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What do people think about the Chickenpox vaccine? A few people in my NCT group have gone for it and looking at the research it looks like it's not offered in the UK because it's not cost effective for the NHS. However if it saves him a week - 10 days off of nursery and suffering with it, it seems worth paying for?
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I would take him to the doctor. And I only say this, because we’re at 15 months and still struggling and still being fobbed off. I’m sure you already have but water, fibre, pears, prunes are meant to help, if they’re not, go to a doctor. Not because there’s anything super wrong but registering the issue might help if it’s prolonged like us x
Sorry to hear your little one is struggling too. Did it start when introducing solids?
I have been and they prescribed lactulose, but I think I’ll be going back to them next week!
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It could just be him messing about as you say, but worth keeping an eye on and logging when they happen/for how long and how he seems before, during and after so that if it carries on you can see the GP for advice and go armed with information. Please try not to worry, it's probably nothing but it's good to monitor just in case ❤
Thanks, yeah I will make a note. Trying to get a video of it but he stops…. He only does it like 2/3 times. Hopefully just something he’s copying
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Anyone had experience of cradle cap on the face, specifically between eyebrows? I can see scales appearing on my little ones face. How can keep it moisturised, clean, whilst removing the scales so close to his eyes?
So a friend has told me about this, which was reccomended from a dermatologist, I'll link it below, it is basically snail serum, good for many issues and have been using on my own face for a while and helped with various issues. Have started putting it onto my daughters head as she has a bit of cradle cap, pop it on when it's slightly damp and sinks in really quickly. Make sure you get the serum and not the cream.
Amazon product

Edit to add, don't think the link worked. It's available from Amazon


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Did anyone else suffer with pain around their pubic bone? I had bad PGP during pregnancy which made moving around difficult, especially turning in bed, getting out of the car etc. Since having wee one I've had really bad pain around my pubic bone and had difficulty with similar movements. Is this lingering effects of PGP? Is there anything I can do to make it better? Trying to get an appointment with a GP is impossible and I've been told the 6 week check will likely be quite late 😬 it's not getting worse but it's also not getting better, which after 4 weeks I kind of hoped it would 😬
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Are you in the UK? If so you can call 111 for advice/assessment, they can either rush a GP appointment for you or assess over the phone and prescribe antibiotics etc if appropriate. They were great when I was worried I had an infection on my episiotomy scar and got me in with the GP within a couple of days. Hope you feel better soon ❤

@Ro98 @WeHadFunRight thank you for the insight/advice! The appointment was amazing, I could honestly cry with happiness! The doctor was SO lovely and said I've done amazingly managing what he thinks is likely to be CMPA on my own (due to lack of GP support) - he agreed to prescribe a special CMPA formula, has given me a link to follow for advice about managing it and doing the milk ladder, and has referred him to a dietician who should be in touch in 2-4 weeks. He said I can go back for review within 6 months if I think there's more happening with him that the formula isn't resolving, and he gave baby b a cat sticker for his red book ❤❤❤

I felt so validated and listened to, he didn't challenge me or question my opinion once, he just listened and then said "you've done so much research and know what you're talking about, the GP probably didn't see all the symptoms because you've done so well trying to treat them yourself, I'm sorry we didn't help you sooner" 😭😭😭

Got the formula from the hospital pharmacy and will make a few bottles tonight ready for tomorrow - I'm ready to use dentinox to mask the smell/taste like I had to when I moved him to comfort formula 🤣

I’m in Ireland but thank you ❤
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Baby Biscuit was standing up from sitting for a good few weeks before she walked. She would just get up and stand on the spot doing whatever she was doing, then when she got fed up she'd just plop back down again. She walked at 13 months.

Her big Brother didn't walk until 16 months, and for the first couple of months would either crawl to the furniture and pull himself up, or screech at us until someone stood him up. It took him ages to realise he could do that part himself 😂
Ah ok interesting, so they don’t always have to stand unaided first. I just can’t imagine baby wotsit being able to stand without furniture to assist. But then they all of a sudden just do stuff don’t they!
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The last week or so of getting TF to sleep at night have been hell. She used to have her bottle then snuggle down to sleep with a cuddle. Currently she’s throwing herself about into all sorts of yoga positions, she’s been bouncing like a mentalist and wagging her finger in my face. It’s like looking after someone who’s just had their first drink.

What does your bedtime routine look like, whether you cosleep or not? If you put baby in their cot I assume they’re awake? How do you get them to lie down? How old is your baby?

She’s currently headbutting my knee and I can’t take much more of this.
We do the same every bedtime routine each night, but adjust timings based on when she woke up, what her naps have been like & how tired she is.
Bath, calming music whilst she gets her PJs on, bottle, cuddle to sleep (although she is normally asleep when she's taking her bottle), and put her down in her cot.
Although the past 2 nights she's been a nightmare & we have had to co-sleep to get any sleep but we think she's struggled with cows milk so have put her back on formula today to see if it makes a difference
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I think part of the problem was we were using the little baby part which is raised up and it wasn't very stable, so he was shifting around like he was on a boat throughout the night!
We have a Joie one which has a bassinet as our little one outgrew the snuzpod but we’re not ready to transition to his own room - our bassinet does exactly the same! Every little movement causes it to rock and the material makes such a loud noise!
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Great stuff...we have chicken pox 😫
Poor little mite. Her first birthday is tomorrow and she's spending it with chicken pox.
Anyone any tips?!
She's got aqueous calamine cream and poxclin cool mousse
As little clothes as possible and baby piriton is 1+. My daughter was 3 when she had it and I kind of just kept her basically naked 😅 every time she had clothes on she was sore/upset
Oatmeal baths are meant to be good too!
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Anyone else’s 1yr old just know the minute your head hits the pillow? These jabs have absolutely wrecked his sleep (that was already questionable). But I’m exhausted, we’re both at our limits and no extra 1hr lay in once a week for us both makes any difference.
He can be up from anywhere between 1-4hrs at night and I just don’t get when it ends.
Nothing with naps makes a difference, I’ve adjusted everything slowly to see and if anything makes it worse.
We were finally getting somewhere then a few days after his jabs it’s all gone to crap again 😫
If I remember right from my first it's a pretty brutal sleep development thing going on then😭 it's the sleep stage I dread the most with my second as I defo found it the hardest! Hope it passes soon x
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Hi ladies.
Looking for some advice post c section. I have had one previously but don’t remember this being a specific issue. I removed my large wound covering yesterday but where the sticky plaster has attached to my hip area it has left a friction type burn. It’s so painful I can’t even touch it. The other side isn’t so bad. Looking for a cream or something to apply to get some relief.
Sudocreme or this Vaseline cream.
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Anyone had or waiting for a referral to get their babies tongue tie looked at? I’ve got a referral but no appointment yet and was told 2-3 weeks but already a week in and worrying it’s going to take ages. Baby chat struggles to latch for bf so I’m worried my milk will dry up by the time we get seen ☹
We had to go private last years for our sons, I couldn’t breastfeed because of his tongue tie and because I wasn’t breastfeeding (was expressing) I couldn’t get it on the nhs.
I’d ring up and ask for a date - if they can’t give one within the week get a private appointment if you can afford it. Depending on area they can be 150+. If you’re in London I can share a donation clinic where you pay what you can afford x
People with older babies - how often do you get dirty nappies?

We're still consistently on 4 - 7 dirty a day. Google says between 1yr and 2yrs the average is 1.6 a day. Most of them are quite loose but I wouldn't say they're completely liquid.

I only ask because it's an absolute nightmare getting a Drs appointment here and now I'm back at work, I'd have to take a day off to call, then hope they have a same day one, pull him out of nursery to go, and hope they don't say "Oh that's normal".
1yr old and 1-3 a day, 4 if a bit constipated and hasn’t drunk much so goes little & often.
that does sound like a lot, more so if they’re runny. I’d think if he’s eating so much solid food they would be firmer? Not professional opinion just a mum one 😅
Does he seem bothered by them? If it’s teething I’d expect it to go in waves, so 1-3 a day then teething increase then decrease again?
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Anyone done TumbleTots? I've been umming and ahhing about signing up for them since LO was about 7 months old but now he's confidently walking I'm thinking about it again. There's one that fits nicely around nursery and my work as it's on my day off just after nap time but it's like... £67 for 7 classes plus £27 joining fee :eek: so £94 for 7 weeks of a 45 minute class which I can't guarantee he'll enjoy!
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Has anyone’s one year old gone through a phase of when they meet new people/people they don’t see often…. Kinda staring at them then blinking slowly and frowning.

My friend came round yesterday who baby wotsit has only met a few times and he did it in front of her and she’s banged on all evening about seizures and autism.

He does it every now and again at the mo, not sure if it’s when he’s tired…. Or a kinda nervous shy thing when people come up to him all enthusiastic….Hes in a clingy, shy kinda place atm.

All I can find online is that people’s toddlers went though a phase of it and they never knew why….. or that it can be a nervous/anxious thing.

Just be nice to hear if sometimes little one did it and it’s just a normal little phase
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Does anyone have any tips on getting baby to sleep in his Moses basket or next to me? Hes not even a week old yet so trying not to stress too much but as soon as he’s anywhere other than our arms he’s wide awake and just won’t go back to sleep. And as lovely as the cuddles are, at some point soon Mr R is going to be going back to work and I can’t hold him to sleep all night, I’ll need sleep myself. At the moment we just take it in turns to sit up with him because that’s the only way he will get sleep.
We just kept trying. She mainly lived in her sling in the early days so we could at least do something else with our hands.
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@WeepingCassandra Not done Tumble tots but our local leisure centre does one similar. Baby wotsit enjoys. He’s not walking yet but kinda crawls and climbs up the equipment.
The only other one round here is actual gymnastics (which tbf, I'd be interested in as well) - and they can't start that until 18 - 20 months I think. Similar price too. There's one gymnastics club that would take him as he's walking but they don't do a class that we can attend during the week and I'm not giving up every Saturday morning (the only other class is 8:45 - 9:30am Saturdays).
Getting myself into a bit of a tizz about LittleWCs speech.

He's near enough 15 months old now, or will be in a few days.

He can follow instructions (Find your ball, bring me [teddy]) and points at things he finds interesting (normally the cat and cars outside) but the only sounds he makes really are Dadadada and mamamama (babbles) and CAAA! which he uses for anything he finds interesting (though again normally just the cats and cars outside). Doesn't follow a point, doesn't babble 'back', doesn't take much notice of noises around him except if you're sitting in the room with him and you turn the TV on. We talk to him a lot and have podcasts or the radio on a lot of the time. He does occasionally go "Uhhh" when he's looking at things too but not often. He seems to understand a chase game we've done since he could crawl but is only in the last few days started to follow the game of "Mummy/Daddy puts something in the box, LittleWC puts something in the box".

Obviously, I've been googling. Far too much. 🥴
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We have this one but it's quite a soft mattress, no softer than a 'normal' cot mattress but definitely softer than a Next to Me/bassinet base so if your LO isn't going to be independently rolling and used to a softer mattress it might not be suitable. My parents have this one which has a much harder 'mattress' (it's pretty much just a sheet of MDF with a bit of fabric on) which our LO slept terribly on but is what the safe sleep guidelines recommend.
We stayed in a premier inn and they had the red kite one, we just took our waterproof undersheet and main sheet with us - when baby wasn't busy screaming because he felt unwell he slept fine in it 🥴😅
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