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Oooh a new thread, thanks @MuddledWater just got time before I leave the house to update on the increasingly insane Skanky shenanigans 🤦🏽‍♀️….

Thread kicked off with everyone still ranting in disbelief about the SW, who had been named as Lynne Rickwood, aged 45 from Brighton. Now named Dim Lynne by @shizzler (I believe, correct me if I’m wrong) a now former SW, as it appears she’s been sacked, and even in the weird world of Skank, now works for Madam as a nanny and general dogsbody. No one can understand how DL could cross the line to completely fail in her professional duty to protect the children and enable Skank to continue to deny their father access, whilst clearly neglecting them and putting them at risk of harm due to her abhorrent feckless behaviour. Who gives up a well paid job with all the benefits that entails, holiday/sick pay and pension, to now work for peanuts. All very odd to say the least.


Saturday night, Skank went to the opening of a beauty salon in Northern Ireland with Darth Jeyda, but again no SadBoy (still MIA). Skank turned up in an outfit proudly showing off her fake nipples through a sheer black top, and disappointingly for all Monk outfit fans, wasn’t wearing her classic long cosy Friar Tuck dress.



At the same time as Skank was living the dream opening a salon to about 30 people, Pete Ya C*nt was turning on the Christmas lights to 1000s of onlookers…..take that Pete 👊🏾


SadBoy later posted a photo of himself out on the town with Fingers and the allegedly crim ❄man, as he always does when they break-up. SB didn’t look that comfortable, some believed he was sending Skank a message, Stan said “Looks like SB’s been summoned to a meeting,, doesn't look like a night with the boys more like a warning shot to the clan from "the firm"…..ooooeer the Essex ‘Mean Boys’ aren’t messing about.


Skank returned home on Sunday and announced she had get the ‘first’ tree up for the kids…..she didn’t put the tree up, someone else had, probably Dim Lynne, who has to occupy her time now she no longer has a proper job. Way to go DL.


The Scum ran a story about Skank and the hapless SadBoy splitting for the 169th time this year, the bookies were taking bets on which day he would return this week, heavy favourite was Tuesday (today) as Skank requires a driver to take her to see H to put up his Christmas Tree.


The Scum then ran another story about Skank hugging a mystery man which Skank got very angry about as it was the salon owner and he’s gay….the Scum continue to play games with her, taunting her, and she took the bait.


The Scum ran yet another story about her wonky boobs, saying Skank was in agony and wanted them reduced, they failed to mention she had no nipples, but the whole story appeared to be just a reason to show she had no nipples with a screen grab.


Monday night Skank was back in the North London cupboard, drinking wine, vaping, while selling tat, got progressively more manic as the Live progressed, at the end she went completely nuts, sounding scarily unhinged, shouting about double-ups and triple-ups, but sadly not that she’s an unbelievable f*ck-up.


Skank then announced she was going out for dinner with an apparently very drunk Chloe Ferry and Darth Jeyda, still pretending SadBoy wasn’t coming back as she put on the attitude that she was now free and single, hunting down a ‘Nu Egg ‘. Skank turned lesbian for 2 seconds as they unsurprisingly travelled in a taxi to Sheesh, Dim Lynne wondered where her invite was, then remembered she had traded-in her previous secure life to become a servant nanny and live on magic beans.


We await any hot biscuits scandalous Sheesh stories of a Skank behaving badly, hopefully being released today.

Skank announced she now has an American agent, but can’t say anything about it, so at the age of 45, looking like she’s 55 (The Scum said she actually was that age as they continue to take the piss ) and zero talent for anything, Skank is going to make it big in the USA in 2024. Kylie upon hearing this news, shutdown her very successful Vegas residency, and went home, saying “I can’t compete with that Skank”.

There is still no sign of any new Skank music, Skank still hasn’t started training to be a paramedic, but she is still a weapons-grade deceitful lying child-neglecting c*nt of the highest order.

On we go, visiting H today, big question today is who’s gonna be driving, will the errand-Boy triumphantly return, isn’t it exciting 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

Will He….Won’t He…..return today 🤔…..

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Katie Price #336 She's picked the wrong fight blaming Father's for Justice, everyone was shocked & disgusted, hopefully now she will get her arse busted.
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Owing to the unnecessary post last night about watching Christmas movies with "all" the kids but no picture materialising (apart from Harvey's leg), there is a strong possibility (in my opinion) that the younger two aren't there.

Either that, or she's been forbidden to show them on SM.
They are still there unfortunately.
Tick tock, tick tock.
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Thinking about it, the OK cover and interview with Princess must really be bugging Skanky. She made such a thing of saying she would be guiding Princess ‘every step of the way’ and yet here is Princess getting a solo front cover on the magazine that used to feature Skanky nearly every week. I bet Skanky thought she would be able to muscle in on all these photo shoots and events Princess is doing. She has probably tried to convince her that people are only interested because of who her mother is. But no, here is Princess ‘building her brand’ thanks to Pete and Claire. It’s actually very very funny.
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If she does appear in the panto, it’ll probably be reduced to her slithering on to the stage, performing the evil laugh she’s been rehearsing so diligently, have the dancers twirl around her for a minute or two before she slopes back off again. 60k well spent there! She’s going to sweep the boards at the Olivier Awards next year, dahlings! 🎭
I’ve been poorly with chest infection, but trying to keep up on some comments. Of course, this panto will be carnage, she’ll be off her face, ad libbing with F & C words. Slurring. She can’t speaking properly as it is🙉 The organisers need to be very worried, taking on this huge liability. She won’t last the contract. As for accusations made about F4J, as mentioned, I don’t recall a car being set alight around time that lovely dog Blade was killed🙀. We all know SHE more than likely ran him down. Hope F4J sue the pants off her for false accusations. Now would be the ideal time for Crawl to come clean on the truth of what happened. Contact F4J & then the press. He’d earn fortunes with what he can disclose. About time he pulled up his bollocks and started singing like a canary👍🤣 The press seemed well eager to nail her.
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They should be careful.
Without any cast iron proof she’s on the snow, that’s a very unwise and un profesh comment to make.
Skanky might seize on that remark for defamation and deflection etc.
I’m sure they have proof
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I'm sure everything will come good in the end.
Her non-compliance in everything will eventually bite her very hard on her liquid bbl.
I know people think nothing is being done, but it is. The sw failure has seriously opened a lot of eyes.
Yesterday shows just how rattled she is.
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Nothing is EVER her fault, even blaming Harvey that she didn’t do TT at 8am as Harvey had her up about 4am. Well you should be used to it hun if you are his sole carer, who never gets respite 🙄🙄🙄 yet has a nanny, gardener, cleaner, admin person, carers for H who is at college 99%, so what exactly do YOU do KP to be so exhausted 🤷🏻‍♀️ poor little love
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That's hilarious - why would you slander a national organisation that has lawyers working for it, when they are also trying to prove you are not a fit parent.

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Well she does have to look after Harvey by herself and get Bunny ready for school and look after Junior, Princess and Jett. So she will be rushed off her feet.
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She said she will be back on tik tok for the rest of the day! No sign of her! Cant see her coming back on now- not sure how she would even deal with this without a PR Team or management! Usually they would deal with all that with the management lawyers but she really is on her own isn’t she! No advice, no guidance, no management, no pr, no brand.
She can’t afford a PR/management team. Relying on the Stumpy Dumpling, Dan Jeyda & AFP to help her. As I’ve already said before, no professional company would touch her with a very long barge pole. I’ve worked in crisis management & she’s well past this. Claire@CAN was the person who changed her image from Jordan to KFP. But she’s lower than Westbrook’s image now & that’s saying something. Her & her enablers must know the mess she’s in. She can’t be even earning enough to pay for the travelling, hotels etc, for plaster classes. Her oil bills alone are more than many mortgages. No, she’s sinking quickly & her loose viper mouth, is saying too much & making serious accusations. I’m hoping Kieran had an urgent meeting this week, relating to the SS cock up with this SW ‘mate’ of KFP’s. Kids need removing asap.
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