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VIP Member
So kids in Scotland do 7 years in primary school then move up to secondary school. I didn’t think she was in her final year at primary yet - maybe I’m wrong, just seems a little young that she would move up to secondary school when she’s 11, I’m sure it’s the following year 🤷🏼‍♀️
Thanks. I promise I’m not willingly being this obtuse 🤣🤣. It’s extra confusing seeing as the school year starts half way. I guess we’ll find out next year. I know she mentioned it (but not the context) as we talked about it on here at one point.
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This idiot is just all sorts of douchebag this week. Thank fuck you ain’t a “ serious influencer” anymore Begs. Ad linking anything from a mascara you never use, flogging the purchase of yet more jackets from a company that are about to go down the pan to kids books. GIVE IT A REST

View attachment 1752798

AND take your big ADGKNOB and shove it where Cinderelee will enjoy it!!
This idiot is just all sorts of douchebag this week. Thank fuck you ain’t a “ serious influencer” anymore Begs. Ad linking anything from a mascara you never use, flogging the purchase of yet more jackets from a company that are about to go down the pan to kids books. GIVE IT A REST

View attachment 1752798

AND take your big GKNOB and shove it where Cinderelee will enjoy it!!
  • Haha
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VIP Member
Yes another year at Primary school.

Oh they all have the trait of being Fuckwits allowing the influencer daughter to behave how she has done but I don't think Kazza is that bright, like her influencer daughter. I've not that much interest in Trust Fund Tig but her latest job does appear a bit random.
Where is the idea that Kazza came from Money? I've never thought that tbh. Just typical of many couples in this area from that age group who hit the jackpot with the oil industry, many without talent and skill. When I think of some of the deadbeat kids at my school who left with no qualifications who went offshore / into oil and how successful they became, if you measure success by wealth of course. 🙄
They are/have been Directors of a few Co's, of course so is Beggy with hers 😂
I remember her father advising her not to hook up with an agent, bad business advice in the long term. But think that was motivated by greed and control.
I assumed she must have been - she’s a snobby snooty cow who’s never worked a day in her life so I guessed she was born with money?
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Is that the room that had the grubby harth and vagina pelmet and curtains? Or is it in the kitchen?
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I think she’s talking up the anxiety to come across as relatable. I just don’t believe anything she says, I think she had a lazy day posted about it then thought hmmm will go in at another angle. She’s plenty to be anxious about but don’t think she has enough self awareness to realise that.
I hope it wasn’t for engagement…

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They must have lived in Banchory Rebecca is the same age as me she’d have been 17/18 in 2007. She’d have been in her final year at academy
Oh ok, did they always live in that house in Inchmarlo? I know they did used to live in Edinburgh - I remember when they put their house there up for sale. So did they always have that house in Inchmarlo and they rented it out when they were in Edinburgh? Was that the house that Rebecca lived in when she was in school?
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Don’t worry you’re not the only one I ordered it last week for Dog Walking as my friend was wearing one and it looked fab. Even worse I have a cockapoo that looks very similar to the Prince !!!! I’m also clinging on to the fact I don’t have a vestibule to save me
Am sure you don't go to jizzercise and arent a scrounger so you're safe!

(I do like the coat too 😩)
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