Myka Stauffer - The mother who gave up her internationally adopted Chinese son

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Had never heard of this woman and I do judge her for saying she has “rehomed” a child. That poor wee boy. But I hope where he is is much better for him x
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No 4 year old ( with the mental capacity of a 2 year old) CHOOSES to be abandoned!!! And certainly not an Autistic child with NO speech! This is not a fucking teenager that had decided to divorce their parents!

He Could barley sign what he wants to eat let alone say he wanted to go to a new home.

Many autistic children don’t like being hugged, they won’t come hugs and kisses. They never took the time to get to know the child, they exploited him from the minute they adopted him all over the internet, but now they have dumped him in foster care they are respecting his privacy.

I have watched a few clips of these awful parents, there is one from when they collected him in China this Myka woman was crying over leaving the guide, while Huxley was sitting on a seat alone in the van they were in. In another video the father stays how they put Huxley to bed at 7:30 and all their biological kids get to stay up later so they can get time with them without Huxley around.

Plus they have saddled this poor kid with the name Huxley after they changed his name when they picked him up from China!! They knew he had special needs before they adopted him, when they already had 3 children.
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Disgusting parents, both of them. People are calling her a terrible mother, but so is the father. Imagine "rehoming" your child like they're an unwanted pet ffs! Unbelievable. I don't know how they can sleep at night, my guilt would eat away at me for the rest of my life. Poor sweet boy deserved so much better
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I have a feeling she gave him back because he wasn't this perfect child she could mould to do chores and photoshoots without fuss.

I also got the impression she was very jealous that Huxley bonded with her husband over her. I bet she had all these vlog ideas on how he just wanted her etc and that back fired.

How can they say they tried their best? They have him barely 2yrs. He was a child ripped from everything he knew and because he didn't progress at a level they deemed acceptable they got rid. They had a biological child almost as soon as they got him home & can they not see that they really expected a lot from him?!

They should be ashamed but yet it's been business as usual in-between fake tears.
She can post as many post it notes around saying she's a good mom as she likes doesn't mean it's true.

This whole thing has made me so angry.
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Apparently Huxley 100% wanted this. How ridiculous!!
I also get the impression from this that huxley may have caused harm to the other children. Some form of abuse towards the other kids who knows it's all so vague
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With respect, if you are not the parent of an autistic child yourself you have little idea of the day to day care involved with looking after an autistic pre schooler. It is very likely that your SiL is on her knees with exhaustion.
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I wonder if she saw This Gathered Nest (who I love) with Rosie and sadly thought I’ll have a piece of that as it will make great viewing
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I hope he’s gone to a family who can cater for his every need,
I understand there must be struggles BUT they chose to take him on, you wouldn’t give away a biological child just because, so why do it to one you adopted?

It’s a shame their only solution was to ‘rehome’ him instead of working for solutions.
bless him
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I can't believe this. He just wasn't "instagrammable" enough. Most of These vloggers want "perfect" children and want to portray a "perfect" Family. Anyone causing issues for her Content is a Problem. She probably just thought it would be cute to have an adopted child, but didn't realize that not every child is "perfect". It's sickening. It's not a purchase you just return. I really hate how they all want this perfect Family life, instead of being real with their Followers about the hard Things, the difficult paths etc.
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I certainly home that a large proportion of the money she gained from youtube and brand deals she got because of adopting this little boy are put in a trust fund for his future. I don't know how they sleep at night. I could never give up a child I loved and cared for three years no matter what additional needs he may need.

I hope he is happy and loved by his new forever family.
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I just checked out her Posts and she made this insta post on his birthday a year ago and wrote how much they love him, more than life. "Can't wait what this new year has in store for you". How ironic.
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It seems to be hitting the press now.

This makes me feel a bit better about the situation.

View attachment 139891
Hope this is the case but adoptions/foster situations are private. How she found out is beyond me. Like I said I hope to god it’s true but I don’t believe it unless an official spokesperson says it.

And this is why Russia banned Americans adopting their children. Only in America would it be ok to say you were 'rehoming' your child.
It’s not ok and if you watch the news or read the papers people are outraged. And that’s pretty ignorant to paint the whole US w broad strokes bc some vile bitch and her husband did this. We have a population of 328 million, and two cases where piece of shit people did this.
Look, children are murdered by their parents even in England should we say people in England shouldn’t have kids?
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I hope this gets picked up by the mainstream media so this awful couple lose brand deals etc.
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This video above is so disgusting. She is meant to be making a video about "5 adoption struggles", yet turns it into an ad for Draft laundry comfort! It was like a scene from the Truman Show. Absolutely nothing genuine about this woman. She openly admitted that she thought he would be shy and cuddly. It was all for insta, not for reality. I also watched a video where she was asking viewers to donate $5 each (target $500,000) and she would write her donors name in a baby book for him when hes older. This was a money making scam that backfired as it clearly wasn't as easy money as they would have liked. I also watched a video where (before she adopted him)she gets warned not to adopt him as he has complex needs but she said "hes my son! I'm not just gonna give him back because he has something wrong with him, hes ours" ha.
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That poor little boy. They didn’t adopt him because they thought they had everything to offer a child with additional needs, they did it cos it got views and $$. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would realise that having another baby so soon after adopting a child with many complex needs, was not going to work. Huxley wasn’t the cute cuddly child she hoped for with mild learning issues so she had a baby and surprise surprise, Huxley couldn’t cope /understand!! He probably felt pushed out and ignored. I’ve watched clips on Reddit and it shows Myka being quite frankly, nasty to Huxley. This was before she decided to protect Huxley privacy which only happened when the shit hit the fan!!! Before that happened she was happy to film him & exploit him for money.
I hope they lose all the brand/sponsorships etc now because quite frankly they’ve exploited their kids left right & center. How Myka has the sheer brass neck to post videos with titles like a Boss mum etc etc shows how little she really cares. It’s all about the money.
All the secrecy, lawyers letters they had sent out etc just proves they were trying to do a mass cover up.
Nothing honest about either of them and their fake tears fool no one.
Can’t believe the comments on YouTube saying what great parents they are and sending them love etc. Ffs.
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Reach out to her, she may be totally overwhelmed and not know where to turn.
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I’ve watched them for years. BUT really started to object to Myka when after having Onyx she kept saying how ‘fat’ she was infront of her girls. What kind of shitty role model is that.
The Miller family also on YouTube show just how positive adoption of a special needs Kid can be!!!
I’m so angry and broken hearted for little Hux. She’s done the worst thing she could have done for his future progress
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I watch a lot of the American families, and I *really hope* some of them have the balls to call her out about this, particularly Angela Braniff who has written a book about international adoption called "Love without Borders" who seems to be legitimate with her intention ( maybe I'm a naive fool ), and the "sweeter" influencers like Brittany Vasseur. It's just so awful.

Yeah she's awful on so many levels.
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This is awful. I've a child with extreme complex needs and it's hard yes. But seriously, you cant expect to adopt a child, never mind from another country that's gonna have no issues. Plus they were aware he'd had something before, can't mind if it was a tumour or something, again, that's gonna affect him. It's been proven that kids were ho don't have significant caregivers early in life, their brains don't develop properly. She surely would have known this sort of stuff. What a total bitch. I've a friend who adopted an 8 year old, it was hard, very hard, for years, she had issues, what do you expect. The states is extremely religious. Eg abortion laws etc so I'd imagine she wanted to appeal to the Christian following as well. She's such a ego she probably thought that cause she's so wonderful, any potential probs with a kid with issues would just melt away. I actually feel sick reading about her. God forgive me but I hope something happens in her perfect little life to make her realise what she's done
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