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that is a tricky situation. I imagine many people would not feel right getting a refund from a charitable cause, but they honestly should be entitled to one because they donated under false pretences. But kind of awkward for everyone.
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Just caught Dani Steven’s stories where she’s pushing a stark raving mad anti-vaxxer movie.
The way these nutters are obsessed with Anthony Fauci is pathological.
I reported that shit. I’m so tired of these twats.
The pandemic is mostly under control globally - thanks to vaccines.
Most people don’t even think about it any more - because we’re moving on with a normal life! - thanks to vaccines.
But these narcissists are still hanging on to their deranged conspiracy theory though.
It gives them an identity they just can’t let go of - they loooove thinking of themselves as warriors!
And, coincidentally, they profit off of the traffic by keeping other rabid narcissists worked up over it. Gotta keep them on the hook somehow, aye?

10-to-1 we’ll get an anti-vaxx story out of old girl Leila soon. Her sister was banging on about it last week. You know they’ve been foaming at the mouth about it together and she just won’t be able to resist showing her crazy.


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She had no clue, the whole thing was so bloody generic 😂
At the end she couldn’t even remember the names that nat had actually told her. Also her imitating the choking it’s laughable. So much second hand embarrassment
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Attempted to be a yoga person 🤣 for some reason this reminded me of when ‘her assistant Georgia’ posted about how everyone asking about the ‘boss lady’s’ yoga mat….and not a single comment on the post was made 😆

Posts this after the yoga photo 🤣
But leis has to protect her energy didn’t you know? It’s hard work talking to dead people.
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I don’t know her, I commented on one of her posts a few weeks ago and her and her NZ sister went wild.! What I don’t understand is why she’s still wanting child support if she’s earning 5k 🤔 she really is in need of serious help!
So you commented on one of her posts from her private account? Did she accept your follow despite not knowing you?

At any rate, thanks for saying everything we’ve all wanted to say to her! Brava!
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She is such a muppet. Howz the clip of her talking and doing the same eyefucking of herself that Crystal Bailey does.
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Yeah, Ash, you’re as big of twat as Leila.

Scepticism doesn’t prove fear, scarcity and avoidance, it proves you’re not a stupid pushover. I know that’s confronting and uncomfortable for frauds like you and Leila but maybe you should “actually use those feelings as a beautiful portal to unpack what is actually going on for you”, you fucking idiot.


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The single parent pension you are scamming whilst 'making so much cash' is not a savings plan you moron.
I hope whomever said that they were reporting her to Centrelink includes this screenshot …

Didn’t she say she couldn’t keep Lincoln? Why? If you couldn’t keep him why get a puppy?
She couldn’t keep Lincoln because she was only fostering him and another family adopted him.

But by saying that you're implying that the questions are all real & not fake as many of us think. She probably thinks she's getting away with posting alllllll these questions to herself.

We don't even know if this is a real question from a real person & not made up.
No doubt that most, if not all, of the questions are fake but her responses are indicative of the shit she would say in an actual reading. And it’s really dangerous, as we’ve all noted. Whether it be precarious relationships that she will sink, women yearning to be mums desperately hoping for some good news that she will lead on or the bereaved looking for a little solace that she tells them their brother’s friends murdered them (shocking as fuck!). She’s playing with fire.

My guess is that she will be flush with cash for a little while as the remaining brainless followers she has book readings with her out of curiosity. Eventually though that will putter out as people realize she is a fraud and she doesn’t get repeat bookings. Remember, she is still shadowbanned thanks to her anti-vaxxer lunacy. She does not have the opportunity to grow her insta audience. Every shady endeavor she plans will have an expiration date because she will never have a fresh audience to target. This expiration date may last a little longer than the others but it will surely come.

I think I gave this scam 3-6 months in our first round of predictions. I’ll extend that since she is also launching her “master class” scam. I’ll put money on 6-9 months until she’s back to hawking cheap jewelry and nudist photo shoots.


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More about the foster dog and still nothing about the rabbit. Your silence speaks volumes Tarah. What did you do to the poor rabbit?
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Ever is a beautiful and sweet child. For the love of god, stop exploiting your kids for content you narcissists. Let them have their own little lives out of the microscope of your Instagram page and stop making them do performative shit for engagement. You would think sending pictures of her young daughter to a catfisher would have been her wake-up call to protect her more, but nah, it’s all about Leila.

What is this, it doesn’t even make sense? “Mummy says hold the phone and film me dancing to your favorite song? Huh? Why? And she’s not filming you, she’s clearly filming herself watching you so that you have something to post. Just gross.


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Lies would know a lot about Nat - they were anti-vaxxer pals, Lies shot for Nat (one of the only glowing positive we are le mama reviews), Nat was joining her photography mentoring.

basically you’ve got the best of 2 hogan baes here.
One that’s a wanna be influencer that would say yes to anything for free and the other a wanna be medium that has no shame in asking friends to do live readings…
Oh, and let’s not forget that Nat is also an AliExpress Jewelry Reseller.

She has backed herself into a corner here.

She knows we can see her booking schedule (which, btw still has the same availability it did from last I checked it). Because she knows we can see it, she’ll have to block them out herself to uphold the fabricated lie she’s fully booked.

By doing that, anyone who doesn’t know her backstory and genuinely wants a booking won’t be able to make one because she’s taken all of her own appointments away.

Which is why she’s now saying “I’ve blocked out other times which you won’t see in the Cal, so just DM me and I can fit you in”. It just makes her come across as even MORE disingenuous 🥴

The end game here has got to be to get just enough “testimonials” that she can release a course/workshop which, to someone else’s point on here, is the real cash cow. If it were just 1:1 readings, you wouldn’t run a business this way. Not a successful, genuine one anyway.
Spot on! Well done.
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Omg so true..I won’t poison my body, I’m worth it”

next minute…Botox, fillers, commercial hair dyes from the hairdresser, gel/acrylics from the nail salon, clothing purchases from cotton on and shein where the fabrics are not ethically produced…and the list goes on.


Yes! Buys organic but fills her body with other toxins especially her face 🤡 and what would her sister say about her CANDLES that are constantly burning!

Another testimonial that didn’t happen 🤣


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This egomaniac posts the first unfiltered photo of herself in years absolutely loving herself over her skin and hair, then the immediate next post is her filtered so extremely that it has legit shaved 100 lbs off of her body. She’s got a problem.
Also, check the unfiltered pic compared to the one just a few frames earlier. None of those three photos look like the same person.


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