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I'm really sorry if I offend anyone, but, to me, people who get heavily invested in crystals and psychic readings etc are generally fuckwits.
Or feel like things are missing/not right in their life and want reassurances that they will get better which is how people can be preyed upon.

Truth is Big Loz is too dim to read up on how to use any of these things, she just wants more freebies to gather dust in her flat and to tell everyone how ‘spiritual’ she is.

So Oddbod was waiting for Big Loz to feed him which is code for go on the beg for free takeaway. I wonder just how many local companies and franchises she’s hit up for food. Do we reckon she calls them up or messages them on Instagram?

Hi babez, Big Loz Goodger here wiv a amazing optunty 4u to get ur brand featured on my Instagram for all my 1000s of followers 2c. I m pregnant and eatin for 2 now - I am blessed 🙌 also my beauful boyfriend soon to be husband Charlie Oddbod, the famous model, rapper and semi-pro footballer needs food as we r just a yungel and growing yunboy. Pls send enuf for 8 ppl wiv extra corn n sauces. You dont need 2 fank me n if ur good we will hav the same next wk LG💋 Dont 4get 2 send paper plates n plastic forks n stuff as we dont do washin up.
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There has been numerous occasions where myself and other paps have had abuse from her for 'editing' pictures to get her look 'fat'. As you n is she believes the facetuned version of herself is real. You're not actually allowed to touch pap logos at all that's why the industry is baffled no one is calling Backgrid out on this. So Backgrid is an agency but a person, any pap can send to them but whoever takes the set up pictures sends them to get manager who 'photoshops' them while she facetunes them then they send it back to Backgrid who send them out. They don't want to upset the manager so that say nothing. As you've all pointed out during is VERY sus with the no so Scan then suddenly scan with the dates. No one is touching anything that's copyrighted to her management as 1) bizarre. There's literally no one else who does this and 2) just goes to show it's all about money. That's why she posted that video yestday which was a week and a bit old as no one has reported anything. She doesn't get paid for DM articles but her and her manger get a cut of the photos which before the pregnancy announcement was barely any £
I have so much to say but I don't want to get found out too much but the paps and I have had enough. So feel free to ask me things but you've pretty much summed it all up.
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I actually feel a little mean posting this but I feel so strongly about the fakery that Instagram “celebs” promote and the damage it can do to young girls (yun gels). The left is a screen shot from the video of the shoot. The right is the heavily photoshopped image.


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Of course I've met her in person I have been papping for well over 20 years and have had abuse from her since the start of towie . She is exactly like how you all describe her on here. She really isn't well but now has enablers like her manager. She believes her own hype. We felt sorry for her at first but not anymore. The messages she has sent me and others are shocking

Sorry if I'm not replying correctly just seen I have to quote reply. As you can tell I am new!
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Oh god latest post - “can anyone recommend a pregnancy nutritionist” obvs on the beg again but Whyyyyy!?? Why does she need someone to tell her what to eat I’m SO confused why can’t she just be a normal reasonable person 🤦🏻‍♀️ Buy a book with healthy recipies in it or something? Or Google it FFS!
"Stop eating takeaways" - that'll be £50, please :rolleyes:
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Those leggings in that first ‘spot the difference‘ photo are under such tensile strain that if you jabbed her with a pin she’d fly round the room making a farting sound and land in a sad deflated heap.
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There's so much I can say so just so remind me! Also I'm sure you know this already but every picture frame in her house is a picture of her! Especially sexy lingerie ones.
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What a sad sorry state of affairs when you have to do this ! I couldn’t be arsed !
I presume with our Loz it will be someone at the "talent agency" who manages her followers as even shit talent agency's tend to have a social media person. I really don't think it is something she would have the brain capacity to keep on top of 😂.

It's all a madness! The thing that gets me is the deleting comments. Sometimes with zlisters especially,you see them for hours and hours after posting deleting "HaTeRz" non stop so they post a photo then it's eight hours of their life just policing the post. No wonder they are all daft. 😂

Watching the first episode of Pete(Wicks) and Sam's( Thompson) reality news and Sam has just read out about Big Loz pregnancy.

He said "Lauren Goodger one of the most popular Towie cast ever"

Then he said "Wells that's a stretch" 😂

He then said "Lauren said her new beau Charles who is 23 didn't believe her"

And Pete pipes up


Loving the digs!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Agree. I feel a bit sad sometimes taking time out of my life to gossip on here, but really it’s fair game when all these vacuous people want is publicity and people talking about them. Used to feel sorry for Lauren but genuinely after that BBC sting, that completely ended. She still tries to defend it as well saying it’s edited out of context and that she ‘wasn’t aware of what cyanide was’. That’s the WHOLE POINT Lauren! You have no morals or conscience and were filmed very clearly laughing about the fact you influence others to buy these things, for a cut of the profits yourself. Gross people, they all are. And I have to say a lot of the comments on here really make me laugh, where did the sweetcorn thing even come from it’s hilarious
The sweetcorn thing is because she has it with almost every meal even in her Spag Bol 😂 In regards to feeling.sad or like I'm wasting my life here I don't feel that way at all. But I understand the need to take breaks and have reflection. I take time off the internet as a whole very regularly.

In all honesty if your feeling conflicted just take a couple of days off. 9 time out of 10 I think people then realise they aren't here for Big Loz she is a by product. They are here for the camaraderie. I mean that with sincerity.

I have watched Lauren bully and lie for ten years constantly. If she was a person I knew I wouldn't know them anymore. If she was a politician,a business person or just a Joe Bloggs on the street she would have been held to account. Somehow she gets away with it every single time and I have no qualms about calling that out.

Also let's never forget the girls who came forward having received messages from Lauren telling them they were ugly,to get plastic surgery or calling them derogatory names.
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Thread title suggestion.

Lauren Goodger #13. Stuck to her sheets & can't see her feet, beggy pizza is all she eats.
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