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VIP Member
I posted mine about a month ago and got the first payment on 4th August (for 12 weeks) so it was quite quick. I only got a letter back this week though.
Hmmm I’ve just checked and definitely not had anything, I’ll keep an eye out over the next week or so


VIP Member
My youngest two have a few blue veins noticeable on their faces, especially round their eyes. ToddlerMe also has ones similar to your picture, but actually just looking now and they aren’t as prominent as they were previously. They aren’t an issue at all, in my experience 😊
My baby has something called a sugar bug vein it used to worry me but it seems to come abs go depending on her mood x


VIP Member
@ThePidge thanks for the tips on the last thread, I couldn’t find the green box of teething powder you mentioned so had to get Ashton & parsons, can you use powders not long after gel if the gels not done anything? I wasn’t sure if I had to wait like with calpol
Parentings a minefield!
Ah that’s so annoying, it’s in most shops (Asda, co op, etc.). The only reason I rate them is because you can give them every 2 hours. The A&P granules didn’t seem to do lil pidge justice even though I assume they’re the same thing? 😂
I don’t think you can combine the gel and granules as I think you’d be double dosing! But you can give calpol and powder/gel at the same time.
I think if he’s really not settling, I’d give the Calpol as well. All babies react so differently to teething, I mentioned on here a while back my friends little boy ended up in A&E with each tooth as his temp couldn’t be brought down (always ended up with an illness too!), whereas her other little boy just woke up with more teeth and no symptoms!
get some anbesol liquid in for a rainy day.. I think you can use that from 5 months. It’s powerful stuff- my husband had a toothache and it went straight away with it 😂


VIP Member
Is someone available to give my head a wobble?!?

I’ve made copious posts before about Glam-ma. But she’s really annoyed me today. So despite her never really offering childcare (think she’s looked after toddler runner twice in 3.5 years) she’s offered to have Baby Runner tomorrow. Because Glam-ma gets married soon and I’m doing something wedding related. I’m so irritated that she offers to look after the children when it’s something she wants, but not any other time when it would help me. Also she’s not coming to where I need to be, I have to drop baby runner at her house which is extra time in the car. I want to say no as I’m just annoyed. But a) that means I have to have Baby Runner with me the whole time and b)she will probably not offer to look after either of my childrenfor a long time again. Is it cutting off my nose to spite my face to just decline because I’m pissed off?!
Honestly? It probably is but I would tell her to do one 🤣

I suppose it depends which matters most, your pride or having a nice toddler free day, I admit the free day sounds good but I am far too stubborn to admit defeat 🙈


VIP Member
Same here i was out at 7:45 walking baby elf in the pram with my headphones on to drown out the whinging 🙄
We popped out to the chemist and she still whinged 🙄 came home and I’ve just thrown a load of fruit and crisps at her and she quietly sat in her highchair eating. Her white vest is now red with raspberry juice but I don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hope it gets better for you!
Thank you for the love for our NICU visit yesterday. I almost didn’t go in but I did and it was really lovely to see some of the nurses who looked after her and I’m glad we went.
But then a day of two halves as that afternoon Mr L
got a call and his dad had died suddenly. He was in his 80s and his health wasn’t great so we knew we didn’t have loads of time left but not that it would happen this fast. Mr L is absolutely devastated and I’m such a problem sorter but I can’t make this better. It’s just so shitty.
I'm so sorry, all you can be is there for him and each other, it's just a very sad situation like you say.

wakametango 2.0

VIP Member
Hi all, I'm still pregnant due on the 28th August, but need some help please!

Due to the current weather I've just bought a 0.5 tog ergobaby sleeping bag for our baby. I'm hoping it's cooler by the time he comes but the heat this year has been nuts 🥴

I'm having a look at the guide on how to dress them for bed, and noticed this only goes up to a room being 25 degrees. Our room can get up to 30 sometimes, but has mostly been sitting at 27 during this heatwave. So what do I dress him in?! Is a nappy in the 0.5 tog bag ok or still too warm? Will a newborn sleep in literally just a nappy and no bag?!

I never had to consider any of this with my daughter as she was an October baby!

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You may have gotten an answer I haven’t really caught up…Good luck for the impending delivery! My baby’s was born last year on 26th and she was in just a nappy for a while as it’s better for them to be a bit cold than hot so always err on the side of caution. It wasn’t long before she was in sleepsuits and or just a nappy & swaddle, I also remember literally cutting the feet/legs off of sleep suits for her, she looked like a washed up sailor with her scraggy bottoms lol


VIP Member
She'll be fine. Be prepared for her to be waking up a lot though!
I hate colds because she can't keep her dummy in and breathe at the same time! So she's constantly disturbed!
Thankfully she doesn’t take a tummy (I know she’s weird) but I’m prepared for a rough night 😭 just hope nursery don’t send her home tomorrow


Well-known member
Baby Cupcake is a pro at rolling from back to front but once he’s on his tummy he tries so hard to crawl that he forgets he can roll himself back over onto his back. Last night he kept rolling onto his front in his sleep then waking up crying because he was stuck (repeat 10000000 times overnight 🥴). Has anyone got any tried and tested methods for teaching babies to roll back over?!


VIP Member
Baby Cupcake’s sleep has been horrendous for the last few nights 😣 he’s recovering from Covid, teething and can almost sit up independently so I’m sure it’s down to a mix of these things that are disrupting him. Just wanted to have a quick moan and send solidarity to those who are in the shit sleep club at the minute! He’s still in with us at the moment but we are planning on putting him in his own room in a few weeks once we are back from our holiday, did anyone find their little one slept better in their own room? Please send hope 🤣🤣
Oh I could have written this post!! Covid last month, teething, walking loads a night I think we’re still in the 4 month regression at 5.5 months😴 he used to sleep so well. I am sad and I miss it lol. Also going to put him in his own room very soon. His cot is being delivered today😃
How old is your baby? We must be very close😊