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Thank you!!! I'm in a bit of shock I think 😅😅 I was bouncing around the place earlier and now I feel like I could sleep for a week after all the excitement 🤣

I'm just so fucking happy!!!!! 🩷🩷🩷
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@Caledonianprincess can you rock up to A&E? I genuinely get that everyone thinks their illness is more important than the next person's BUT this is a baby.
You're weeks away from your wedding so need to get ahead of the game incase it's something that could escalate.
You're advised to USE YOUR PHARMACIST to ease drs workload so when the pharmacist says....that's a drs appt then the reception should head that advice.

Ring at 6 BUT if no appt forthcoming get your ass to A&E.
Good luck 👍
I'm 30mins in to being on the phone to NHS24 and the clinician is dealing with us so hopefully some resolution soon 🤞
Oh my god that is awful I can’t believe they won’t see him! Get mini seen and then absolutely complain about the receptionist that is appalling. The baby woke up covered in a rash today so we had to ring for an app and the receptionist said all rashes in babies etc need to be seen asap! Really hope you get sorted and mini is seen 💛
I wish we had your receptionist. Ours think they know more than the doctors at times 🙈 hope mini golightly is okay asap
Phoned dickhead receptionist back after NHS24 telling me that mini needs seen by a GP. Told her what I had been told and she said we are at capacity you will not be seen today and phone NHS24 back at 6. What a fucking joke. Minis sitting with a puffy blotchy face and she's not bothered in the slightest. I'll be phoning back before 6 so I'm pretty far up the queue 🤞
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I had one at 16, one at 18 then held off, one at 24, one at 26 now another at 28. I like 2’s as well 🤣
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What a relief for Baby K’s parents to finally have justice for her. I feel so sorry for the ones who are still waiting and may never see justice for their babies. Sadly many more charges to come I think 😔
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Got a phone call 30mins ago to get to hospital for 7pm so was a mad dash but I got here for 10 to. Might of went a smidge faster than needed but if not I'd of been late
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How are we all doing?

That was a bloody rough arsed football much so I started hoovering the lounge I was so raged & missed the 2nd England goal 🤣.
Not quite as bad as the spectators that left at 1-0 but crickey...squeaky bum time.

I also missed the end of an epic F1 as I was giving someone a lift ...their timing was just soooo bad but.... I get to watch it live from Silverstone this weekend so getting ready for that.

How's @Lucyxxxx ? Baby must be due soon.
Also mini @DellaC is due this month.
Not really much going on here, partner is home so kids are feral again. Got 20 week scan next week, excited to see the babies again 🥰
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I'm back on to NHS24 so I can be in line for 6. His rash is still over his face and 3x he has fell. 2x he was crawling and fell flat and the 3rd time he was sitting he fell over. I dont want to be "that" parent by any means but a swollen face and a rash and falling over when crawling isn't the done thing I'd say
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Loool I can just imagine him in his lil formals at your wedding like “so THIS is why you took my food?” 🤣🤣🤣
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Baby R has been watching Glastonbury today too, he gets so excited and gurgles away kicking his legs all over the place 😅 I’ve appreciated the unpaid babysitter while I died of a migraine on the sofa.

He’s grown in to a right chunk this week. I didn’t realise growth spurts were so dramatic 🤣

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I'm having a lemon flavoured sponge with white chocolate buttercream and a white chocolate ganache for the wedding cake. And if folk dont like it I'll eat it for them 😂😂
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Continue here, fellas- if I’ve done it right 🫠

Small recap of our last thread:
- Welcomed babies & found out the gender of the odes 👶🏻👶🏻
- Reunited with our Docmum via @oldjamfan & their continuing love story
- Missing our @DellaC & hoping she pops back up soon
- Thinking of our @Lucyxxxx
- Continues to be the best, most supportive place on Tattle 💛
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It's lush @Caledonianprincess ❤ tissues at the ready.
Hope mini is fighting fit very soon.

@mrs.darcy don't commit either way, just be flexible with the days events.
My dad & his wife came to my mums funeral & wake & in life they avoided one another as best they could!
Honestly it wouldn't have been the same without him there, I'd have been devastated to think he felt he wasn't welcome. Her husband was equally pleased & expected him to be there.
Funerals really can be quite pleasant.

What is this tear & potentially share (pfttt) cake of which you speak?
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