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Can I just add something to this.
I was also told that Carl used to disagree with some of the things she used to let the kids do, especially when they were age inappropriate.
I can imagine he was over ruled time and time again with her immortal line “they are MY kids, I’ll let them do what I like”
I do believe he tried to keep some order for them.
I honestly know this is no excuse, but I can imagine he wasn’t used to having kids around much when KP turned up and moved in with him after 5 minutes and suddenly, there are 5 to look after, one with very challenging behaviours (no wonder he didn’t want Harvey in his house smashing it up and yes, he knew she had kids) No, it also doesn’t excuse his taunting of him, (which btw they would class as banter 🙄) and I would hazard a guess this is how KP speaks to Harvey constantly when there aren’t cameras on them being a great muvva.
Remember, KP also had his social media passwords, so could post anything on his account, at anytime.
I think he was genuinely in love with her and thought he could help her where all the others had failed. Yet like all the others, found out the hard way, constantly being cheated on and as we know they had some explosive arguments 😔
He was accused of DV, KSR only had her side of the story until she got to hers that night. There were some warning shots, the coke voice note, the driving whilst banned, the affair, the SW story.
Look how KP drags her victims back in again and again, she remarried Kieran how many times? Kris B was on/off/on, same with Carl.
Having never been in a narcissistic relationship or a controlling relationship, I’m not best placed to comment on what he was probably made to go along with. Look how she has treated every single one of her relationships so far, always been drama, every single one. She is the common denominator.

Everyone is going to have THEIR opinion on here, doesn’t make it right or wrong in everyone’s eyes, most of you have had life experiences I could never imagine and are still here to share your stories. I have truly learned so much from people on here, the knowledge and have often been in tears hearing those stories of abuse and pain you’ve been through, but that you are brave enough to share with a group of relative strangers. 😘

The main goal is for those 2 children to be reunited with Kieran and to start rebuilding a safe and loving relationship. And all being well that will be soon 🙏 (even though you never know what the judges will order next to happen in this process and this is why the family court can take so long and be expensive, as having a barrister there is invaluable). They must always be seen to be giving a fair trial to both parties. Remember, the outcome of the hearing will be confidential, any party disclosing it, could be held in contempt of court, so there will be limited information that can be said.

(Again, if you can promote the GFM anywhere, that would be appreciated, I know some of you don’t agree with it and that’s your prerogative, but thank you again for all your support) ❤❤❤
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Forgive me for being all ‘binfest’ like (people who have been on the thread a long time will know what I mean🤣)
An Easter lunch gathering today may (hopefully) 🤞 be quite an eye opener 👀
Cum hostibus convenerant.

I can’t say anymore (sorry 😘)
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Chatty Member
I think this is allowed - have read the rules and I'm pretty sure this isn't breaking any but please do report if this isn't permitted.

I've got personal experience with Lynne Rickwood the bent social worker. She played a very similar stunt on my family which has caused massive alienation and ruined the lives of two teenagers in terms of alienation and neglect they've now suffered.

The post about DL helping KP create the lies and showing her how to navigate West Sussex social services are pretty spot on given my personal experience.

I hope Keiron gets those children back. Any kids who are exposed to Lynne Rickwood's corrupt views are at risk
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Ok, so the GFM is promoted on this thread, as it reaches a higher target audience, because KP is the one who took those children away from their father.
I'm not stopping anyone discussing it.
Maybe Kieran is not talking about the GFM until after the final hearing. Maybe he is the bigger person and doesn't want to antagonise, maybe he has been advised not to discuss, family court is very private. Only he knows. 🤷‍♀️
This is Kieran's GFM, not Michelle's.
I don't know if he has bought jewellery, if he has, if it's real or fake.
He has had a spa day, which was a present.
The GFM is not a scam, Kieran is receiving every penny that has been donated, Sam has paid the GFM transaction fees so he gets 100% of the donated money.
GFMs can be used towards anything.
It's not a legal requirement you have to donate.
People have donated because they want to.
I have no idea on Kieran's personal finances.
I have no idea how much they spend on toilet paper or dog food.
I do not know how much the bill comes to if they go and eat out, or who pays.

There have been over 600 amazing donations since it was set up (some, I have seen on here have said time and time again they have donated) I imagine 99% of those people have seen MP/KH putting snippets of their lives on their social media, yet they still chose to donate, myself included.
I cannot answer anything on the GFM on Kieran's behalf, because I don't know his reasons for the questions surrounding it, but feel because I am one of those people who help to promote it, these questions are (possibly?) aimed at me to answer. If people are so desperate to know, message Kieran, or better still, his management. But I'm sure he has more important things to worry about at the moment, like trying to get his children back and his own mental health.
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Black and white thinking is never helpful … and is quite an unhealthy & immature approach too .

Most of us on here consider ourselves fairly intelligent , we opine , we debate, we disagree , we put some on ignore , we make each other roar with laughter , we have so many “ in jokes” it’s unreal , we are all different ages, with different experiences & differing points of reference , differing approaches, different mindsets .

Carl is neither “ all good now “ nor was “ all bad then” - these are ridiculous concepts .

My take on it is that he’s not very bright , was chasing fame ( that he is never going to get) through an easy channel , was definitely manipulated & blinded by the odd ( hired) camera flash , his name occasionally in print & his 5 minutes on the MM programme. Not much of an outcome from the shit he’s been party to .

I also suspect lots of substances & alcohol came in to play often until he got wise to how it turns her & backed off from that a little.

He’s been replaced , he’s hurt , bitter & angry … if he wants to help bring her down that’s great , if he wants to show us he reads Tattle , that’s great too , if he wants to help KH , brilliant .

It doesn’t change some of the colluding with her , the lies , the horrible behaviour he has been capable of whilst within her unpleasant company.

It doesn’t change any of the past , but he can certainly help facilitate positive change going forwards.

People are multi faceted . We all need to remember this.
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There’s an awful lot of presumption & 2+2 = five on this thread at present .

Lots of knee jerk responses.

NONE of us on here have really got the slightest clue what has really gone on between any of these people , who knows what, who has witnessed what, what honest conversations have been had , what Machiavellian plotting is occurring , what is going to happen next, who genuinely likes who , who has apologised , who is playing a game …..

I’m sure that for the most part we never will …. And why should we ?

We are just randoms on a gossip site after all .

But what I DO know is I’m enjoying it , it’s better than any soap opera & if it contributes to Skanky’s clearly imminent downfall , I’m here for it 🥳
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Passive aggressive? Because I have a different opinion. You all hang up as soon as someone says something you don't like
It’s nothing to do with having a different opinion - it’s just been done to death. If you want to read about it there’s a whole load of old threads to catch up on, plus the massive amount of wikis. I’m not a huge poster on tattle generally but coming in as a ‘new member’ and immediately being confrontational, even if you do have a different opinion- is just unnecessary.
The simple fact is this- someone started a GFM for KH. He didn’t ask for it but they recognised that his court costs are loads. Double what the GFM has raised as has been confirmed on here multiple times. He didn’t ask for it but he’s got it. No one is being forced to donate. If you don’t like what he’s spending his own money on, then don’t donate.
I don’t see why people need to ‘question it’. If you’re not donating to it and you don’t know what hes putting of his own cash into it, I don’t honestly see why you need to query/have a problem with it. And if you have put money into it and are now unhappy with the life they lead, then raise that with the originator of the GFM. Who isn’t a member on here.
Generally though - if your first posts on a forum are immediately inflammatory and on the offensive you will likely be accused of being one of the many flying monkeys that have appeared before because there is a clear history of this happening on multiple occasions in the past with the same patterns of behaviour.
People joining up and immediately getting into verbal showdowns with regular members. Why would anyone assume you’re here to cause anything but trouble?
If you don’t like KH- there’s a whole forum to discuss him. If you want to question his spending- this isn’t the place for it.
Being confrontational and borderline rude to long established, well liked members of the forum? Well if you think that’s a way to make an entrance on-line I dread to think of the first impressions you make in real life?
Or is it just the keyboard that’s made you brave?
I was the member who was personally attacked and sent abusive and threatening messages on insta a couple of years that @Helena-botham-farter was referring to earlier- I have since name changed on here for my own personal reasons. But I’ve been around here for years and we’ve all seen this type of behaviour before over and over.
It’s pointless.
If you want a rational discussion- start with rational and polite responses to the regulars in the first instance- just like real life!!
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Chatty Member
There's so much I could tell you, but it would be too outing for me. I'm happy to disclose a few things just so you can all get an idea of how bent she is.

She overlooked a legal child arrangements order (despite being presented with it) to place a child with a parent who was, and still is, physically abusive.
She encouraged said parent to ignore a safety plan which was created to protect the children in the house. Because of this, a 7 year old has been allegedly assaulted by another adult in the house. There are multiple children in the house, of varying ages. They are all at risk of being verbally and physically abused by this adult. The neglect is well documented.
One of the teenagers I have mentioned has also been assaulted due to DL's actions of alienation. That teenager is now too scared to attend school as she feels another assault will be coming.

I can't really speak on the complaints process as we've only just submitted the complaint and it's currently with decision makers if they are going to uphold it. But what I can say is the whole of West Sussex is corrupt and will always look out for their own. This complaint is the second official against Lynne Rickwood, BENT SOCIAL WORKER, and third in total against the service. When the complain against Lynne personally was put in, they closed ranks and this is when the problems started.
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I honestly hate seeing people falling out on here and conflict. 😘 We are all different and have our own points of views and values.
It would be horrible that people thought the thread was unwelcoming. I don't want to police anyone, far from it. We have those wonderful ignore and report buttons if needed.
There will be many times we don't agree with each other. Everyone is important. People are bound to overlap from threads as KP has done so much damage everywhere.
I've honestly learnt so much information from people on here, I've cried with your situations and laughed so hard at some of the things people come up with and photoshopped pictures.
Back to sticking my thumb(y) out to get a ride on that karma bus. 🙏
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Thats very suspect all that time and not posting just lurking
To be fair I don't think lurking in and of itself is unusual, I'd guess many more people lurk than post.

I've read this thread for years, since the poster (pretty sure it was Wilma but could be wrong) used to write those really long posts in a KP language until people said they were annoying and hard to read. So a long time for those who remember!

I only made an account so I could put the screen in dark mode so as not to blind Mr Moonboots in bed, and have only posted a handful of times. Have occasionally read other threads (Jack Monroe, Alice Evans, Lauren Goodger) but never posted on those.

No particular opinion on whether these posters are KP-affiliated or not, just pointing out that us lurkers do exist and we're here for the same reasons as you!
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I’m a long-term lurker, not an FM, but just want to point out that sometimes when I give to GFMs it’s not really about the money for me, it’s showing a bit of solidarity with the cause. I don’t think my few quid makes a difference to the solicitors bills but I hope it makes the recipient feel like people care and support them.
From my point of view, it doesn’t matter what Kieran spends his money on, he knows people care about the kids and are prepared to show it.
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Katie Price #373 Easter lunch the exs have united, while Katie’s out getting intoxicated
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Carl seems happy now and expect he woke up to an expletive message from her 😉
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