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Chatty Member
Hi everyone, I follow the threads but don’t often post. I was so sick on mumsnet of her being a wonderful parent, that I commented that while I’m sorry that she’s a victim of domestic violence she’s a terrible mother. They banned me for a week and said I’d have to be nice to come back. I told them if a parenting site held her up as an example of good parenting I wanted no more to do with it and they wouldn’t get any apology from me. What a bunch of muppets they are on mumsnet. How the fuck can they call her a good parent and ban someone for saying good parents usually remember their kids birthdays and don’t fuck off on holidays or hand their obese son a whole carrot cake to keep them quiet or even worse laugh while the bullying boyfriend teases them about the cake
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Dawn Dayn

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She is a mess but in fairness - nobody should ever be hit. And ppl who are excusing ot or saying she deserved it are absolutely vile.
Nobody here has said she deserved it.
She sold her story to the sun within a few hours, saying she had a split eye, possible fractured jaw. The pics taken show a big bruise on her cheek, nothing wrong with her eye or jaw. Nothing, not even this, is ever straightforward with Katie. She posted a pic of the kids at the house that night, now were they there, did she drive drunk with them to her manager, or were the pics a lie, and they weren't there.
Katie brings all the shit on herself by her shady behaviour, and might even let Carl off this, whatever this is, to protect her life of lies. Her kids who will have a lifetime of issues from their chaotic upbringing are the innocent victims here. I hope the truth comes out, but I doubt it. I'm not going to be a hypocrite, I don't like her, I hope she gets help and takes good advice.
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She is a mess but in fairness - nobody should ever be hit. And ppl who are excusing ot or saying she deserved it are absolutely vile.
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Pom Bear

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@Facehugger Thanks for your lovely reply from the last thread 🥰💖💕🤗😘🐾 xx
I can't believe how fast this is moving..if I carried on trying to catch up as I was before, I properly caught up by Xmas 😄
Pom hugs to you my's great to see you back on again too. 💕❤🥰🤗😘🐾 xx

So Cole was spotted in red shorts in a shop looking sulky..I think I've found him 😄..but why is he wearing Kate's shoes 😄

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Anyone else wondering how long it will be until she comes out with…….

Wait for it…….

“Oh my god. Carl had the smallest knob I’ve EVER seen in my entire lyfffe”

I give it 10 days
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As I write I’m in tears. I’m such a silly so and so. My special friend passed away this morning. He wasn’t even my cat he was my neighbours cat and we always had a cuddle. I made a quilt for him at Christmas. He was in and out the vets recently but still the same when I saw him.

Rest easy my friend. God bless. I loved you.
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But he c

But he can’t sing 😂😂. He’s better than her for sure. But not great. He is an ok dad as dads go. Just a normal dad that a dad should be. Nothing over the top etc. I don’t really have anything to say about Emily. As he is a part of Katie’s life he is bound to be brought up again. Just like boyson has been since this all kicked off. Oh and Alex. I thought we could talk about what we wanted on these threads if it was to do with the actual person? I agree with someone else who said it’s far more relevant to talk about Pete than it is to talk about personal problems etc. I don’t mind reading about others personal problems. Or I just scroll past those comments. If we don’t like something we read we can do that.
For fuck sake, this bullshit again about "He can't sing".:rolleyes: He makes a decent living through singing, enough to live a good life and pay his taxes ... you know, the taxes his trashy ex has dodged for years. The taxes that fund H's disability payments that pricey has been bleeding the tax payers (like Peter and us)of for years without contributing a penny herself. So between his music and appearances and investments in property he's had since long before price came into his life he does very well from singing. Beautiful educated classy young wife, very nice home, well thought of by showbiz/telly circles, living the dream. While pricey is in debt up to her expanded tits, spends her days getting manicures, new wigs, new tits, new teef and pretending she has shared custody of her kids when we all know she only has visits because she's a druggy mess with a dodgy bloke and been sofa surfing since kieran ditched her arse.
Feel free to scroll past now ... byeee.😘
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I'm confused! Why in the hell is she presenting the British LGBT Awards after how she treated Alex Reid o_O

She insulted him for dressing as a woman, humiliated him repeatedly and said his preferences were 'vile' in various press stories, she then engaged in revenge porn. Sometimes it just seems like people are absolutely braindead in what they are willing to gloss over and accept!
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I think it’s just me who doesn’t mind Boyson, I do follow him on IG. He hasn’t been on any reality TV, didn’t talk about his split with Bianca, is rarely in the side bar of shame and doesn’t go to envelope openings. He talks a lot about fitness and mental health. He doesn’t post hardly anything private. I don’t know if he is being a fame whore I really liked his KP takedown video and he was really good to those kids. But if he takes her back - mug!
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New but have been reading along and trying to catch up on the cast of characters over the last 3000 or so posts (you tattlers are quick and relentless :))

A few random observations that have been buzzing around in my mind.

1/ Didn't KP say in a newspaper interview some time back she had full access to CW passwords socials phone and what not? Does this mean any evidence found on phones or other digital sources be useless in legal proceedings as KP has openly admitted to being able to access all CW's accounts and vice versa?

This leads me on to

2/ The "Sunday Funday" picture with the "didn't you break up" and subsequent denials. How do we know that it was CW who made that post and left those comments?

and my pet theory

3/ He binned her earlier in the week. She refused to leave or accept that she had been dumped so stuck around for a few days to plant some evidence that it was all still "on" so she could later and "end it" on her terms. He wanted her out of his house and his stuff back which caused the altercation.

Finally - not related to the above theory but really bugging me - why the hell is she clearly and obviously wearing mascara in the Sun green hoodie photographs? (It's clearly mascara as there is some texture and clumping.) Who the hell puts on mascara with a fresh eye injury? And why no obvious irritation or damage to the eye itself? Surely some redness would be expected - even if only from the (crocodile) tears, never mind a "recent" injury?
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None of us Krusties have said that as lots of us have been victims of DV.

Congratulations Pink on fab title.

Now who is going to update wiki?👀
People are assuming he hit her ..... when in all truth, It may have been she was high, drunk, going Psychotic, he may have tried to restrain her, but in her erratic state, she fell smashing her face on a table or something, and in her hysterical mind, she made up that he did, I cant image her sitting there quiet and meekly, during an argument ... because as we all know, this is what she does, she will use ANYTHING including DV to get attention .... I don't like him, never have ... however, he is a very big guy, looks strong ... if he had beaten her, he would have caused a lot of damage, not just some bruise on her cheek, which looked like it was days old, her injuries IF he had done it, would be more severe ( been there ) .... she has done what she always does .... the guy looks like ending the relationship, shes so fucking spiteful, and wants revenge ... it could have been a dealer, or someone else, who hit her, pushed her, or she may just have fallen over herself while they argued.... whats most likely happened arffaaa boy told her its over, which means in her pea brain, that set off hysteric mode ... we all saw how the silly cunt behaved at boysons house, she was out of control ..... finally, even though I dont like him, no one deserves to be labeled a woman beater, IF he indeed, didnt ... thats something serious, and IF not true ... will affect his life ... shes well known for destroying people, she has said many times, gloats ` thats what happens, when you cross me ` ... if a guy leaves her, she cant handle that .... Im thinking because she was in such a state, she didnt think this through properly, at the time ( drugs .. drink ) ... now sobered up, come down from the high, its dawned on her, that he can cause alot of trouble for her, because she was dumb enough, to let him know, about all her scams, avoiding having to pay her debts ... arffaa boy knows it all ... and when ready, he will talk ... in that sense, she has met her match ... he may have not laid a finger on her ... but because shes doing all this cryptic shit in the media, hes already been convicted in people's mind, as a woman beater, and thats exactly what she wanted ... to destroy him ( she has prior form for this ) ... he maybe completely innocent
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Can I join in? I’ve been reading these threads for the last few days but I know you don’t like newbies 🤭🤗 i can’t stay quiet any longer tho 😂 I reckon that it did happen but it was a fight not an assault (not saying it’s ok) I think they were both high, hit each other she called her paps hence the car outside for 30 minutes she exaggerated her injuries he’s staying quiet for now and soon they will be back together 🤣 he might even go with her to the awards tmw night! Is it on the? I feel like cancelling my night out to watch it!!!!
You don’t have to ask permission to join any thread on here. Tattle is for all.
Otherwise it may begin to get a bit cliquey. And no one wants that now, do we? 😉 Fill your boots wherever you like 😊 Welcome
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I think it's a shame that people are either preceding posts with 'i don't excuse domestic abuse' or 'I've experienced domestic abuse', presumably so they don't suffer the rudeness from (mostly new) posters.
I think there's blurred lines about DV sympathising due to the fact some of us (me included) are really struggling to believe there was DA committed in the first place. And it's because Katie lies like a cheap Japanese watch. Her whole life is one scam/showmance/circus after another. And this is shaping up to be no different. It's really sad actually, because there's a small potential that someone did actually batter her and people can't muster the power to care. It's the lack of sympathy that she's brought on herself, not the DV.
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