Kate - its_not_kates_time

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It's interesting, there was a gap inbetween posts, then a 'oh hi, I see my story was picked up on tiktok, I don't post here much'.. then the book post, then the cancer came back. Then the gfm.
I also feel icky, but the timing is interesting.
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So now she is flying home does she plan to get scans done, or just run with the scenario that the hope clinic has cured her.. when did she have the port put in ??
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Everything you’ve said is spot on!
I find it extremely misleading that you very RARELY hear her speak about the targeted immunotherapy drug she has been on for past 5 years, not to mention the fact that she is now on a different targeted drug for the secondary brain tumours. I personally know someone who has the same non small cell lung cancer with secondary brain tumours and has been taking targeted therapy for about 3 years now and is doing great! The therapy is quite new but had a lot of success in the human clinical trials and seems to work extremely well for the type of cancer Kate has.. so I agree it’s the immunotherapy keeping her alive and the Mexico quackery is simply complimentary therapy which probably makes her feel great but that’s it! (Can’t say a couple coffee enemas with a side of dog worming tablets would be my idea of heaven but each to their own)
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Not that she has to give away the money that was raised for her, but a few times she's said she would give any extra away so someone else could get treatment. There never seems to be any money leftover.
YES, this!
How fkn convenient for there to be the required amount needed for herself, but sorry-not-sorry nothing leftover for anyone else but 'hey if I could pass that onto others in need you know I totally would babes, right??'

Absolute textbook #GRIFTER101 here.
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I wonder if she’s getting treated here as per expected but just wants people to fund a little holiday in Mexico for her. She’s shows it like a holiday, not a desperate attempt to stay alive. Probably goes to get stock for her shop but makes out it’s cancer to get other people to pay her way.
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I think it’s clear that she has/had cancer. I’m not in the business of judging anyone’s cancer journey and the utter desperation that would bring.

What I find frustrating is the constant glorifying of the H4C clinic as the thing that has saved her. It actually seems pretty clear that is the targeted therapy drug, Alectinib that has saved her. Twice now. A scientifically developed and proved drug prescribed to her by doctors right here in Australia.

Yet, as others have mentioned she rarely mentions this drug at all. And when she does, its as an aside. ‘Oh yes by the way I’m also taking this drug’.

I found and listened to this podcast ep. It was pretty interesting. Again, in the entire 45 min interview she mentions the drug 2, maybe 3 times merely as an aside. The entire rest of the interview is spruiking the H4C clinic and alternative treatments, such as dog deworming drugs.

She also said that she sees herself as ‘different’ and ‘unique’ from other ‘standard’ cancer patients. And about how many ppl approach her every week for advice about their cancer treatment.

So so concerning that someone with so much influence and reach is essentially creating a narrative that people need to spend tens of thousands of dollars to go to a foreign clinic that provides bogus treatments. When in fact it is the drugs, and the doctors in her own backyard that have saved her - and will save many others too as long as they follow proper medical advice, and not the narrative Kate has sadly created.


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I honestly think she's lied and is still lying for financial gain. Maybe she has/ had a type of cancer but I now don't believe it's the type/s or the severity that she describes. I believed her because even though Bell and Amanda taught me to question these things, I can't fathom how someone could actually do it. I donated to Kate and wished her well along the way, looking at it all now I believe I was conned along with thousands of others. I see it differently now, although I am 100% science and western medicine all the way and despise the anti vax non logic, I utterly despised and questioned the Mexican 'specialist' bullshit she was selling I fell for her sob story. I 100% guarantee all of you she has been exposed by Pablo and things are going to come to light in a very public way.
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Ok I want to preface this with a couple of things:

1. I’ve met Kate, but don’t really know her.
2. I have no idea if she’s legit or a scammer.
3. I knew most of what Pablo had shared prior to seeing it and think he did a fair job representing some of the concerning things about this clinic.
4. This is going from my recollection so I might not have everything completely straight but I’m fairly confident this is based on exactly what she has said:

- She did see an new oncologist before she left for her treatment in Mexico.
- She is taking traditional cancer medicine too, the same one that they know worked last time.
- even the doctors at the place where she is at have openly said they don’t know if it’s the cancer drugs getting the results or what they’re doing.
- She must have legit had the terminal diagnosis as her life insurance was paid out, you do have to jump through hoops for that
- she largely self funded her own treatments the last time she did do some “fundraising” but as the treatment is $60k per block and I think she did 4 blocks (with one of them donated by h4c) I doubt she would have sold nearly enough hats and necklaces.
- she knows it sounds a bit kooky but last time she was out of options and this is what saved her so this time she didn’t hesitate.

things I don’t like so much:
- I do suspect she’s getting some kind of kickback from h4c. I would think it’s highly unusual that they would gift a treatment (how do they decide who??) and also she has documentary and book connections that are also somehow linked to h4c.
- She does kind of romanticise the treatment when the reality is that if you do your research it really is a Hail Mary. The thing you try out of desperation when there are no other options.
- I think it’s super weird that Olivia keeps going there. Olivia has her fingers in a lot of pies and is very money motivated. I know they’ve become friends but it still seems weird she’s been there twice in Kate’s stay this time.

So not sharing this to defend or accuse, just my observations outside of what Pablo shared. I don’t like the way she promotes h4c almost like an influencer she should be sharing as “this is a desperate decision and I have no idea if it works, but I’m willing to try anything”, but I do think Kate will respond head on (she usually does) and I do think she’ll provide receipts.
If she doesn’t that will be telling.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she pops in here or if she addresses all the comments on her insta. I think that would shut things down quickly if she can address.
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You say she saw a new oncologist before she left. Do you know why a new one? Is this because she shunned all traditional medical supervision and cut ties with her doctors when she returned from the last trip to Mexico, like she bragged about doing?

See, this is the part that is very problematic for me. Hope4Cancer did not save her last time, like she claims. Like she has been paid to say by the clinic (accepting their donation of free treatment for promotion is payment). They just fucking didn’t. They are pumping her full of sham treatments and delusions. If she had any reprieve from her cancer it was only because of the traditional medicine she continued under the advice of qualified scientists and doctors at home and it is what she has fallen back on now that she stuck her head in the sand and woke up one morning coughing up blood. Yet she chooses to emphasize the “life saving” powers of this place. Her convincing others to bankrupt themselves to pursue this dangerous treatment is beyond unethical. All while she traipses through waterfalls, has her daughter flown in, is dining on gourmet meals and getting a beautiful bronze tan to pretend that she is getting miraculously healthy in this garden of Eden.

We may not ever know whether she is intentionally misleading or being misled. Her transparency with where the money went remains to be seen. Her transparency around her health status remains to be seen. (If she doesn’t immediately get tested when she returns and share every bit of her actual prognosis then she is being deceitful in my view.)
What I DO know is that the rhetoric she is spreading by collaborating with this criminally unqualified snake in Mexico, who is making himself wealthy beyond belief off of people’s desperation, is reprehensible.
Reactions: 19
So.... even if she has sometimes shared details about the EVIDENCE BASED medical treatment she has received, this is not how she portrays her story on her IG. This is not what she credits for her "recovery".
She actively declines to be specific about what treatments she receives or summarise them. Instead she directs people who ask for details to trawl through hundreds of posts and captions and comments to see for themselves because "she has been so open and transparent". See this comment on one of her "I beat terminal cancer, yay me!" posts for example

If she honestly wanted to tell her followers that she takes an effective targeted immunomodulator that is an easy reply... but instead she directs this person to consume hours of quackery propaganda.

We see the problem, yes?
Reactions: 23
That’s the exact issue I have, just be upfront about the actual western medicine that’s saved her, it’s not hard is it.
Reactions: 15
So now she is flying home does she plan to get scans done, or just run with the scenario that the hope clinic has cured her.. when did she have the port put in ??
If you’re not a patient with a doctor in Australia how can you just get scans to check the work of a black magic clinic from overseas??? She’s lying
Reactions: 11
If you’re not a patient with a doctor in Australia how can you just get scans to check the work of a black magic clinic from overseas??? She’s lying
She must be linked with an oncologist of some kind to be receiving the immunotherapy drugs (she has been murky about that).

Interestingly, I remember her saying somewhere that Dr Olivia got her in for the urgent scans for her re diagnosis after she coughed up the blood. And the. I think she said Dr Olivia was on speaker phone when she was informed of the results.

It’s just all so vague and hard to make sense of, which is a red flag. Why is it so hard for people to have to work it all out?
Reactions: 9
What's also concerning is someone who has just been diagnosed with cancer will read and see her IG stories. They will be so scared and broken about the chemo and other treatments they will have to go through and think well Kate has been cured at H4C I'm going that route. And we all know that the treatment can be brutal. Now what if that person says no to western medicine does what Kate is doing and is 'cured' and then finds out it did nothing and their worse.
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I do find it interesting that Kate is now back in Australia and she has stated she will get her next lot of scans/X-rays in 3 weeks. Wouldn’t you want to get them asap to confirm the results of H4C?
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This is an interesting comment thread on one of her posts, given the concerns discussed.

The clinic has clearly just taken credit for the work of the drugs and she has sadly spent a small fortune/influenced others into bogus treatments for nothing. Hard to understand how the H4C scammers can sleep at night taking that kind of money from seriously ill people.


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“This page reads like a story” Kate says. It sure does. An intentionally opaque one.
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