Janey Godley

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I initially liked Godley last year during lockdown. But I started to notice lot of sad fishing and pity posts. Lots of screenshots from alleged trolls too. I only followed her on FB so completely unaware of the twitter stuff until I saw her apology and went digging. There are fake racist tweets in her name which have been proven fake. But there are defintly real ones. The disabled ones particularly upset me as I have a disabled child. Some of the awful tweets are as recent as 2017. I don't think she has any excuse. No matter how old the tweets are either. She knew what she was doing. I can see her drunk tweeting too but I don't know if she drinks. The tory stuff has shocked me, I did not see that coming. I suppose she is the type that will always support whoever is in power so long as it benefits her.

I also agree she became more annoying as time went on and her daughter is definitely not funny.

I only became aware of Haggerty through Godley. Definitely toxic. Both she and Godley have had a lot of trauma in life though so I wonder how much of the attention seeking is linked to that.

It seems like one big toxic club. She also made a film with Sanjeev Kohli, whilst I like his acting work, there have been scandals associated with his family (landlords I believe) and of course his brother. It seems very little came of that, I don't recall Hardeep being arrested etc but this was a wee while ago now. I wonder how much Godley knew. Its disheartening and disturbing how much clout they have with media and Scotgov.
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I grew up in the 70s and 80s in Aberdeen which at the time was not hugely diverse (this had since changed for the better). My parents weren’t in any way right on, for want of a better term, but we knew not to be racist, homophobic or disablist. People blame the times for historic bigotry but it’s always been bigotry.
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Something about her just grates on me. Maybe it's the fake 'I'm just like you guys act' or maybe I just don't find her funny, I don't know.

Sorry if this has been posted before.

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Painfully unfunny, genuinely don’t understand how she has managed to get the opportunities she has had. Her daughter is shockingly untalented as well. I can’t believe she seemed to think she would get away with the racist and ableist comments - she’s in her 50s she should know how unacceptable this is!
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The Scottish media is very Glasgow-centric so anything that is seen as Glasgow banter is seen to be funny whether it is or not. Kevin Bridges - funny; Janey Godley - 90% not. There was that dreadful Dorothy someone who used to be on the TV at Hogmanay too. Scotland the What from Aberdeen years ago were brilliant but the Glasgow meeja probably couldn't understand them. (Why are we always expected to understand Glaswegians but other Scottish accents are too difficult though?)
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Couldn’t agree more.
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Useless Scottish celebrities that were everywhere - you forgot Fran And Anna (though, I thought they were crap when I was a kid in the 1970s, maybe they had some kitsch charm that I wasn't open to at that age)

Limmy is pretty original and well-respected, though (and one of the few Cookdandbombd untouchables - even if he's not as visible on telly right now, he's usually on Twitch/Twitter). And the Burnistoun lads. I had/have a soft spot for Stanley Baxter, seemed some on the Secret Celeb Gossip thread didn't agree when I mentioned him a few months ago.
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I came across her when she started doing the voice overs during covid and found her funny. I started following her on Facebook but I had to unfollow. She was just vile. If anyone dared to have a different opinion from her you were wrong, and awful and a troll etc. I couldn’t handle the hate she spreads etc

absolutely not surprised she’s a racist and also that she jumps political parties
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Love Limmy
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Janey Godley is as funny as a dose of the measles but I will not have a word said against Scottish Theatre Legend - Dorothy Paul!!!

I saw Dorothy doing her one woman show 30 odd years ago at the Tron Theatre - the first time she'd done show. I've seen her many times over the years up until her retirement and she was a fabulous entertainer.

Dorothy has been much copied over the years - Elaine C Smith did it quite successfully.

Lately Michelle McManus has also been trying to go down this route - yes that Michelle McManus. One of the funniest things I've ever seen on TV was the look of incredulation on Dorothy Paul's face when she was told that Ms McManus was trying her hand at comedy (I've actually seen Michelle's act and she does have some funny lines - but the exaggerated Glesga delivery let's her down - she would be funnier if she just talked in her normal voice)

Also the Hogmanay show - The Steamie - I would also say is a Scottish classic.

From your post you sound like one of those bitter Doric types - Scotland the What wasn't a patch on Scotch and Wry

But getting back to Godley - to me she was a One Trick Pony with no punchlines (even Michelle McManus has punchlines!!!)

Just unreal how she managed to get do far when her language seemed well known.
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My late Grandma went with her friend to a Scotland the What show that was being recorded in the early 80s. It was the time of those huge Deirdre style glasses that they both had. They were sitting in the front row centre of the theatre. When it televised they looked like two giant flies sitting there with the stage lights reflecting on their specs

That’s my Scotland The What memory. Buff Hardie used to write a funny column in the local rag.
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I'm visualising that in my head and I'm lying in bed laughing to myself
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From your post you sound like one of those bitter Doric types - Scotland the What wasn't a patch on Scotch and Wry
Nice way to attempt amusing by sounding like a bitchy Weegie type from your post, but it worked as well as Janey Godley's sharn. I enjoyed both Scotch and Wry AND Scotland the What, even if we needed subtitles at times for the Weege.

Dorothy Paul was as funny as a dose of the clap, appealing only to one part of the country yet we all had to suffer her inflicted on us. Mentioning her in the same post as Scotch and Wry does a disservice to the great Rikki Fulton.
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No idea about the above. Her daughter went to Hutchie, well known private school in Glasgow. So clearly has funds as bursaries are v rare.
Family members of mine went there. They are not working class Glasgow, v privileged.
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I must admit that I really don't know much about Limmy at all, other than what I've seen on social media.

Please don't give me nightmares - I'd tried to remove Fran and Anna from my memory!
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In Glasgow, we used to have this thing on the TV called a button - when something came on we didn't like, we could press the button and a different channel came on. Pity they never made it up north. You could have changed the channel and avoided Dorothy

Now we've got a thing called a Remote Control - I can change channels sitting in my chair. You'll love them when they eventually reach the north

And now back to Janey Godley!!!
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I’m Aberdonian and hated The Steamie. Not that I would have told my (Weegie) late mother in law that, she would have been horrified with me
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