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VIP Member
This is the thing..
1. she told her followers and made a big deal of the fact that she had a very busy work week Coming up. Firstly it was spent in a very expensive London hotel. Then her actual work in a studio was only a few days. This quite rightly infuriated people who actually have to work everyday of the working week.
2. She has her bestie SS and family over for a movie night - more than 6 people in the garden, people start pointing that out, SHE quickly deletes all incriminating stories of Abby and anyone not socially distancing, and replaces them with the two couples a metre apart and one of her and SS touching hands making a heart shape. Again, HER actions upset people who have been following the rules. She also shows her poor little son in an ill fitting outfit.
3. On Friday, Ron is taken to her mums for the DAY. Not a couple of hours, a day- just so she can do a quick freshen up and put together a cleaning trolley, that went down like a lead balloon with the public. It was offensive & insensitive to what’s happening with Covid. She clearly didn’t like the backlash, but what did she expect? Polly came before poor Ronnie. Priorities eh?

So SHE is the one that needs to spend time with family and her son, and put her phone down. SHE is the one who needs to stop subjecting her poor son to millions of strangers for them to comment on, all for the sake of money. SHE is the one who needs to stop breaching lockdown rules. SHE is the one who needs to address the dangers of mixing cleaning products. SHE is the one who needs to be more tactful, transparent and honest. SHE needs to be made more accountable. BUT she doesn’t want to, cos that phone has enabled her to make a LOT of 💰 and she wants it to continue. So rather than apologise for her actions, she continues to deflect and play the innocent victim, hoping for sympathy. And so, sadly the Hinch persona will continue. Moral of the story is: be careful what you wish for 😉
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Such a strange set up! You’ve got the 41 year old playing frisby, the 30 year old wife playing on her own in the sand and then watching all of this with a tight hold on the kid is Jarreth from Labrynth. The whole family are a psychologists wet dream
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watermelon sugar

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This is me - Mum

So guys. As plenty of you may know. I have a MUM. Yes thats right. Mum.
I dont know where id be without Mum. She has taught me a lot through life
Mum says always be kond sorry i mean kind. Mum says always put the moss outside so it gets the moisture. Mum says never learn how to cook a roast, just do a packet Aunt Bessie's roast. Mum says it's only a few hours till lunchtime, then its only a few hours till hometime. Mum says always end my sentences in either 'im just learning' or 'hope that helps!' Mum says there is no such thing as a nutritional diet, just eat spaghetti out a jug and nachos as meals. Mum says Ronnie has to eat foods laced with turmeric. Mum says that when i make a wasabi curry, leave the wasabi out altogether. Mum says even if there is a global pandemic going on and everyone is losing jobs and having money trouble, show off my endless bits of cash. Mum says if your kitchen & garden have absolutely nothing wrong with them and no work needed - sod it and get work done anyway! Mum says always bring a snack. Mum says my garden doesn't look like a bus stop or beer garden. Mum says I deserve my Polly the cleaning trolley.

There's nothing else to say apart from Mum is the best. She makes the best roasts. Sometimes she surprises me after a long hard day with a roast chicken. When Jaymeh has to be at the bookies to fuel his gambling addiction - Mum will take Ron away from me so I can have quality time with my first born son. Shes the best!
Edit to add: me and Mum had a beautiful conversation at our prom and I just had to add it
'Mum. Those pesky Tattlers keep calling me out. Apparently it was bad of me to have 6+ people in my garden and not following social distancing. And they skitted my trolley!'
'Well Soph you are a bit of a dickhead like. What the fuck are you playing at getting a trolley? You don't even bloody clean. At least give it to the cleaner. Just put a soppy message on about people tearing you apart and start a right pity party. Push them sales girl! I want your old grass from your back garden, into my back garden, when you get your fake grass.' Said Mum
'Oh Mum! You're so right. I'll just put up some shite about tearing me apart! While we're at it, should I get a loft conversion?'

The end x
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New thread title suggestion: tumeric, pastry and sandy mans, my name is soph and I lie to my fans.
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Chatty Member
Has anyone seen the film return to oz? The evil Queen has a corridor of heads and she chooses a different one each day!

Reposting again because I commented too late on the old thread and I'm an attention seeker.

I just want you to love me guys.
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VIP Member
I spend all my free time with my loved ones AND ALL my working hours with THE WORLDS loved ones thanks Soph!

I save lives, prevent death, care for post op patients, I’ve laid with dying patients who have no one, I’ve gone home smelling of OTHERS loved ones and cried for hours over those people!

Your still a cunt! Still an absolute narcissist SO I’ll continue to have an opinion!!!

Evening tattlers 😘
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Is it just me or does her parents ‘outhouse’ kitchen remind anyone else of the dentist lol
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VIP Member
Oh guys! I am so grateful! If that post was for me I just can’t understand why for little old me from the small hamlet of Essex (pop 1.5million)! This has all happened so fast!

I think to celebrate I’m gonna throw on a bridesmaid dress, clip in some plastic hair, light 42 wax melts and have a little dance to Whitney/Michael Bolton!

Thanks guys! We’ve got this!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
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Active member
Zophs story said they jumped in the car, Inch showed them walking to the park. If they went in the car surely they wouldn’t need the buggy just to walk from the car to the park? And where’s the buggy in the last of Zophs stories? And if they walked why did she say they were in the car? Why does nothing make sense? Why is Jamie hoping I had a good day? I mean I did, I went to Nandos. But did I walk, or go in the car? What. A. Mystery. 🙂
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VIP Member
why does she always have to go out for these chats?
Does she think her house is bugged?
Soph,listen hun,you're not that important.
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VIP Member
guyzzzz she wants us to spend time with our loved ones. that’s exactly what I’m doing with my tattle family 🤣🤣🤣
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Oh guys! I am so grateful! If that post was for me I just can’t understand why for little old me from the small hamlet of Essex (pop 1.5million)! This has all happened so fast!

I think to celebrate I’m gonna throw on a bridesmaid dress, clip in some plastic hair, light 42 wax melts and have a little dance to Whitney/Michael Bolton!

Thanks guys! We’ve got this!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
it was me that wrote it and it was about you I was gonna write your user name but didn’t want to send the high on zofolars after you 🤣. I also used a fake Facebook profile for that very same reason after initially writing it from my actual profile. Idon’t really comment anymore as I am always so far behind with threads but when I saw that Facebook post I just had to say something!!

You guys helped me see her for what she is a venomous self absorbed twat and if that post helps to open one persons eyes then I’ll be happy!!

#BeKond #ATV
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