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Why is anyone surprised by this?
She's going to use Harvey to do the swearing and ranting for her knowing she can side step any and all responsibility for it.
The lad never had a chance from birth, he's her get out of jail free card.
Disabled, mentally and physically, the perfect excuse for everything.
She supposedly had £45M?
How much of that would she have needed to get him all the help he needed to have become a better balanced person.
Any normal person would have wanted the best for their offspring but no, Skanky was too busy shagging, partying and shoving stuff up her snout.
It's too late now, he's too old and set in his ways and he obviously thinks he's doing what his mother wants by repeating what she teaches him.
The people who care for him at the college must despair at how she treats him but what can they do?
I guess none of us are surprised but in a sense it reminds me of what I was reflecting on the other day, about how she actually does leave me gobsmacked every time she pulls one of her stunts. People have said in the past that I see the good in people slightly too much to a point where people can take advantage of me. Without going into too much detail I have a referral in to adult autism services, as apart from other traits and difficulties, I never see alterior motives and struggle to read people. A few of you have talked about narcissists and I can relate… I’m digressing I know.

My point is, I was thinking about why I feel at home here (and I suspect) many of you read these threads, because we are decent people who just can’t fathom how she operates like she does. To me it’s a massive social lesson, and yes I am actually gobsmacked every time there’s an update about her even though I know she’s utterly vile. There are people like the Pricey who have absolutely no moral compass and I for one just can’t comprehend it. I’m particularly angry though tonight because people with disabilities are people and I do hope someone is looking out for Harvey.

Apologies for getting all deep! 😅
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Chatty Member
Yes anyone can say they are a cousin or aunt or a source. It just seems a bit strange after pics of the kids looking happy with Michelle there's someone coming forward claiming they are a cousin saying Michelle is a nightmare. Why haven't they spoke up before then. Maybe it's a coincidence. I'm not being nasty it's an observation.
Most of the time if you know information you're so hesitant to say anything because 9 times out of 10 it'll get back to the person it's about and they will know who's said what about them.

I'm surprised KP hasn't tried banging my door down regarding half the things I've outed her for 😂😂😂🚪
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I bet she is agitated because it is clearer to people than what she realises, that she only visited family where J and P were, that she didn’t take them or they have not been seen with her since slapgate. I reckon she got some grief off wanky for it. Being left alone on Christmas Day after dropping skanky off, he will not have been happy about that but Wanky guess what the fathers are protecting their children from u and that monster of a mother of theirs, something u will never know. It just feels from her reaction that another situation is brewing, that the pressure is building. She has no one to blame, only herself. Appalling woman, appalling mother.
I think she finds it harder and harder now to bluff to the kids. That’s why she’s struggling, I think that Carl probably just says mean shit about the dads and is no practical support to her at all apart from driving her around (which she will be expected to be grateful to him for). Peter won’t speak to her so she has no control over anything to do with Princess and Junior anymore, just FaceTime and texting with them. I also think Princess and Junior do love her but won’t let her talk shit about Pete and have no bond with Carl, so she feels alone and is lashing out. She can’t handle the insinuation, that is correct, that she’s chosen Carl over her kids. She has.
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With Cawl not there Xmas day, this surely has to confirm he was responsible for her getting punched?

I get that he can't be around the kids, but up until then he had been. Jett and Bunny had been staying there that night.

If this ever comes out, that it was him, and she has all but lost her 4 other children because of that - well, it beggers belief what she is willing to do for him.
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not on my watch

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She is a nasty bitch making harvey say that in a video. hope 2022 is a fucking horrible year for that bastard price and that fuckwit woods
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Crazy Horse

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I dunno about you other tattlers - but getting her child with additional needs to rehurse and repeat swear words to send a message to the press really did make me realise what an absolutely smashing mum she is.
She’s just a vile, rude, disgrace, to use poor Harvey like that,how could any mother do that.
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Pretty sure princess and junior have only been in her company when Amy’s around so presumed she is the agreed person for supervised contact. Our 17 year old nephew has Aspergers and slight ticks and the last thing we would do is laugh or encourage him to swear or say inappropriate things as he already does both at times - no one reprimands him but he’s corrected because the hope is he can at one point work in a public facing job - she’s just spoiling all of the progress the college will have been making. I’m not overly bothered by swearing but when it’s totally out of context or used in this situation with a vulnerable person it makes me feel quite ill tbh.
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Yay, welcome to all the newbies who are now posting and not just lurking, I’m sure there are many more, so please join in 🥰

Looking at all the comments on their social media accounts and in the media, just shows the negativity towards them now, people are fed up with the pair lying and contradicting themselves and getting away with constant rule breaking and the treatment of H.

In the bankruptcy, she told them she had a horse (Wallis) and a pony (Bobby) since then she has told the world she bought Bunny a pony for her birthday. As far as I am aware Wallis was/is stabled at Attridges (Amy who had Hagrid) Bobby could be next door to the MM with Helen (KP Equestrian director) as it was thought she had horses there. I see she launched KP equestrian and hasn’t really done much with it lately. 🤷🏻‍♀️ As usual, like everything she promotes, a 5 minute wonder. 🙄
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Its very clear she is desperately clinging onto her one trick pony " Harvey " for dear life at the moment in order to garner sympathy and stay relevant in the public eye .... she knows she has with her behaviour 👉👉 driving while banned ( multiple times ) drugged and drunk out of her skull ... putting the public at risk, and avoiding prison .. knows she has FUCKED UP .. the public are rightly angry, that she has YET AGAIN ... not been punished ... what we are seeing now, is someone who is scared ... clinging to anything, for dear life ... to stay in the ` spotlight `... to stay relevant, and because she is so fucking thick, instead of calming down for a while, showing she is trying to redeem herself for all the wrong, she goes completely in the opposite direction, becomes more and more ridiculous, thinking this will make the public warm to her .. the arrogance in her is unreal ... she can post as many cutesy fake as SHIT Harv videos as she likes ... people .... even her ` fans ` have now seen through her, WISED UP ... anyone with eyes, can see he is not comfortable, uneasy, and not having fun, with his ` mother ` ( that video yesterday, was disgusting and very uncomfortable to watch ... you can delete all you want pwicceee, we all saw it, once its out there, its a done deal ) ... gone are the days, where this fucking skanky CLOWN could get her ` management ` to gloss over her vile behaviour ... this CAN NOT be fixed, she has gone too far .... I just hope next time she flips the car, while driving .. BANNED ... DRUNK AND HIGH ( there WILL be a next time, that's a guarantee ) .... she only ` seriously ` injures herself ... or dies ( either is fine by me ) ... so for all her ` big bollock ` talk attacking the media .. where again, anyone who has worked with junkies, been one, or around them .... can clearly see all the obvious signs in these immature, lunatic ` ranting ` videos she puts out there .... she knows, she has ruined any comeback, by showing her true UGLY self ... It can only be hidden for so long before it comes to the surface .... SCUM ALWAYS RISES ... FACT!!! ... this is where she is now ... people are finally seeing the ` UGLY ` in her ... if she were this ` clever shrewd business woman ` .... that she often boasts about, she would have turned this around, taken another path ... she has the platform to do this, yet seems intent on destroying herself ..... the public are not falling for this Harv bear crap anymore, and she knows it ... so expect to see her become more manic .... delusional as time moves on, doing STUPID stuff ... in order to stay out there ... she will AGAIN royally FUCK UP ... I for one, am enjoying her downfall, watching her get more and more desperate ... and as for the children .. they have good fathers and stepmothers, and as they mature, they will distance themselves from this fucking mess that is their ` mother ` Harvey .. we can only hope someone does step in to put a stop to his exploitation, that remains to be seen, if she cant use her child, the only thing she has left is her relationship with ` colegate the violent ponce ` and from what we have seen thus far, its dead, there's nothing there ... keep fucking up pwicceeee, there are MANY out there enjoying your downfall 👌
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Just catching up with Katie Price thread , I find it very difficult to read. I am a learning disability/mental health professional , poor Harvey he has profound and multiple learning disabilities he does not have the capacity to understand the things his mother makes him say or to have an Instagram account. He has the IQ of a very young child KP is 10000 percent exploiting her disabled son .

I can just tell she's one of the nightmare parents/families who won't take any advice or support in helping Harvey but will happily exploit . At residential college he will have lots of positive behaviour support plans in place and whenever KP sees him it probably destabilises all of the plans and work the staff have done with Harvey . The number one thing someone with severe autism and learning disabilities needs is consistency and KP can't give him that.
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What makes me laugh is when she tells the press to leave her alone but literally a few hours after ‘slap gate’ she was selling pictures of her beaten face to the papers and not once did she say it wasn’t Cole. ‘ The twoof will come out, never underestimate the pwicey’
If you were really suffering that bad you would just come off social media but she loves te attention.
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Thank you! I got very tired of the exploitation and I'm fed up with the number of times she put up pictures of Harvey looking uncomfortable while she crawls all over him. He needs privacy.
Have you seen her latest Instasham, feeding Harvey, clearly word by word to slag the media off. SUN, MIRROR, MAIL, tell her to fuck off with her crappy stories and stop paying her. She is denigrating you and your journalists! Stop!
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She needs to be locked away in a cage and fed an apple a day. She makes my fucking piss boil. The bare faced cheek of her to not accept any slagging off or accountability. Rolling out Harvey for the troll narrative. Predicatble as always

Its borderline child abuse what she does to him. He has zero awareness of what she is telling him. It's an absolute disgrace
He’s turning into a foul mouthed adult now due to her vile teachings. Can’t be pleasant for the residents and staff of the college to hear that sort of language. She’s tried to turn him against the police and now the press. I don’t think he understands really but is copying parrot fashion. She really is as thick as mince! No emotional intelligence at all. If the press turn on her now she is completely done for…
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Chatty Member
Wasn't Boyson the one in the car when she was found drunk, no undies in a crashed car? If so, then he lied for her, she could've been in prison ages ago. No respect for him at all in that case. If he spills anything, he will also implicate himself. All a bunch of self serving cretins.
She lied. He lied to help cover her lies.

She was the one driving, made out it was one of Kris' mates that did a runner when the car was stopped.

Now that's a conversation with her I wish I recorded!
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I am not anti Kieran - I think he’s a good parent

But I do think there is some truth to him being fairly workshy and it causing issues…. Him not working drove Katie mad, and she hated it. Yes he was at home with all the kids, but she super resented paying out things for him and was always bitching about it. She didn’t want him to be a SAHD and the house fell into a state of disrepair which I am not sure was all down to KP… So what now if he has even more kids and is just faffing around on OF for a few ££ and the odd PT session and it’s making Michelle stressed out?
All of a sudden Michelle is the bad guy. Its fucking Skank posting this. She can't bear Michelle being a great parent to her kids. They always look happy with Michelle. Kieran and Michelle's body language is positive. It's mrs nasty again. Prove me wrong. Cousin my arse!
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A complaint has been made under Section 76 of the Serious Crime Act 2015 - Controlling or Coercive Behaviour in an Intimate or Family Relationship.
OMG I’ve just had a thought!!!

If this latest complaint was made against Katie’s treatment of Harvey…does that mean it could activate her suspended sentence?
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