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Just listened to/read Lizzie's stories. Hope the person on here who said she was "punching up" feels as shit as they deserve to
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Nic lost a lot of sympathy due to fleecing her flock at every turn, living a very nice lifestyle off the back of money donated by many people who could ill afford it.
Apart from breast examination awareness (which unless you're living a hermit lifestyle in a cave) we all are already aware of, she's done fuck all to promote anything apart from herself.
She doesn't speak to real stage 4 women who can't afford to piss off on holiday every couple of months as they still have to work and have responsibilities.
I save my sympathies for those women, not a spoilt airhead with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old.
And that's being generous.
Yes, I know Nic may die today or a day very soon and that's desperately sad but doesn't alter the fact she is still an arrogant, greedy, selfish person.
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Can someone tell me who PTWN, Mrs. Hinch and Stacey Solomon are? Lifestyle huns?

Also when someone mentioned up there about the queen dying I thought it was an instahun then I realised it's the actual queen. Derp!
Don’t even pay PTWM a second thought. I know her personally and she’s a dreaming lying scumbag.
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I think her scrolling insta and not updating people is absolutely the best thing while she processes what’s happening. Maybe she can’t find the words or just needs this time. She doesn’t owe anyone an update but because of the circus she’s created people think she is wrong for not sharing whatever she is doing. I really hope she has other options as much as the ads are annoying maybe she can be a little bit more real (not reel)
i feel that this time is a little different but we may be wrong and a reel and ad is incoming
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Sure it doesn't always mean EOL Nic, but you've done your level best to give people the impression that's what is happening. All the subtle digs because she's pissed off people are expecting anything of her, don't fuck around with people's emotions then? Simple solution tbh.
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Hèr sister hates being on IG. Wonder if she's let NN film it cos of her situation. I didn't realise whatshername was 40!
Never have 2 sisters looked less like each other. Imagine being (ahem) a large lady and seeing NN in the past bang on about her hip dips and huge belly.
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She will even get an ad in at her own funeral somehow I’m sure of it
Here lies Nicknacklou - buried wearing women’s best leggings- of course because they are sooooo comfy - the only choice to wear for eternity!
Click here to buy…….

(Sorry for my dark humour here but she makes me so cross - almost as much as bowelbro with their making a mockery of terminal cancer - urgh!)

BAFTA - Best Attempt At Filming Terrible Ads?
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The vp
Absolutely ridiculous post. She clearly doesn’t give a monkeys about her followers as she’s been quite well enough to read comments, answer comments to friends regarding their posts. It’s just not justifiable or in my opinion not a good enough excuse for her radio silence. It’s deliberate and manipulative behaviour 💯. It’s also been happening for well over a year so tell me it’s her mental instability?! I’ll call bullshit on that.
She is not a very nice genuine woman. I’m pretty appalled tbh. She chose this lifestyle not you or me She did so………
voice is back. But it slips very quickly when talking to Alex us or nurses.
She's been online all week. She's liked and been seen online.
She's just creating the reel so she can collate it all together. Bloods taken in hospital are done at certain times,done before certain times in shifts so you can literally ask for the results within the next hour. Or certainly for when the next ward round is.
And even if she doesnt have updates.she said that was the past 6 days she filmed that. Filmed that. So she has been at her phone and able to film. But it didn't look as horrible just to "release" one of those segments on her stories,one segment at a time. But ooh how harrowing does it look put together.
She knows what she's doing.
There has been many opportunity's to update.and its not like she's taking time out or "sleeping or eating" because she just said herself she's filmed those bits.and she HAS been seen online.
This ISNT lack of empathy or being deluded that its a struggle. But having cancer doesn't mean she's not a twat. And she is repeating this emotional manipulation every single time.
She's waiting for the maximum engagement reel. She waiting to collate vids together for added effect.and she has waited to update people and their comments and messages.
This is typical influencer brand of nicky behaviour.

I have empathy for someone with cancer.
I don't have any empathy for someone using their cancer in This way. It makes her an extra type of shit for doing so.
Every part of that footage and talk was for effect.curated.shot.edited for maximum impact.
Scripted carefully. And we've all seen how long she takes per f* photo. She showed us herself, what goes into each of her edits.
So I'm sorry I won't be told to not think this behaviour is gross.
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Chatty Member
No one ever said it wasn't sad. It's tragic for anyone her age but she has fleeced her fans out of £££'s for years and had a wonderful life off the back of it. There are right now people dying in the same way as her who have been working fulltime, raising kids, havent had a holiday, living in cramped housing, had their spouse/partner leave them etc..
Nicky is a greedy, selfish woman and her inevitable decline doesn't change anything.
Don't feel bad for anything you've said or thought previously. It's all true.
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It's just really fucking heartbreaking. I honestly can't bare thinking what must be going on in her head, I suppose nomatter what she is facing she's always been able to think the EOL decline is a problem for another day, but if that day is coming, well most people won't ever think of that reality unless you've been through similar or watched loved ones. It's such a fucking evil disease and I'm so desperately sad for her and Alex. There aren't words really. I want to believe this is bad infection or something and she can come back from it and have some more time, but nothing seems to be pointing toward her bloods improving to give her that :'(
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Does this woman consent to an image she sent privately of her in hospital being shared on Insta as part of an ad?!
There ain’t nothing better than a bald headed woman with a nasal tube in, to increase the chances of people clicking her affiliate link. Whether it’s her bald head or someone else’s, it’s all fair game to Nick. I can’t even imagine looking at that picture of my “friend” and wanting to screenshot it and use it in that way. Blows my mind. Even if she had asked her for consent, why would you even ask? Wild.
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Because, IMO and in my brief stint into viewing these health "influencers", I've finally come to realise there is a significant disconnect between viewers and IG /YT content creators.

They (mostly) treat content as an advertising "job", whilst we become emotionally invested in the individual and their personal struggles.

Mostly for them, outside of the adulation and compensation factors, they can take us or leave us at a whim. Their loyalty isn't to us, it's to their benefactors. Her GFM is for a "living list". Well, she ensures she includes her fancy holidays to show that those funds are hard at work.

Is it right? Is it fair? Depends on your understanding of the disparate positions we hold. If you view the entire relationship from NNL's perspective, she's no more than an actress promoting various products through her cancer narrative and by cultivating as many sheep as possible. We don't expect actresses we see in product commercials to update us on their lives. To them, they are being paid to promote products and that's the extent which ends at the conclusion of the commercial. They are paid to sell us a narrative to capture our interest, whether it has included personal factors to persuade us or not. I believe that's how NNL views us.

To me, she doesnt "owe" me anything as that's not her modus operandi. I shouldn't expect something it was never her intention to give. Her content has been a means to an end to produce a financial stream. She therefore would not feel she ever "owed" her viewers a health update once she's satisfied the terms of her contracts of using her narrative to sell products. Her obligation is to her financial backers, not to the consumers.

That's how I've come to view this relationship. It helps to make sense why I should not "expect" anything from her since her loyalty and narrative are geared towards how best to capitalise on her advertising relationships. It has absolutely nothing to do with producing an authentic, timely biography which, sadly, is what her viewers actually want.

Gosh, there’s so much to unpack here and I reckon a dissertation or two can be written (and probably already have) on the nature of influencing and the audiences they are using to earn a living.

I get the logic behind your argument but what’s missing is the ‘social’ part of all this. This is social media not traditional media and whatever you believe Nic’s view is - she has built her brand, and her ability to monetise her audience on the back of parasocial relationships with the people who follow her.

Her ‘fans’ feel a deep connection to her - even more so than you would a beauty influencer, because of the fact that she’s a terminal cancer patient - they follow her for any number of reasons within that paradigm (hope, advice, the feeling of being seen, grief tourism, inspiration porn; the list is endless) They have become invested in her journey way beyond that of an actress on TV and Nic has used this to her benefit in the form of donations to her Go Fund Me, free shit and compensation from brands.

So while she may not owe her followers anything contractually, it’s not unreasonable to expect a level of authenticity, especially given the deep connection and subject matter.

It’s all so murky and multi-layered and deserves a much deeper analysis than what I’ve given above but that’s my 2 cents, back of fag packet, dive
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What’s that saying? Don’t hate the player, hate the game?

What’s really fucked about all this is how totally fucked up social media can be and how it enables people dying in real time to act in all types of ways that can have a real and lasting impact on those that follow them. There can be immense good in that (BB, her fund, her ability to raise bowel cancer awareness) and on the flipside so much darker stuff too.

Real (old) media as much as it’s lost a lot of credibility (fake news era etc etc) at least there’s built-in checks and balances and accountability for the way things are portrayed, the messages that are put across and the impact they can have. I know, I know that it’s not perfect and there’s a whole nest of issues there too, but that’s a whole other conversation.

As has been said time and time again on here - the toxic positivity Nic has made her USP, has so much potential to cause damage. Look at Alex, he’s obviously really struggling (as anyone would) and the constant ‘playing for the camera’ when he can only be dying inside must be all kinds of awful. Dying, and watching someone close to you deteriorate to the point of no return, is horrifying and scary. Trying to gloss over that does nothing to help people in the same situation. Add to that all the rotten engagement tactics and it’s just a clusterfuck of horridness. Social media enables it all and I guess certain personality types will take advantage of that.

I guess there are two types of people in this world (reductive but it works for my shallow take) - those who want the positivity as a way of dealing with the inevitable wretched end that cancer brings - they end up devoted followers of accounts like Nic’s.

And then the realists.

They end up here.

The one true thing we can all agree on whatever side of the fence you’re on is that cancer if fucking terrible and what Nicky, Alex and her family are now facing is one of life’s cruellest blows.
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Not gonna lie and maybe I'm a hypocrite too but I really struggled with this today and just need to vent my feelings.
For 3 years I though NNL was great, reminded of my bestie who had the same cancer/progression and who I miss every day in life (by god she was a force of nature).
Then I saw the ads and the fakeness if I can say that and obvs reading here made me angry.
I think she's been in denial and I feel like Alex is struggling too. It can't be easy for her family.
I'd got my OH involved in her journey and he was always asking but I haven't told him the 'other' side of what I've seen. Not gonna lie I've cried today about her situation, maybe too close to home for me.
My bestie deteriorated late Feb with similar symptoms and passed on April 2nd but everyone is different.
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What gets me though, is that when she’s “silent”, she will still have been collecting pictures and videos during the silence, ready to be uploaded whenever she does come back on. And that’s the kind of bullshit that annoys me with her. It’s manipulative because people will have been genuinely concerned about her silence but actually she’s still been able to take videos and pictures. She’s just waiting and making people worry for no reason.
this is what really irritates me. she is active on IG, so is very aware that her followers are worried, as there are endless comments left on her recent posts where people are highlighting their anxieties about her not having posted, plus the huge amount of concerned DMs she will be receiving. she doesn't need to share a reel or a lengthy post, or even share stories where she is talking or showing her face - a simple captioned story with an update that she is okay, just doesn't have the energy to post on IG or reply to messages or whatever, just to reassure her followers who are obvs going to worry when she is someone who generally posts multiple stories on a daily basis!if she is well enough to be active on IG, she is well enough to share a very basic update to ease people's anxiety, yet instead she seems to thrive on the concern and anxieties of people who support her and really care about her, which is incredibly manipulated and twisted, especially because we all know she does it specifically as an engagement tactic! and tbh, what's worse is that one the days she goes totally silent and is giving the impression she is exhausted and feeling too rough to use IG, she is filming constantly, taking photos etc and focusing on content so that she can then return with an edited reel, all positive and silver linings, very much highlighting that she absolutely was capable of reassuring her followers, yet instead chose not to despite being aware they were worried!
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Chatty Member
Well, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. Isn’t that the saying?

She’s used Instagram to feed her financial and emotional needs for many years. She can’t complain, now that the monster wants payback.

What’s really irritated me about the lobster photo is how set up it is. If it was a spontaneous act, to make her laugh, the bloody toilet sign would be showing.

Every single thing she does is contrived.
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