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Well-known member
I’m so glad I found this thread! I didn’t Think anyone even followed her let alone tattled about her. God she’s annoying.
Well we all need our platforms, hers is to show herself painting her walls for the 75th time, and us, to point out how utterly fucking ridiculous she is.

“I have such a fast paced job I’m always so busy”
- she works at pets at home, the bunnies must be giving her a hard time poor lamb, go paint something
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she’s been in a 8 car pile up and still manages to chat shit about her gifted shit. Why is she sooo irritating
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Ohh so she thinks she can do DIY since Jasmine (_ohabode) helped her vinyl wrap her kitchen and so much more like 2 years ago now probably. And she copies her account to the max and they were actually friends but I checked yesterday and they don’t even follow each other anymore 🙈 Jasmines DIY skills are insane, she can build anything. Then this one pretends that she can put a shelf up 😂
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Well-known member
The fact she felt the need to be so defensive about posting the incorrect info, ask followers to point her in the right direction if she wants factual information, she clearly just went to the big accounts she follows and copied them. Then had the audacity to "take a break" because she was called out on the content. If only Palestine had the option to take a break.
She is pathetic in the fact she sits and writes lists and plans out content, and constantly redecorates to stay relevant, it isn't realistic for followers to expect constant decorating around a tiny little house that had no problems when she moved in (with it being a new build) it was a big massive reno to keep you going to the progress. She needs to spend time teaching her dogs to each out of a bowl instead of sprinkling it across her rug like they are birds.
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Well-known member
The fact she came on stories to tell everyone she hasn't been on stories because she didn't want to complain but detailed her complaints she didn't want to come on to complain about is just knew levels of stupid.. I literally cannot stand her 🙄
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Well-known member
Absolute begging for sympathy!
I worked with a girl who had an accident, severe whiplash, broken arm and ribs and she came to work 2 days later because she said she couldn't bare feeling sorry for herself sitting at home all day. She was set up nicely so she could do her job and had shorter shifts and just got on with it, absolute rock star, I'm not saying everyone has to carry on as normal but if you're choosing to rest then do that, there is no reason to milk it for likes.
The accident could have been much worse, she wasn't the only one and it wasn't a targeted attack it was just a basic car crash that many people experience, she needs to just get over herself and shut up.
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Lol that her sofa still hasn’t been collected. And she’s acting like it’s the worst disaster in the world 😂

also moaning about how much work she has to do. Fuck offfffff no one actually cares hun you work for a pet store
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It appears she’s joined tattle today as “sayittomyface” just to angrily react to my post 🤣 she bores the life clean out of me talking about creating her content, her home is just a copy of several other accounts that she follows all rolled into one. She doesn’t have her own taste or sense of style. And the fact that she claims she has to do 10/15 takes or whatever 😴 makes it even worse.

And don’t get me started on the fact that she’s clearly dumped bandit in favour of her new dog. Poor thing never gets cuddles or attention like he used to, at least not on her page. I feel so sorry for him
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Well-known member
She looks like she was prepped for veneers and didn't get them fitted..

She is so a self absorbed and annoying, I don't know how anyone stands to be around her tbh
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I think the thing that drives me mad is all the crap about how she’s going to plan content, it’s got to be this and that. She is literally never spontaneous, nothing is fun. How she keeps her job when she is constantly decorating/dusting in her work hours,I have no idea 🤦‍♀️
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Ok, so she had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and she’s acting like she’s had major lifesaving surgery. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had both myself, it was uncomfortable and not pleasant but she’s clearing going to milk the life out of this for content and sympathy and to feed her ever expanding ego. Today she’s blathering on about people messaging her worried she’s doing too much….I highly doubt that and her self obsession is becoming all consuming!
A close friend of mine had major surgery to remove various pockets of cancer recently and she didn’t get on half as dramatically as this clampet is & she had good reason too!
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Completely agree. She’s always feeling sorry for herself. She could go to the shop and not find milk and still be like ‘it is what it is’ stop thinking the world owes you a favour and just get on with life like the rest of us have to. I’ve never known anyone to be so obsessed with Instagram to the point where they plan content in a notebook. Sad really, imagine instagram taking over your life like that...
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New member
She literally tries anything that she can to try and make her and her account seem relevant. With her very amateur DIY and god awful decor it looks like she’s trying to drop in fitness stories/posts. Nah you’re alright hun, if we want fitness advice it won’t be from you 😂

Literally never seen/heard a bigger narcissist in my life. You can tell that Instagram is her life too! I remember a while back she couldn’t post on it and she was crying in her stories 😂 Don't worry babe, I’m sure Magic Mike will run you a nice hot bath to soak those trouble away
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Didnt know a so called car crash would impact her going for an early morning walk with the dog. She’s an absolute tit. Why does she think everyone is out there for her posts? Shes in engagement groups, meaning they HAVE to comment/ like on her things, its all fake, like her and her crap content.
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Omg how have I only just found this - we used to chat and be friendly then randomly out of the blue she unfollowed because she wanted to get her numbers down and now I watch her stories and I find her so so so dull!!
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