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Elle Belle

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Vlog - Home Rennovation Update...SHOOT ME. SHOOT ME NOW!

- She apologises for being on camera pre-shower. Her hair is a hot mess. Yes, yes it is!
- She says she knows it's the third time she's mentioning the kitchen floor. It's nobody's fault. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. It's her own fault that she gets her hopes up. Didums. Almost as sad as Meghan Markle's car crash next month.
- She needs to give herself a spring jus. She's disheartened as she'd normally be planning her spring decor, but can't with the rennovs. Omg her personality is actually duller than her hair.
- She again states she hates coming on camera pre-washed. She's going to get herself spring ready. She's going to get herself looking absolutely beautiful. It's an ad for Function of Beauty. Hi. I don't care. Thanks.
- She's been using Function of Beauty for over a year and it's brilliant. Lies. All you've done all year is fang about your hair. Congratulations my tallest finger wants to give you a standing ovation.
- She's showing us her outfit. She really likes it, but needs to change out of it soon as she has a lot to do today. It's a floral midi number from KM. When you realise your outfit is brighter than your future. She needs to water her sproots. That is all. Have a seat. Watching everyone else work all day must be exhausting.
- She opens a package from Tods. A bag to wear for the Milan fashion week show. She missed the show. She actually fucking did. You're stupid. I accept you for that.
- She said sit to Porter and the painter was surprised he did instantaneously. He's a natural sitter. Porter's been spending time with his daddy today. And every other day...
- She's finally got in a good routine with dog walking. She's put all his belongings in the boot room. Ali says mummy's a genius. Well I'm not saying you're dumb, but you're dumb.
- The next day. She didn't feel like vlogging yesterday as she lacked energy. She has some sad news. The floor is not going down today, so it's going to be in another video. Mother fucking yay!
- The kitchen island is full of packages. A pep talk on the cupboard handles. She feels she shouldn't say what she's getting done anymore. Today's mood. Bitchy with a chance of sarcasm.
- There's a problem with the internet. After Porter chewed her Hermès belt (side note hate how she always drops the brand name in...straight up I iz the chav of chav land), her followers gave her advice on giving him bully sticks. She then saw on the packet not for puppies. People offer suggestions and advice and it's not right. Don't worry about getting haters. No-one's jealous of dumb patronising bitches.
- She didn't know she was getting new kitchen stools, so she'll have to sell the Neptune ones. Then manically laughs. You deserve every bit of karma that comes your way. And when it does picture my face with a big huge smile on it.
- She's realised that all homeware metals don't have to match. It's fascinating. She would want the sockets to match though. My favourite thing about your opinion is when you keep it to yourself.
- She's working on a project with By Terry which we'll get to see very soon. Several weeks after every other influencer however. Better late than never. Well not if you're about to be executed. Or miss the actual fashion show. Still creasing...
- Ali is ringing around garden centres regarding his citrus trees. She says he's very sweet as he's a novice and not pretending to know it all. No, he's just not an asshole Lydia.
- She's repainted the living room in a Farrow and Ball black paint. It has a new depth to it apparently. We simply don't give a shit.
- She asked on her home account which water butt to go for then went against everyone's advice. The butt is a mixture of rustic and modern. Wait. Stop right there. I already don't give a fuck.
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Operator: "999 what's your emergency?"

Lydia: "PLEASE HELP!!! Katie Smith age 32 from Durham has said my new Birkin is SAGGY!!!!"
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Questions we continue to ask from the last thread;

How much furniture is required for how many doors?
How many rooms are there really?
How many electrical sockets won’t the budget stretch to and who might supply them?
Will the sitting room become a testament to Sludge, Sludge glorious Sludge?
Would anyone spend £3k plus on recovering Ikea sofas and chairs?
Is anyone really excited to buy all the old furniture as has been claimed?
Will the sitting room have shelves (possibly uneven) placed either side of the fireplace?
Is Porter developing as might be hoped?
Has the old carpet really gone to her father’s bedroom?
Will she get any new Clients during the run of this thread?
Will complaints about the greenhouse begin to subtly emerge?
Has the kitchen been finished for weeks already?
Has the greenhouse been given a photo-shopped floor?
How many times has the greenhouse been emptied and then filled back up again for a quick photo?
Has Ali bought his own rake yet?
Did Ali over-use the rake he borrowed and did it get broken?
How many seeds did Lydia actually plant?
Were any of the seeds from Monsanto (GM)?
Has polyester become less static?
Will Ken ever be invited back?
Is the terrace about to be relaid?
Will a pig appear?
Will hens appear?
Will goats appear?
When will the raised beds be planted?
Will the raised beds ever be planted?
Will deer eat all the plants?
Will there be any plants at all for the deer?
Will the raised beds change colour overnight?
Will a pocket of apologies be found in any new polyester frocks?
Teeth? Has the tooth fairy been or not?
What has been filmed when?

The above are just a tiny sample of examples... 🧚‍♂️

Edited x 4!!

Sorry x 6!!!
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Her IG story is requesting ID verification to open social media accounts. 😂

What a dumb bitch.

Well most adults in the world already have accounts open. And that would mean global verification of millions of IDs from hundreds of different countries. She's so moronic to think this is feasible. Or that people like her are important enough to warrant this. She's beyond deluded and dumb.

Basically, she wants anyone that says anything against her to be named and shamed. Remember how she wanted employers informed of negative commentators ?? And that she said it with her cement chest? 🙄

Bitch, please.

Her wrists and thumbs must be tired from constantly deleting so many negative comments daily.

Hey, Lydiot! How about we see the CCTV of you screaming like a banshee? I would like that bloody verification!!

As someone said earlier, "she keeps poking the bear".

And it is not going to end well for her. Yet she's too blind and stupid to see how she is the architect of her own demise.

Other influencers are all talking about fashion shows right now, but other than Karen Millen and Function of Beauty, there's really no brand working with her anymore.

She's not even receiving freebies like she used to from the higher end brands.

If she wasn't renovating her house for the 73rd time, she would have absolutely no content now.

I hope the lovely Tattlers keeping track of her brands are noticing the vast reduction of brand work since her manipulative video.

I bet by year's end, Lydiot's brand work will barely existent.

I'm guessing this is why she got Porter and is doing the renovations, then dragging it out. Her vlogmas was ridiculous and all she does is open boxes. Once the reno is done, she will be back to just yapping into the camera and opening boxes for every video. She's got nothing left and has lost her appeal.

Maybe don't be a liar, manipulator, gaslighter and verbal abuser, then your career wouldn't be burning to the ground right now.

What a fucking moron.

P.S.. Love that Nicky has found her voice and is no longer intimidated by this bullying bitch. She's directly calling her out. I hope the CCTV comes out one day. If Lydiot, keeps poking the bear, it just might.
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This post from Katie Price is a bit of a hot mess
View attachment 476552
View attachment 476553
I'm sorry but the UK government couldn't even figure out how to set up a covid track and trace how on earth are they going to track and trace people on the internet when there are things like VPN's 🤷‍♀️ It will be a complete waste of taxpayers money.

Before social media came about people would send their criticisms via letters/fan mail, it has always been a thing. I'm not saying it is ok that people send horrible messages to influencers or other people in the public eye but I'm just highlighting that it isn't a new thing like they are making out.

Also, how would they judge the level of the threat?

Level 1: comment stating they dislike the new kitchen tiles - punishment: slap on the wrist/formal warning
Level 2: comment stating you come across really cold on camera, you should be nicer to Ali - punishment - community service
Level 3: comment stating I really like the red tones in your hair - punishment: 15 years in prison, no chance of parole and £50,000 restitution

Unless something is outright offensive such as racism or death threats, being offended is pretty relative to the person so how would they be able to monitor peoples online activity and judge it? and as far as I am aware, if you are threatened online or someone sends you hate like racism or a death threat you can report them.

I am assuming if this was to become a law, all influencers and celebrities would be held to the same standards? or does the petition only include online hate and not the face to face abuse of a pregnant hairdresser 🤷‍♀️
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BTW, I am watching old ITF videos from last October/November and I reached the point where they got Boe. This was shortly after the Edge of Ember Launch Dinner, which was talked about in a video. Victoria mentioned Lidl being part of the group of girls coming to visit her for that. But that's it. Afterwards not on word about Lidl. Since they got Boe, she mentioned Josie, because she send her some stuff for the pup. I will keep an eye (or ear) on it and see if there's any more mention of Lidl.

On other thing, which got my attention, was somewhen before the Edge of Ember Launch Dinner. It was a vlog and ITF seemed down, she said the whole Covid situation is getting on her mood. She said there were several "things happening in her personal life", or something along those lines. Then she goes on about not understanding why people put each other down, being mean girls Blabla. I guess it was about trolls, but at first I was like.... is she talking about Lidl???! Maybe she knew what happened? Knew about the WA group? But then Lidl was at the launch, so I doubt it. But then again those things are planned, maybe it wasn't ok to uninvited Lidl? I am just reaching here, I know :D

Anyway, I will watch the next videos and will have a special watch out for Lidls name.
Something for sure happened at that dinner. There was a deafening silence between them , friendship-wise. IMO, I don't see VicITF as a mean girl on Lydiot's level, so I don't see her as being part of the WhatsApp group. Amelia, yes. Josie, yes. Fleur, maybe. Chinutay, no.

But I could be wrong - I was totally wrong about Amelia Liana 🤬 - I feel so dumb for subscribing to Amelia's bullshit, I'm pretty good as sussing out people, so for me to find out how vile she behaved all throughout 2020 - not just with Nicky Lazou - was so disappointing.

I feel quite sorry for her (I think her treatment of Nicky and her vlog about the hair incident is deplorable) but she does seem lost. It seems even in her more stylish days nothing was ever her own.... she copied what other influencers were doing and wearing. Never really understood the brands she was gifted or purchased or loaned. She no longer has a work ethic...that has long gone. Her arrogance is shocking given her lack of talent especially in the job she is meant to be doing.
And she is going to stay lost until she admits a few home truths about herself. Ali, Cawwiie, her parents are doing her no favours by being scared of her & not telling her off for her bad behaviour.

Ali how about citing your content.
Your wife isn't a strong woman, she openly admits she has no patience to wait for things, she admits she has all the gear and no idea so doesnt even bother to try to learn or bother to remember things. She isn't a strong woman she behaves like a spoilt child.
Also take your woman's day and shove it Ali, the rest of us women deserve more than one lousy day, even books get a whole week.
Reading Ali's post made me want to punch him in the throat. She really has him by the short and curlies. Simp. 🤡

Ali how about citing your content.
Your wife isn't a strong woman, she openly admits she has no patience to wait for things, she admits she has all the gear and no idea so doesnt even bother to try to learn or bother to remember things. She isn't a strong woman she behaves like a spoilt child.
Also take your woman's day and shove it Ali, the rest of us women deserve more than one lousy day, even books get a whole week.
Layla itching to get blocked 😂



Yes. Yes, you two are a force. A force of darkness.
And evil.
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Her IG story is requesting ID verification to open social media accounts. 😂

What a dumb bitch.

Well most adults in the world already have accounts open. And that would mean global verification of millions of IDs from hundreds of different countries. She's so moronic to think this is feasible. Or that people like her are important enough to warrant this. She's beyond deluded and dumb.

Basically, she wants anyone that says anything against her to be named and shamed. Remember how she wanted employers informed of negative commentators ?? And that she said it with her cement chest? 🙄

Bitch, please.

Her wrists and thumbs must be tired from constantly deleting so many negative comments daily.

Hey, Lydiot! How about we see the CCTV of you screaming like a banshee? I would like that bloody verification!!

As someone said earlier, "she keeps poking the bear".

And it is not going to end well for her. Yet she's too blind and stupid to see how she is the architect of her own demise.

Other influencers are all talking about fashion shows right now, but other than Karen Millen and Function of Beauty, there's really no brand working with her anymore.

She's not even receiving freebies like she used to from the higher end brands.

If she wasn't renovating her house for the 73rd time, she would have absolutely no content now.

I hope the lovely Tattlers keeping track of her brands are noticing the vast reduction of brand work since her manipulative video.

I bet by year's end, Lydiot's brand work will barely existent.

I'm guessing this is why she got Porter and is doing the renovations, then dragging it out. Her vlogmas was ridiculous and all she does is open boxes. Once the reno is done, she will be back to just yapping into the camera and opening boxes for every video. She's got nothing left and has lost her appeal.

Maybe don't be a liar, manipulator, gaslighter and verbal abuser, then your career wouldn't be burning to the ground right now.

What a fucking moron.

P.S.. Love that Nicky has found her voice and is no longer intimidated by this bullying bitch. She's directly calling her out. I hope the CCTV comes out one day. If Lydiot, keeps poking the bear, it just might.

Plus if accounts has to be verified as real people there would be no bots. No bots means relying on REAL followers which by now is probably slim pickings
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Do we think Lidl typed this on Ali’s phone when he was busy raking the garden or cleaning the windows?
Also Toni Thornton has gone completely down in my estimation for that comment.

Maybe on international women’s day you should credit the woman you took this quote from -Ritu Ghatourey. Let me give you another for inspiration “a strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others”.
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WTF she missed the TOD'S fashion week show and saved their package to open in a vlog? Unprofessional doesn't even begin to cover it.
Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 17.57.33.png

She's going to use this bag as an empty prop in a photo shoot in those fields, wearing another granny dress. To be sold as "new, with tags" on Depop in September.
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Has anyone watched Sophie Shohet's latest video, 'I'm selling my car' (the Porche she paid CASH for, not loaned, leased or spon) The shade is awesome! To begin with, she shows some of the fruit and veg she's started growing from seeds. No flashy greenhouse or anything, just a few small little planting pots etc... then right at the end, the last 30 seconds she says she is wearing old school Karen Millen, before it was sold off and that the quality of Karen Millen clothes since has really gone down hill.

HAHA you hear that Lydia? I know Sophie probably isn't directing it at Lydia and Lydia is probably completely irrelevant to her, but everything she says about certain influencers being all smoke and mirrors, begging for things on insta, not being transparent about gifting and ads etc, she just describes Lidl every time. Now to say how bad the quality of KM is just as Lydia has an 'edit' with them makes me LOL!

(I've also noticed Sophie does comment now and then on Claire and Frow's insta now and again, so perhaps she secretly does hates Lydia after all!)
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Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 18.08.33.png

The climax of "bespoke finish interior door furniture". This is the level of Lidl's content.

Apparently this is "aged brass" - I'd probably call it black but I also eat peasant biscuits, so what do I know 🤷‍♀️
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I hate that she reduces international womens day to being able to afford ridiculously expensive bags and finances #bossbitch.
What about the exploited woman who work for boohoo? what about the woman that fought for us to vote? the woman that work in the healthcare profession? the women that are working on the vaccine? woman in science and engineering? She thinks the sign of being a great woman is her Kelly, its very very sad and superficial times.
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Lydia posted this Instagram Story tagging Lucy Mountain’s International Women’s Day post.


This is the caption on Lucy Mountain’s International Women’s Day Instagram post.


Am I imagining things, Tattlers, or is it possible that Lucy is referring to Lydia? 🤔
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Lydia has actually lost her sense of style because she’s trying to be too many different people and isn’t true to herself 😂 makes me wonder did she ever even have style to begin with lol it’s so sad

Considering that Lydia has gone from whatever this is (scenekid? emo???)

to these:

to this:

Is solid proof that she doesn't have any real style of her own. She changes a LOT in a short amount of time.

Of course I have outfits that I wouldn't wear again but I have never walked around in anything close to those pleather suspender thingys like this is something to repeat. Also I am not that much older than her and my style hasn't changed this dramatically in less than 10 years. I was wearing "Holland Cooper" like stuff and tailored blazers when I was in my early 20's and I still do in my 30's. I imagine I will continue on wearing it in my 40's onward because Northern California is a sweater, jeans, tweed jackets (and hoodies) kind of climate almost all year round and that's just how people dress here at work and casually. But to her, it's just another thing she needs to emulate to "keep up" with the people currently turning her eye's green with jealousy.

Personally, I think she got it right when she was dressing in a lot of Club Monaco and the Balmain blazers. I think that style actually suited her and her "suburban London" lifestyle the best. She is about as much "English Gentry Countryside" as Katie Price playing the lead in "Sense and Sensibility". It's an embarrassing, try-hard attempt at something that she has never been. The Holland Cooper uniform looks about as natural on her as those pleather suspenders and the galaxy leggings. She is the "Eddie Monsoon of 2021" except with none of the humour.

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