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VIP Member
Yes! Because I’m 100% sure he and Ellie got together when Lauren was away having her op.
Guessing Jonno didn't tell Ellie about that bit. Hooked up with Ellie whilst Lauren was having life saving surgery. Then hooked up with Lauren during homestay. Didn't tell either woman the truth. Lauren at least had an inkling he was doing dirty with Ellie. Ellie thought he was faking it with Lauren and to watch the smug bitch's face fall when it was revealed he shagged Lauren was priceless.
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Right my views on tonight

E4 took the piss with adverts , thank god I could fast forward!
Jono is a cunt who needs to buy socks and a personality
Lauren is fabulous and her hair looks lovely tonight.
Ellie is a hideous bitch. I hope Jono breaks her heart - If she has one
Ben - meh, boring still
Tim - been bugging me who he looks like and he looks like my brother 😂
Saraaa - just saw the dollar signs. I wonder what the real truth is s she seems real unpopular with the cast
Jayden and miss anxiety - I hate how he had to be the judge over other couples. Eden and her eyebrows just get on my tits
Tori - just looks like she needs a bloody good wash . Thinks she’s one of the lads and hates women. After seeing the truth of jack why is she still with him?
Jack - glazed Christmas ham what more needs to be said
Cassandra - gorgeous and her dad is lovely
Tristan - so obviously battling with being in the closet
Michael and Stephen - beautiful but little else
Dirty dick and andie - andie is gorgeous and dick started out well but turned into a dirty old man
Jade and Deece - happy but both seem immature
Tin man - my future husband 🥰
Lucinda - love her. Absolute Queen

Anyway that’s my views. If I’ve forgotten anyone they obviously bored me. See you all soon!
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Not a spoiler now but Jono & Ellie went public before the season had finished airing. The producers went ape shit for breech of contract.
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Feeling a bit sorry for Ben now. Ellie clearly had more negative qualities than anyone else got to see. She’s a right piece of work. Funny how her and Mr potato head have turned the comments off on their Instagram. Both vile nasty idiots who deserve one another.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Oh my gosh it’s our last night together. I may lose my legendary dignity and become emotional.
It’s just you lot and Queen Alessandra I’ll miss, this series has been a mahoosive pile of poo.
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Wow! I was watching behind last night, so sorry for the late comments.

All this time we had our eye on Jack...and it turns out Jonno was evil mastermind the whole time! What an absolute cunt. Him and Ellie. I couldn't believe what I was watching to be honest, I don't think I've ever seen 2 people act so insensitively. I felt so sorry for Lauren, even if there was some stuff we hadn't seen there wasn't anything she could have done to have warranted that nasty behaviour. If there was then surely we would have seen it, as it would have been better TV than the dross we've been seeing.

It was infuriating and the pair of twats had better be called out on it tonight! May they live unhappily ever after.
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