endless stream of roadworks that seem absolutely never ending (although I like the 50mph bits as I usually have a fag then 🤣). I'm genuinely curious about this comment.
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Maybe you don't live in an area populated by them? I do not have a peanut allergy nor know anyone else with one but still understand others do have a problem with peanuts
I live in a city which has a very ethnically diverse population. The vast majority of our street homeless people (particularly the groups) are White British or a combination of ethnicities.
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I absolutely agree with you. Not everyone on the Left is like that, obvs (I have loads of Leftie mates who don’t call me a thick Brexiteer gammon, and we happily agree to disagree), but a sizeable and vociferous number which I honestly don’t think you get on the Right.
Oh definitely agree about the left there (and I know and correct similar friends myself). I do think it's similar on the right too though, it's just it tends to be more online perhaps?
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Chatty Member
I’d say racism is discriminating against someone because of their skin colour. Not culture.
I’d say it isn’t not wanting Britain overrun with people who aren’t British, whatever colour they are
Over run by people who aren’t British?
So you aren’t fussed about what colour someone is just as long as they are British? If not you don’t want them overrunning this country? That is racism in a nutshell.
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It might be the easiest thing to see the problem as your nationality, but I wouldn't take it to heart. These things happen with British born citizens when they move to other cities and ofc we have a strong class hierarchy. Something as simple as a different accent can make others react to us very differently!
Can people understand you? Can you understand them? These things can cause people to just talk to their own crowd as otherwise it may be too much effort.
Someone from the North of England living in the south of vice versa may always be classed as a tourist by strangers every day even if they've lived in that area for decades.
😂😂 I speak English and people can understand me perfectly and I understand them !! 😂😂 but I do think even the English stick to their own and yes the English are very class focussed. I had never experienced it living in London so I find it quite shocking and narrow minded but hey ho, nout as queer as folk 🙃
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They're not obsessed with ranting about migrants being housed in hotels, are they?
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VIP Member
Oh that’s interesting! That sounds pretty xenophobic, I’m sorry :(

Before I get a pile on from anti Nigers, the discussion is around mass immigration, not a load of wankers who were xenophobic to poor Rose 🌹
At least you tried!
Everryone’s always laughed at xenophobic Little Englanders. There’s a whole Little Britain sketch around it.
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Have you driven on a motorway recently, sat in an A&E waiting room or tried to get a doctor’s appointment?
I had no idea that the queue of immigrants entering the country stretches along motorways.
Net migration was about 672k, so just under 1% of the population. The non-clinical roles stuff needs addressing, there's absolutely no need for it.
There are way too many unnecessary admin roles. But obviously, there isn't the political will since 2010 to fund the NHS appropriately, as you say.
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