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I've been on antidepressants for many years and I've never felt a "serotonin surge"...

She needs to be careful with the way she talks about medication (yet again.) weight gain and tracking calories often isn't a priority for people trying to recover from depression, it's recovering from depression! She doesn't need to highlight it in such way that it's because you're eating too much and how unbareable weight gain is!! Minor factor in the scheme of things! And then to link it to an advert.....disgusting
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Chatty Member
Wow her stories today are something else!!!!!! So gross.

"Check out my overweight postpartum body (a body which most mums would kill for), here I am blaming meds for it, but no actually it's not really meds! People like to blame the medication but it's the fact that you overeat when on meds that makes you fat!!!! It's because you're not tracking calories and being lazy and depressed! Even though I was prescribed all these things including high calorie drinks by professionals they are so bad because they making me fat.... but thank god I had my turtle app to track it all! The app saved me from being a big fat turkey at Christmas!!!!"

Unbelievable! The way the first stories were worded you could tell it was leading to an ad!!!!!

Also notice again she mentioned a dessert (cheesecake) and sugar cravings?!!! but remember everyone she assured us she has never been a fan of sweets 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Absolutely not belittling what she went through or saying a hemorrhage is not bad, of course it is. But what I cant stand is how she makes out whats happened to her is worse than what anybody else has been through. There is always someone worse off. She uses her platform to instill fear in expectant mothers instead of helping them, and to profit from whats happened to her. "Ive gone through hell and nearly died twice, but heres several snaps of me in my own brand sportwears, please pity me and buy them"
We lost our son a year and a half ago and I've honestly not made as much fuss as Louise. I cry I'm private, grieve in private and no one would ever know because I am a happy, bubbly person
But I suppose I'm not a raging narcissist so yeah 😅
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Leo you ate a biscuit and made a mess how dare you, poor Louise will have to WhatsApp the housekeeper to come out of the luxury basement gym, she was scrubbing the weights but she will have to clean the spotless kitchen of a few biscuit crumbs. You better not moan about being in knitted socks and an itchy wooley jumper even though it’s 26 degrees outside.... with no babygrow vest or T-shirt on under the Portuguese dungarees that were gifted from a small business in Chelsea that I haven’t even tagged. You are here to look cute and be a prop .... stop being such a human baby.
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Wow! This gets even better: The 'influencer' that just keeps on giving! :LOL:

Now she's implying that the dress is totally inappropriate and if you look closely into the background, you'll see the said £350 blue dress scrunched on the floor next to the dog bed under the window.

Nice way to treat a 'luxury product' freebie. I'm sure Paper London will be absolutely overjoyed!

Screenshot 2022-08-21 at 14.04.30.png

Let's not hope that the 'mucky' biscuits 'full of sugar' that she's feeding Leo weren't gifted.
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My diagnosis:
1. Louise had a lot of goodwill go her way when she was experiencing initial hurdles. Her little business brain went oooh Relevance! But now she’s dug herself a bloody hole trying to maintain that relevance through trauma. She can’t ever disclose because everyone will evaluate it and score it rather than if she’d just been honest people may have been more forgiving and kind. She’s stuck and she knows it.
2. Her mind was like totally blown that she had struggles. Being from her area I’ve heard through quite a few people the same story about post partum haemorrhage so I think it is true. I don’t think her sense of self and entitlement can reconcile that she, THE louise Thompson, had some misfortune and it’s quite sincerely blown her mental health. I think that impact is real to her but honestly I thought she was so much cooler and made of better stuff than to be so disingenuous. It’s fucking boring.
3. the woman needs a proper job. She is clever enough to have a explorative mind which is leading her down super unhelpful pathways. I think it’s also holding her stuck in a negative loop. I genuinely think a day job and structure would help her - though it would be uncomfortable for her and she’d never go for it.
4. Honest to god her flipping between MH meds is so irresponsible. I can’t believe her Chelsea lifestyle can’t afford good medical advice. Anyone who has been on them knows it takes a lot of time to get the right mix but nothing like changing every four weeks . Not only that but as some of you noted she’s misunderstood how some of them work and is perceiving symptoms that are genuinely ridiculous and impossible (eg learn the difference between a stimulant and an inhibitor)
5. hate to be that person but the turtle/tortoise thing they’re right about. 13 families of turtles include tortoises. In fact, all tortoises are technically considered turtles but not all turtles are tortoises. Yes yes, I know.
6. God it pissed me off that they try to make out that Leo is advanced and also already the pressure of success on him before he’s not even one. Christ almighty. Such a cute kid and such shitty parents. Night nurse. Daytime nanny. Sleep. They’ve got all the tools to be amazing and they are up to fuck all.
7. I wonder if Ryan is controlling and dogmatic. He seems like he’s all about perfection but has no substance to back it up so he’s insecure. That translates to tight fisted control. If that’s the case, then I wonder if instagram and her indulgence on herself is the only way she can be heard by him or even reach the outside world. He will engage in reading her instagram as he’s so worried about perception versus her talking to him directly. I wonder if grrrrayn and his moods even keep her family away. Although I remember Alik talking about what a complete bitch/psychotic drama queen she could be so perhaps not.
8. I am going to sound like mother but.. honestly I thought Louise was better than this. She has a lot of potential and a platform and she’s not worked out how to convert that to anything. What does she stand for? What is her brand? What is her unique positioning? Seriously why does she have such a shit manager / agency that someone isn’t helping her. She’s the bloody Meghan Markle of Chelsea. She’s detached from reality and has no idea how disingenuous and forgettable she is.
9. That fucking painting they got commissioned is so ugly and unattractive and in poor taste
10. I have to say. I started as a louise fan but these days she’s a hate follow. The only reason I still do follow is basically to come here and have my innermost awful thoughts validated by you lot. I hate myself for having this side to me but for fucks sake louise. Be better than this.
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It’s funny how she never seems to have a fear of things like make up, massages, reflexology, acupuncture, dressing up…
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From the article “'I have had messages from people that I’ve met ONCE offer up their best friends, cousins, dogs, ex girlfriends, dads house in order to try to help.”

I puke for the second time ... Louise message me I would defo put you up in the dog house.
‘We’ve been in and out of hotels and hostels’ hostels….really Louise?! Name one hostel you’ve put a toe of your ‘dainty foot’ into 🤣
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Is it just me but when I saw her house post this morning, I took it to be just another massive passive aggressive slap at Grrrrryan?

She'll never have a house like that while she's with a guy who shills soda streamers and has to beg for nappies for their child.

Motherhood has hit her like a ton a bricks and with it probably the realisation that she could have metaphorically married up instead of finding herself trapped in her own house with her provincial personal trainer. It might have been great for a tumble or to show him off to her friends (if you like that muscle meathead type) but now she's finding that she could used her youth & looks to marry into great wealth (probably the reason why she cancelled the wedding to Grrrryan as she probably felt that she deserved something better).

She's also probably becoming aware that as a washed up, has been, reality TV Z lister from yesteryear with every new season of Love Island (etc) she slips further and further into obscurity a la Norma Desmond. Her TV career never took off (like Zara's), she's not working (like Sam); she doesn't have a TV show (like Vogue & Spencer); nobody offered her & Grrrryan a huge magazine spread in Hello magazine at the birth of Leo, there was no book deal, or people dancing in the streets in South Africa like they did when Nelson, err... hang on... that's the other entitled Princess... and to most people she's totally irrelevant.

None of that would have mattered if she'd married into great wealth... but she didn't. (Even Niall Horan with his 70 million fortune
would have done... now Grrrryan's gonna expect that she works for a living like an over the hill show pony.)
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Exactly! A lie in…from what 🤣 we know she went to bed at half six last night to avoid Ryan telling her about something he’d actually accomplished and left him to eat cold Nando’s alone downstairs. She’d been in bed for over 12 hours as it was 🤣 she’ll have to wear compression stockings if she’s going to laze about for that long.
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Sorry if this sounds rude but i am a bit horrified your friend is sharing every single detail or a women hospital admission, i find it disgraceful actually.
You are not supposed to be policing people on tattle. Yawn she deals with way worse stuff, Louise is an entitled diva who was trying to treat NHS staff be her servants. If Louise wanted VIP treatment like Binky she should have gone to the private hospital where Kate Middleton gives birth. Not use an NHS hospital Then go on to slag off the NHS and NHS staff.
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I could never get my head around how she could leave lovely Alik, who was so fun, and sweet and hansom and doted on her. For the angry bear who was so controlling and untrusting.

I don't find Ryan attractive at all either, yeah he's buff, bit his face is minging.
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Not gonna lie I think a lot of mums sometimes look forward to bedtime at times. Myself included. I don't think it makes them a bitch
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