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liar liar

VIP Member
I’m doing a. mani/pedi I’m going to end up glued to my iPad- literally!
Years ago... I was off on my hols and a week before I decided to do a home bikini wax. You melt the wax in the 'meecrowavay' then paint on and pull. Obviously, I had to be in the kitchen near said machine. So I'm naked from waist down with my legs akimbo applying the wax and I saw my window cleaner at the side window... I had nowhere to hide whatsoever... the most embarrassing moment of my life.
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KP has been 'attacked'
She's always been abusive to people but all the newbies think she's a saint.
She owes over £3 million and has a court case in October.
She's been on multiple holidays this year despite being bankrupt.
She has had a new surgery and is on her way to being Frankenprice
She's an animal abuser

The wiki has loads more info
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Christ on a bike, if this drags out I'll end up sat on the sofa surrounded with inches thick of dust and everyone will end up butt naked because I haven't done the washing🤦‍♀️🤣
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She cannot face court? What she really means is she knows the public will find out that whilst those two young children were in her care she was happily snorting the white powder and drinking vodka I mean each to their own but do that sorta thing when your not posting happy family selfies.
she knows her laundry will be laid bare and isn’t prepared for the backlash.

whatever happened, the bruising on her face was already there sorry but using that is an insult to real dv victims.
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Ok the reason it makes no sense as to why it was someone other than Carl is;

- If it was an intruder arrested, Carl would have no reason not to be with KP or posting
- An intruder/burglar/dealer would have been arrested with something relevant to that - breaking and entering, trespass, burglary, no? Or drug related crime
- If an intruder/visitor hurt KP, wouldn’t Carl have stepped in and apprehended or assaulted them and then both get arrested or CW questioned or seek medical help as well?
- she would have had less reason to run away if CW was protecting her from an intruder/burglar?
- KP is never left alone by CW and why would she be alone in the house at 1.30am?

The theory it was not CW is so strange because he has basically vanished. He wasn’t taken to hospital from anything that’s been released, he’s not been seen and only 1 person alluded to by police.
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Is anyone else being a massive loser and refreshing the Daily Fail website for updates 😂

The suspense is killing me!
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listen the CPS better take this further as ive been invested so much my rep's on the line

i've lost many hrs of sleep
haven't had a shower
haven't got dressed
eating crap as dont want to miss anything
housekeeping skills have suffered
grass needs cutting
haven't been out the house in 2 days
have pretty much not bothered with other social media
the teen is running feral and thinks it's great
sigh if my mobile rings and refuse a call
have reverted to coffee mate as the milk ran out yesterday and i refuse to visit a shop and would need to get dressed

😀 😀
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Well, he may be asked to confirm what he has paid for in their relationship to prove that KP was not spending money on them when it should have been going to creditors or that money paid to her for #ads, etc, actually were paid to her and not to him to deflate her earnings... you never know. She is always saying he's got his own money and he paid for this and that...
Yeah but she said that about boyson he’s got his own money treats me blah blah blah, then he stops working spends his days nights weeks trailing round after her and the kids, then he is no longer the one wash rinse repeat we know her so well .
I do know one thing for certain .... ` cole ` arffaaa boy ... the ` one ` the ` prince ` will NOT go quietly ... he is if not more sneaky, slimy, and as manipulative as she is, also vengeful ... I can imagine behind the scenes right now, he is getting advice on how to make the best of this situation in his favour ... I always said, this bloke will be the one to finally bring her down .... he will have everything in place, and when its ok for him to speak, he will spill on EVERYTHING ... Shes shitting herself right now ... her people working flat out, to fix this ... but with him, she has honestly underestimated him ... hes cold, calculating, and in truth, he must have been holding so much resentment inside him, with her behaviour and such during their year together, that he decided early on, he would get his revenge in some way ... when he is ready, and allowed, he will give his version of events, and also reveal all the scammy shit she does in order to avoid paying her debts ..... this may very well be the beginning of her downfall .... he is not the type to just walk away, without gaining something for himself and her bruised face, all over the media, is quite a feeble attempt, in my opinion, to paint herself as a DV victim .... it reeks of a desperate person, trying to get in before he does, with the truth of her real lifestyle behind closed doors .... remember she is a front for many charities ... drugs and booze does not bode well in this respect .. thats why she ran to the press so fast thinking this will fix the image ... theres so much more to come, once he starts speaking
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House of Tea

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That video someone posted yesterday when she was going to have her stitches taken out and KP was in a wheelchair and looked up at him in the lift, and he spat in her face. She laughed it off, saying why would you do that, I am looking at you lovingly and you spit in my face. That goes beyond banter in a relationship. Spitting at someone is low, and definitely not a norm in a relationship with anybody, whether they are your OH, brother, dad etc. That says to me that he was utterly contemptuous of her.
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Oh my God, just sat down to eat, this is the first time they’ve used my title, hoorah!

Thank you everybody for your congratulations, I know it’s pathetic being so pleased, but I rarely win anything apart from a toy hedgehog at a county fairs many moons ago.
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Pom Bear

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Hello from Pom 🥰
So last night I got to thread 54 at last, only to find it's now thread 55 and on the 37th page lol.

One pic for today..
Turkey teef Cole and little Sid 😀x


I'm on page 1 of the last thread..time to catch up 😄
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if she is doing the gay awards on Friday if Carl is not by her side i suppose we can then be 99.9 percent sure it was him as they have been glued together since last year(99.8 percent sure so far it was him as if not him why is he not supporting her through this)
I think the coercive controlling behaviour comment from the police, sealed that it was him, it points to something that was ongoing in the home before it all kicked off .... I have no doubt there was some fight between them, but do think both gave as good as they got, she is not the innocent that she is portraying, yes ` IF ` he punched her in the face, of course thats wrong, but what injuries did she give him? ... we are only hearing her side ... and if substances were involved, means they would have been off their nut .... its not unknown for couples, who are heavily under the influence, to knock six bells out of each other ..... the fact she was pictured almost immediately on release from hospital, does not sit ok with me ... surely if she were that upset, she wouldn't be able to have a camera in her face so soon after such an incident, I know from personal experience, after a beating, this is not something I could have done ... as always with her, there is something else going on here, it seems quite orchestrated
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If she's playing the MH card I am done.
I may be weak as fuck most days but I'm still here despite the trauma I've been through and I am sick of people throwing MH around like it's nothing.
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Slowly raises daily heil hand of shame.

Joking. 😁

Passes MrsEms dogs a biscuit.
My husband works from home, the kids are home, it's like I'm being watched by the whole family, I can't get away with being a lazy bum today aswell🤔 I'll have to plug in the vacuum an let it run until it goes flat😁
Make a few rattling noises in the kitchen😂
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I have always thought she ruined Alex career as a rising MMA/kick boxer star out of spite. She hated PA singing and used to take the piss out of him being an MJ fan and was spiteful to him for being involved in the MJ show.
She then tried to ruin Kieran and he stopped stripping which he did before he met her, she made him miserable and he put on loads of weight
And Kris she tried to ruin his career in fitness by accusing him of stealing fitness equipment!
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You are the best!! Thank you for the encouragement. Maybe I need to comment more. If you notice inane ramblings you know what I am working on lol!
Vip status!
Westbrook has me blocked on Twitter and the Mirror won’t let me post comments. I must be doing something right!
westcracpipe blocked me as well, the delusional skank .... because I corrected her spelling and grammar, during one of regular drug induced rants, she was honestly chatting fucking shit, made no sense, just rambling on and on ... told her, if you're going to bitch at others, coming off all superior, behaving like you are above them ... because you were once in some second rate soap opera over 30 yrs ago, and have not worked since, and now are reduced to selling your old, manky crackwhore arse on only fans for a few quid a month ... at least learn how to spell, and construct your sentences properly, otherwise, you're making a fool of yourself, there is no clout to your insults ... put the sniff away my dear, you really can't afford to lose the few brain cells you have left ... and she blocked me🤷‍♀️🤔:LOL::LOL::LOL:
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I get that we don't like Carl, but why do we think he was with her? What did he have to gain by being with her? She's skint, lost her looks, has 5 kids, a chaotic lifestyle, bankrupt. He's not a bad looking lad really (don't judge me lol) and while he may have been after fame in the beginning, surely after some time with her he realised it just wasn't worth the hassle. Is he a criminal mastermind skimming money from her? A drug dealer? Or just simply after fame? I think he'll turn out to be the one that spills the beans and sings like a canary.
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I’m usually tits deep in the Hinch threads but couldn’t resist seeing what you lot had to say after seeing the KP headline - oh you did not disappoint! The wiki is something else! 👏👏

(For the record I have never been a KP fan - I’m far to old and she’s revolting!)

Anyway thought I’d share a quick tale from pre COVID days when Kieron (sp?) came into our local pub - we live in a very small village in Sussex. ( Not that far from the MM) We were with a group of friends and he came in with his partner, her child, Bunny, Jet and another adult and the kids were running a bit wild and came over to our area. To be fair to him he got up, ushered them away and apologised and we did the “kids eh” thing. He seemed nice enough. What I will say - and forgive me for sounding like an utter snob! - is that they did all look rather out of place in their Essex “uniform” (cream, matching trackie tops and bottoms - I think he had UGGs on)

Since then I know he’s posted a few times on our local’s IG account saying “can’t wait to get back to MY local” - he doesn’t even live in our village! Our pub is part owned by another “celeb” so clearly the only reason!

Anyway - thanks for reading if you got to the end - I don’t have a cat in hell’s chance of keeping up with these threads but I’ll lurk as much as I can ☺
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