Mel @mjbyrnex

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I just realised I always thought her name was Melanie but it’s actually Melissa (spelt with 2 s just to be different) she just looks like a Melanie to me
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This stinks of “I’ve just ended my live and fell out with my husband who thinks I’m obsessed with tattle”.
does she not understand that she’s giving us conversation topics as well as directing people to her page?! at this point I just think she’s liking the attention.

Also she doesn’t even have any trolls in her comments, she’s referring to us, so just don’t look!! The people telling her what we are saying are no better than us


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Her message is hilarious! So it's our fault she overstepped the line re her trauma "drama" & it's our fault she's run out of ideas to remain relevant
The reality is it's her complete lack of boundaries that has got her in the position she is in.
Her lack of emotional intelligence means she automatically goes into victim blaming mode.
What an absolute drama queen!
Obviously it's our fault she has no purpose in her life other than to focus on her past trauma by obsessively talking about it constantly
Her husband wants to be careful. If all goes tits up with them, she’ll slaughter him on the internet!
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I am 100% calling Mel a Narcissist!
Everything is always someone else's fault!

So the latest update is she is going back to talking about trauma!

We could all see she has nothing else going on in her life so her content has been all over the place since she reacted so strongly to valid criticisms about her living in the past.

She clearly hasn't read the posts on here that say many of us originally followed her because she was talking about trauma!

She lives and breathes the past, she says she happy in the present but she lives in the past, she wallows in the past, shes most happy when she's talking about the past, it's bizarre to see a young woman so desperate to return to her traumatic past, to see her not only talk about the past but act out the past and make it even more real is utterly bizarre.

Shes said she lives in the past to help her followers we all know that is a lie, she unceremoniously DUMPED her followers when she got called out on her behaviour! She didn't care about her vulnerable followers then!
It is abundantly clear that she just loves living in and dwelling on the past.

Imo she overstepped the mark when she was talking about trauma in her safe space, and also telling everyone to get dicked! She kept doing it and it was wrong.

She overstepped the mark when she shared other people's private information. It is wrong to go online and share other people's secrets.
She shows absolutely ZERO boundaries in all of her content and she always goes too far. She does not have the emotional intelligence to stop herself, she is extremely immature in all of her approaches to everything.

She completely lacks the ability to think before she speaks on her lives and videos.

She dumped her trauma followers so quickly when criticised, which shows exactly her true commitment to them.

She 100% has not had trauma therapy and she is not an expert on dealing with trauma, all she does is keep revisiting her trauma and repeating what happened to her. As another poster quite rightly said, she is ruled by her inner child.
She was also quite rightly heavily criticised for the way she spoke about her step childrens mothers as it was inappropriate.

What is clear is she wants tik tok fame so desperately, she is addicted to the attention she is receiving from her followers. Some followers think she is there for them, when the truth is she is100% on tik tok for the money, she is there to keep banging on about her past, she is there to make anyone who has wronged her suffer and she is on tik tok to become famous.

I guarantee this will all end badly with Mel desperately trying to earn a bit of money as her life is goes down in flames, she is not emotionally stable enough or emotionally intelligent enough for it to end any other way.
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So she’s checking here and has let what we’re saying affect her, but she made multiple videos about someone I know saying the most god awful things (despite having never met her) encouraged all her followers to attack this woman in the comments, which they did and then refused to delete the videos despite being begged to? She’s been off work since November because of it, she’s been suicidal and afraid to leave the house. I’m tempted to send her this thread so she can write her own message to the bully that is Melissa Byrne.
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Why did Mel say awful things about your friend? It sounds horrible for your friend!
Why am I not surprised. Mel? Always the victim Mel?? Never don’t worry karma will come knocking. The more I learn of this person the more I’m disgusted with her
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Why did Mel say awful things about your friend? It sounds horrible for your friend!
We’re not really even friends, just worked together. Though we’ve spoken quite a bit now, she’s on my team. Long and short of it is and I’ll try to be discreet. She has kids with her abusive ex, said ex got a gf that was interesting from the get go, wrote some lies about my colleague in Mel’s comment section, Mel’s latched on and made a video about it, said video got a lot of traction and was seen by friends of colleague and sent to her, colleague contacted ex mid panic attack and said please have it taken down, ex made the gf ask for it to be taken down but the gf said some more nonsense and played the victim to Mel and Mel ran with it and made yet another video this one very nasty with an equally hideous comment section we all watched it at work and mass reported the comments and video to try and get them deleted. Some of them did disappear, the violent ones but a lot still remain up.

The actual truth of the matter is this poor woman has lived through horrific abuse, and now has to deal with a gf that by all accounts is still stalking and harassing colleague and doing awful things with her children. And simply by virtue of the gf being the ‘step-mother’ (after a few months ). She was believed and colleague was automatically attacked.
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OMG! Sounds horrible!
And another example of Mel thriving from exposing someone else's private buisness!
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When a creator has to put a post up asking their followers what type of content they want to see they should just stop posting. It’s clearly not for them if they’re having to ask.
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Which platform are these videos on?
“This will be the last time I address the trolls” …. She’s said that at least 4 times now
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I watched some of her older tiktok and was interested to see that ALL THE DRAMA she's allegedly gone through recently re her trauma, is EXACTLY and I mean EXACTLY the same as the drama she went through when talking about her step CHILDREN last year. Her recent behaviour re getting called out is actually a mirror image of her getting called out last year for her gossiping re her step children's mothers. Her reactions, her sulking, her threatening to give it all up, her bouncing back saying she's going nowhere this time are EXACTLY the same as Last year

It is abundantly clear that she is ABSOLUTELY DESPERATE to get famous on tiktok and she doesn't care who she hurts in the process. Seeing her remain so determined to call out her step children's mothers without apology and discuss private family things re her step children last year was quite disturbing and it was clearly a prelude and a practice run for her doing the exact same to her own family this year as she has done.

I'm not in anyway saying inappropriate behaviours shouldn't be discussed but Mel has no boundaries and never knows when to stop and she has not only gone too far re her own families private issues but she went too far re her step children's mothers last year. Absolutely Disgusting.

Be interesting to see how her step children respond to their stepmother's behaviour the older they get. She has some power and control over them as they are children but when they are adults it will be a completely different matter all together.
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Why’s she acting like she’s being trolled when she only has an 8 page thread filled with opinions? It’s not trolling!
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Going ON the pill the can increase appetite and weight.
I find it bizarre she blames coming OFF the pill for piling on alot of weight in a few months.
I think she's using coming off the pill as an excuse for her weight gain, which on last nights live looked.....
Perhaps talking about trauma multiple times a day is not good for your health and weight!


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Her room is a complete tip, mountains of clothes on the floor and empty cans of lager how can you go live in such a messy room
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Her room is a complete tip, mountains of clothes on the floor and empty cans of lager how can you go live in such a messy room
Omg what’s with the empty cans of carling on the floor next to the bed?! Does she have a drinking problem?
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