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Just watching videos on YouTube, accidently Clicked on her singing 'hano I got you' on loose women, now I can't get the effing tune out my head
If you liked that performance you’ll love this one. In the words of BunnyCuddles:

‘I’m crying as I type this. She is absolutely adorable LOL LOL'

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Not really sure why you felt the need to correct me in such a snide way. I was out by 2 years big deal 🤷🏼‍♀️ it doesn’t change anything else I said.
Oh no,I didn’tmean to be awful sorry if I upset you! Oh it was just a quote.I wasn’t being snidely,never been like that in me life.Apoligise to you.🤭
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And hanging out with footballers is never a saintly activity either. She aspired to that life too
I’ve known someone who is practically Kates doppelgänger, well age wise, in fact Kate is my old acquaintances doppleganger…same background, same circles, same car crash life…drugs, drink, men, drama, shit show, losing child access.

Kate will never be with a ‘wholesome’ bloke because they are boring. She needs the drama, she needs the spectacle, she needs the arguments, she needs the jealously, it makes it exciting. Even loosing the children doesn't put a stop to it…because deep down the children are a hindrance to the much needed drama. When you’ve been so deeply involved in that ’lifestyle’ and when you are not very bright, the ‘normal’ life isnt something you strive for, she’ll say she wants it…but she can’t stand it. It’s too boring. Any adult who says they are bored…step away! It’s an indication they cannot entertain themselves so will drain the shit out of those around them because they are too fucking lazy to expand the muscle that is their brain! KP has this issue!

If she stops drinking forever I will eat my hat. It wont happen!
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Chatty Member
I can still see the instagram post on there from her mother , but comments are turned off.

She is clearly taking a pop at the ex's here, but to be fair they are just highlighting the fact that KP's addiction with drink and drugs are an ongoing problem and not just recently. If her family can't see this then they are most definitely either deluded or in denial... probably both but then so is Katie.

What they fail to realise is that KP only has these 'mental health' issues because of the drink and drugs she rams down her neck and up her nose. It's not a case of she's drink/drug driving because she is mentally unwell.!!! Does Iron Lung & Co not understand that long term use of these substances will cause all sorts of brain malfunction!!

They seriously need to stop making excuses for her, stop posting self pitying, poor Katie carbage , stop blaming social media or anyone within walking distance of her otherwise this will all end very badly indeed.

But that won't happen, she will come out the priory within a few weeks at most, claiming she needs to be with her family and children in order to get mentally well, claim she's a changed person, I've never felt better, this is the new me, the Pricey is back ...etc etc. it's all so fucking predictable and pathetic now.
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midsummer blue

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Oh come on, Pricey sells made up stories to the press every week!
If old ma Pricey wanted the media to back off, she could do what Prince Harry and meghan do, lawyers letters. But no, she wants the public on Katie's side, too late love, everyone wants to see her jailed.
As I’ve said before I wish they would stop spouting mental health as her problem. She drank the alcohol Nobody made her, she took the drugs Nobody made her. She decided to drive while banned, drunk and drugged up, Nobody made her, that was all HER own free will.
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Did Saint Amy worry about the mental wellbeing of KP exes when KP would belittle and slate them in the media, how about when she flashed private videos of one of her exes to a tv studio audience talking the piss..... Or when she slagged off a young lass who appeared on big brother calling her a slut on national television..... Her family are bloody hypocrites like she is
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Kate’s mum and her Skanky lawyers need to realise the story has moved on from Skanky’s mangled face… to Kieron’s butthole on Only Fans! 😆

The press know we are living in the fickle world of Trolling, because they are the biggest Troll 😉

Can you imagine kp's reaction.
Oooh let's have a look at Tattle, my favourite, they can be relied on to keep talking about me.
Only to find she's been outclassed by kieran's hairy arse.
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Where to even start with her mum's post....

Yes, the press will milk any story they can to fill their shitty papers, but if there is no story in the first place, there is just simply nothing to write about. Kate and the tabloids have been playing a game for decades and now that she is losing, it's not so fun anymore, eh? I'm not saying she deserves all she gets....however, if you play with fire, you get burnt. It's too late now for Amy to be pretending she's worried about her daughters welfare. She should have nipped it in the bud when Kate first said "Mum, i'm going to get my tits out for page 3" when she was barely legal. Kate has been enabled and encouraged all her life. This isn't the media's fault and neither is it us "trolls". Look inward, Amy.
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I know some people here get angry when i bring this up but I’m genuinely confused. Kierans latest onlyfans have leaked. Do you think Michelle is the one taking these photos? They’re so disturbing and he’s clearly high as a kite.

I feel so awful for bunny and Jett.
Someone seriously needs to block all my search engines so i can't go looking for this shite when you guys mention it. Now i need to go bleach my fecking eyeballs.
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Slimey fucking Kris and Kieran getting their moneys worth by giving their views . As much as Katie is in the wrong I think they need to shut up and quit using her downfall to make a few quid . 🤬
The bastard should have spoken the truth when she crashed the pink Range Rover,he the bastard covered up for her,so Boyson keep you fucking trap closed and piss off in to the wilderness.Git.😡
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Chatty Member
She reminds me of Daniella Westbrook these days. Such a shame to make such a hash of your life. She could have ‘retired’ with a tidy sum, devoted herself to her kids and given them a stable upbringing. It’s hard to fathom how someone can continually make such poor life choices with regards to men, surgeries, finances. It gets to a point where it’s her children that suffer and she needs to understand it is not funny, it’s sad.

Dont do me. Ive just seen a hairy arsehole that I can never unsee.
What on earth is he doing only fans for??!!
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It's a bit late asking for privacy when most of the western hemisphere has seen Dane Bowers big toe splitting your daughter in half, St Amy of the Order of the Iron Lung.
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This is the we know, she NEVER wears seatbelts 🤔
I'm very suspicious about this whole event. Some things just don't make sense:

1. Rarely wears seatbelts as Pink pointed out so why was she when pissed and coked off her head when she can't even be bothered putting them on her kids, let alone herself?

2. Just happened to be a 'passerby' who got her out of the car before calling 999. Anyone with rudimentary medical knowledge knows you don't move an injuried party unless advised to do so. Turn off the engine, take the keys and call ES. Man apparently 'vanished' when the ambulance arrived.

3. I've 'rolled' a car when hit by a stolen car. Least you can expect is whiplash and bruising. She seemed fine when leaving court.

Something isn't quite right here IMHO and seems calculatingly timely.
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House of Tea

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Re Kate’s mum’s post - she says to the press that their actions have consequences, but so too do her daughter’s actions. Of course the press are going to run with this. Katie sold her soul to the devil decades ago, using the press to promote herself and to gain £. Why would they pull back now? On the whole they have been kind to her, kinder than perhaps she deserves because of her litany of mistakes, which Katie herself doesn’t seem at all ashamed of. She revels in the drama and the infamy. Of course her mum just sees her child, but her child is the one causing her pain, not the press or people that comment on the extraordinarily long lists of scrapes and misdemeanours.
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