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I shared this on a different thread but thought I’d share it here too so you wrong fellas can appreciate Mr R’s stupidity and Baby R’s cuteness because I know you all love a baby pic 😂

My house 5 minutes ago…
Baby R:

Mr R: “Do you think he needs a bottle?”

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So after an exceptionally shit start to the week I meet my surgeon today and

I got the all clear!!

No more surgeries!!! Just hormone therapy to reduce my risk of it happening again!! 🩷🩷 And regular mammograms to make sure if it does come back, it's caught early!

I'm home free 🤞🏼
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Oh no!! Are they any better now?
They were absolutely fine. My MIL had to have them as we had no other options and this was arranged months ago before we went low contact with her. At 5 she rang us and said we needed to get home asap as the baby was really ill and mini was not good either. We got back to hers half an hour later and they were both absolutely fine; my FIL clarified that there had been no issues and he was surprised to see us there. So yeah. Done on purpose and contact is going from low to none at all 🫠
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Mr Golightly and I are child free for the first time since the baby was born over 9 months ago! We’re off to a wedding and I’m so excited for some time together 🥰

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend 💛
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How are we all doing?

That was a bloody rough arsed football much so I started hoovering the lounge I was so raged & missed the 2nd England goal 🤣.
Not quite as bad as the spectators that left at 1-0 but crickey...squeaky bum time.

I also missed the end of an epic F1 as I was giving someone a lift ...their timing was just soooo bad but.... I get to watch it live from Silverstone this weekend so getting ready for that.

How's @Lucyxxxx ? Baby must be due soon.
Also mini @DellaC is due this month.
Hello thanks for asking. I'm as OK as I can be. Just feel like I'm being tested more by the day. Well baby has now dropped and I've been on the loo a lot lol. Don't think she's got much longer til she's here tbh. I had 4D scan done the other week and Ffs she is basically her dad but a girl 😂😂
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It's lush @Caledonianprincess ❤ tissues at the ready.
Hope mini is fighting fit very soon.

@mrs.darcy don't commit either way, just be flexible with the days events.
My dad & his wife came to my mums funeral & wake & in life they avoided one another as best they could!
Honestly it wouldn't have been the same without him there, I'd have been devastated to think he felt he wasn't welcome. Her husband was equally pleased & expected him to be there.
Funerals really can be quite pleasant.

What is this tear & potentially share (pfttt) cake of which you speak?
He slept all night and didn't wake once. I've woken him up to feed him as he was coughing but he's sleepy so he will probably go back down.
We have all our songs done, we picked them last night I ❤ them all. ^^ song just speaks to my soul though and I'm so glad he released this version.
This is the cinnamon tear and share I spoke about previously. It's no cinnabon but it helps fill a hole


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Complain about the receptionist, it is not her job to triage. I used to be a GP receptionist, and as we all know, they get no medical training. Even now as a health care professional with a decade+ behind me, there is no way I would tell someone to basically ignore their baby's rash.
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Can I talk to you all about the weirdness from Janet's BFF? Is this the right place? Her friend and daughter are on the main thread.

I thought these threads had disappeared, I've only just found the subforum bit.

Sorry if this isn't the right place, I can see you're all talking about babies!!
Heyyyy! Post away

@raspberryjuice is trying to convince us all to get pregnant again over here so we need a break 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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@mrs.darcy did you go to the wake? Hope all went as smoothly as these things can. Thinking of you and your girls

@Lucyxxxx as deleted said I wish you didn't have to be put in this situation to prove how strong you are. The time it's taking must be agony.

@Cack_Conroe just read your account from court. I didn't manage to read much last week with other things going on. I can't believe Janet had the audacity to call you out. I can't believe she can act like the big I am at all. So sorry that happened to you and sounds like you definitely experienced some discrimination from her and the ushers. Not a great look for someone in her former profession. What I don't get with Janet is Lucy has blamed others on the unit, she could easily have blamed her. She's called into question some of Janet's other good friends. But she's stuck like glue to her. How does she inspire such loyalty? Even without being a serial baby killer she's a horrible person. Sorry it all impacted you and made you feel unwell afterwards and thank you for going and for your great reporting. You sound a lovely person who's very open-minded and willing to talk and listen to anyone.

Here's hoping the right verdict is passed this week (hopefully the jury don't hang around.)
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Afternoon Twattlers.
I'm feeling very old today. My youngest offspring is 30 today! I remember his birth like it was yesterday. Piece of piss. Never even took my jacket off. 😂

I also remember all the mums on the ward being gobsmacked when I changed his nappy (it wasn't that common for dads to do it back then, but of course he wasn't our first so I was well versed in it). I would imagine a few of the visiting dads were cursing me under their breath as well ha ha.

Hope everybody is okay. Early finish for me today to watch the 🏏
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Morning Twattlers x
How are we all doing.
Shall I run a sweepstake on what time the GUILTY AS FUCK verdict is going to be announced?

I reckon just before lunchtime 🤞
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I’ve got the iPhone 15 and must say the camera is really good!

The longer Della is gone, the more likely it’s looking like she isn’t coming back. I feel so worried about her and her family 😔
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