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Where did this woman come from? Someone I follow shouted her out a few weeks ago and I started following her but I’ve unfollowed already. I hate to say it but I think there’s something going on there. She’s a real narcissist and she needs help. Ironically she’s just posted that she blocked someone because they said maybe she needed counselling!! She’s just doesn’t seem very stable. She had a massive tantrum about the drs not doing something about her child’s wart (I found that particularly annoying as the Mum of a disabled 6yr old) - Megan has no idea how hard it is to see your daughter suffer and suffer with pain, sickness and more for months and having to fight their corner at all times and getting no where, especially since covid but you know, I thought I’d give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she’s just having a bad day and she’ll come on later a bit sheepish after she’s had some perspective (😬 nope!)
When she ranted about boob jobs and bariatric surgery and how if you can claim it harms your mental health you get help but unless you say that, you don’t get help - I actually winced. You could see just how much of a nasty little thing she is underneath all this nice act.
Yesterday she wrote that ‘you’re the most important person in your life’ as part of her empowerment speech and I don’t know, maybe I need to work on my self worth (!) but ever since becoming a mother, I’m not the most important person in my life and in my view, that’s what I signed up to when I chose to bring a child into the world. Then tonight she’s talking about how she cut her Mum out of her life (I can totally see why) but then says she’s cut all of Jack’s friends out of her life (what went on there?) and god knows who else.
Is she always this erratic?
She obviously didn’t have the easiest upbringing but she’s got a nice house, gorgeous son and from what she shows, Jack seems nice enough but she really seems like an angry, self centred, narcissist.
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Here we go, playing the victim again!!! I was bullied and picked on and look at me now! You’d think she was nominated or was a recipient the way she’s been banging on about it! ‘Here’s my pre-bafta routine’… shows ass and body off as much as she can whilst pumping shit into her face and creating an actual duck bill! No one cares sweetheart, you’re not as important as you think you are!
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Someone with an active eating disorder, advertising Hello Fresh.
i was literally about to write the same thing! Hypocrite or what!? She literally makes me cringe. Basically begging for free stuff because she is too much of a princess to go out and work like the rest of us! She has been a complete psycho since school! She was also a massive bully at school. Especially to people.overweight. i should know i was one of her victims
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New member
We are on the same ship has here.
Husband is rude as fuck
And she is walking around with her nose in the air.

Really changed my opinion of her.
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Ladies (or men) spill the beans ….
I was at secondary school with her. She was vile from day one. Thinking she was the bees knees and little miss popular. I was in quite a few of her classes and she openly bullied me in class and tried to get the whole class against me. To the point where i ram out of lessons in tears

So her pity pity me act doesnt wash with me. She was never bullied at school she was the bully. Im sure im not the only one who hates people giving her free stuff. She doesnt deserve anything. Saying that she never got on with her sisters is a joke. They were all as bad as one another. No wonder their mum left them!
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Her and her sisters where all slags. Slept with other people's boyfriends. Different blokes every week. She would single people out and just nasty about them and alienate them from everyone . She has always been very tiny so I don't know why the whole eating disorder. I'm sure she's bi polar if anything.. she just loves the attenrion.. the fact she has to have it from strangers is proof that she's nasty as people who know her do not like her . She loud and crass. don't feel sorry for her .
Ladies (or men) spill the
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So, Ezra has just turned 2. Firstly can I say what a bloody beautiful looking child he is, but has anyone ever heard him speak? Don't think I've barely heard a noise come out of his mouth, which at that age is a bit worrying. She posts enough stories and videos with him in, it seems odd that I've never seen him talk in any of them? Anyone noticed this?
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Active member
Rolling around the floor at the awards like a toddler and making herself look such a tool no wonder she’s felt unwell since. If you can’t handle your drink ( or judging by her behaviour what go’s up her nose) maybe just don’t do it
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New member
I went to school with her 😳
We obviously have different memories of how she was at school because I wouldn't have said she didn't have any friends or was bullied etc. 🤷‍♀️
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Here she goes again saying she was bullied at school... I can say she certainly wasn't 🙄 she was bitchy and mainly hung around with her equally bitchy sister & friends. She was super popular with the boys haha
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Its all an act. She is not funny nor outgoing.. I think companies that affiliate themselves with these instagrammers need to do there research more. And for someone that dislikes herself and has *no confidence * she sure as hell posts enough seifies eye fucking herself ..
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Moaning about someone complaining about her being topless, I'd be complaining too if I'd paid for a holiday, in what I'm guessing is a family resort, and someone was twatting about with their saggy tits out! There's a time and place and a public swimming pool is not one of them. Said it before, will say it again, for someone who is apparently self conscious of their body, she whips it enough.
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And now.....for someone with an eating disorder she is showing off her "baking" skills! And eat on her stories. Its all bullshit. She is as fake as a prada handbag on the streets of turkey! FFS. Its all an act. She studied theatre and performing arts at school so she knows how to act! She is a nasty bully.
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I’ve followed her for years , when she had a tiny following. Before she was with jack. I thought it was lovely when they got together and she seemed so happy her wedding was gorgeous. She’s changed loads. She irritates me now with all the stupid challenges with emma and I think she comes across unhappy and she’s a spendaholic. Plus she is gifted so much STUFF! Literally all sorts. I think it’s a shame as her page used to be a breath of fresh air before she got a bit of insta fame. Now it’s all look what I’ve bought or been given. Also there’s only so much crap she can throw on Jack in the shower 🙄
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Dont swipe up!

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Another naked poo post relating to International Women's day...yawn...what does poo have to do with being a strong woman exactly?!
Just another trying to be relatable post
I don’t understand her obsession with always getting her body out
She needs to do an only fans as I’m sorry Instagram is not the place for what she has in mind and I’m sick of seeing it
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Let’s see how funny she finds it when her son is suspended from school for using that sort of language. They might tolerate it once or twice but when she’s called in and laughs about it that won’t go down well! What’s the betting though it will be the schools fault. Not her own parenting that is teaching him to act like a self entitled brat to get mummy likes and free things on insta!
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Dont swipe up!

VIP Member
God she’s just unbearable now and getting worse daily!
GlowMamma award for comedy… since when did miming along / acting out actual comedians routines constitute being original / funny themselves? It’s profiteering off other peoples work and blatant plagiarism surely! The only funny thing I’ve heard from her recently was that she could’ve called herself and artist/illustrator!? You trace photos on your iPad and colour them in!
The amount of free shit she’s clearly trying to blag now is now doing adverts… jeezus!!
And why do we have to see every get together she has with her mates
It’s the same shit all the time
Then all acting like twats drunk or pretending to be drunk acting up to the camera shaking there arses in every single clip!
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