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I get the jel bitch vibe too, I've always thought something was off about that whole friendship, Jane is always getting in little snide comments and then giggling like it was just a joke, she tries to out do Helen, copies her at every opportunity and then claims to be best friends, I think they're both a pair of plums who deserve each other but I did chuckle that Helen seemed to be giving it back to Jane in the food swap vlog.....shade was thrown for sure ;)
The way Jane said in the food tasting vlog that Helen was her best friend and then Helen says "some good friends of ours" not best but good friends.
Would Jane not see her bridesmaids as best friends? They helped her celebrate an important day so would they be closer to her than Helen? Just my thoughts...

God, she can't even be bothered to prepare a vegetable, let alone grow one!
Well she does prepare Charlie for work and for nights out so I guess that counts as preparing a vegetable.....
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Chatty Member
I think they should just go back on SW, some people need the strict guidelines to stop them eating all the salty processed food. All that salt will make you balloon and hold water. They have only ever lost a decent amount of SW I don't know why they keep fighting against it . She did used to cook at home. Her content was so much more honest and humble when she first started. She's always been a numpty but she was bearable. Her and Helen did so well on it and haven't lost an ounce (and kept it off) on CC.
Think I’ll mail her saying I tried your amazing diet ate within my calorie allowance and gained over a stone in a week what ever am I doing wrong 😂😂😂 wonder what lame excuse she would come out with she couldn’t say maybe you ate too much processed, salty food, cause that’s exactly she does and apparently has a loss every week. Might go and eat a whole pizza to myself since I’ve only had 238 calories the day🤣🤣 (bugger that I’m back to my low syn meals)
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It's all bullshit.
She started off showing her loss on the scales, now it just by word. Strange that!
She can say all she likes, the camera never lies! In a few weeks time she look exactly the same!
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Just shows what a greedy self centred bitch she is. She’ll take freebie after freebie but absolutely won,t commit to spending some of Charlie’s hard earned cash on keeping this “amazing plan” going. As for the hairdryer was really willing for it to short circuit and set fire to her hair but no such fucking luck, I guess that’s the stuff that dreams are made of 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
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Also why weigh in the pitch black?! Just have a light on and show your trotters on the scales for god sake! She was prob holding onto the sink to make the scales lighter 🙄
Its so we dont see her standing on the scale whilst leaning on the wash basin 😂
Anyone ever done that and gone ooohh look i'm 9 stone! 😂😂😂
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Just watched her vlog and she’s exactly what’s wrong with this clap for nhs stuff.
Clapping like a f**king seal and saying she’ll miss it when it’s over.
I clapped the first night but when dim wits like her started going out hollering and clapping and making a mockery out of the cause doing it simply for the fun of it and then going online and dissing people who don’t clap like somehow the clapping means you actually care?!
I work night shifts as a hsa , and I don’t support this clapping malarkey and neither does my mother and sister who are both nurses. If she wants to help then she should volunteer all her free time to good causes. I’m sure Charlie bean can pack his own god damn lunch, he is a full grown man!!
Especially as it was the health care workers she didn't want to deal with instore . They were the one's who would have had the early access on her shift.
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I was really bored this afternoon so I went back to find the first Jane thread as I only came across her later on. Talk about Groundhog Day! Literally nothing has changed in the almost 18 months since - plugging JD seasonings and fake fragrances, starting over with SW cos she’d put on a shit tonne of weight since her wedding, even though she was scoffing burgers and chips as snacks between meals. She’ll never change. It’s quite sad really. She needs a life overhaul.
Her food habits have never changed over the yrs no matter what plan she's following ,she has definate food issues . She looks the same if not worse than when she started.
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I want a filmed weigh in before this free munching month otherwise it don’t count!!!! She’s probably gained since she even did her last weight in On camera in the dark she doesnt understand aNd it’s always why her figures don’t add up.
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Chins didn't even mention Joanne's fabulous weight loss, just thanked her for her support. She's so self absorbed. You should be following Joanne you egghead, she obviously knows what she's doing. Maybe she finds watching Jane stops her eating shit as she doesn't want to end up like her and The Bean, motivational but not in the right way :LOL:
She didn't did she! What a bitch!!
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Your right her eBay account has gone !proof she reads here as I think this site was the cause of the anxiety .. Charlie had to tell her to get over those trolls they ain't worth the" whiff of your fart" is my guess .I think Helen was her resident spy and when she was ill Jane had a sneeky peek on here and literally shit herself with what she read 😂
It's not just me then. Well that is 100% proof she reads Tattle as you say, as her Ebay account was only ever mentioned on here when we took the piss. So much for giving it the big I AM chins!! Got scared so she actually shit herself instead of the made up cacky pants problem she has. She's pathetic!
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Feck me that food box is such a lazy way to cook. It might be handy for someone who's working really long hours and doesn't have time to prep dinners. But Lazy mcLazy only does a few hours a week so could easily get a recipe book and make something.

Charlies going to struggle though. Only 3 snacks a day, when he usually had 4 just with his lunch 🤣🤣

And so much plastic waste!! That's a scandalous amount going to landfill. What a disgrace
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View attachment 138574

So Charlie (who works full time) has been roped in to helping Janeychins (who barely works part time) with her ‘new business’ 😂? She really is a lazy cow.
So, placing 9 orders is overw(h)elming and keeping them busy!? Fucks sake, her level of laziness is beyond extreme! So, youv'e place an order online just like you might for a food shop and you call yourself busy? Your online food shop with 500 items must nearly kill you!
What an absolute idiot!
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Chatty Member
Just tried to watch that vlog omfg she’s so boring I kept skipping bits she’s like a old wee granny with her plants I swear she’s put more weight on, her face is massive it’s getting bigger. In that vlog I kept thinking of shrek she just needs her green face mask stuff and she’s a dead ringer for him 🤣 and omg bean is fair packing the lbs on. She feels fat and frumpy that’s cause you are chins finally some truth comes out your trap 👏 she’s definitely hitting 15 stone plus and bean looks about 17 stone. They really need some structure in their diet, calorie counting is obviously not working for them Jane sees a dinner at 350 cals when infact it’s double that but she’s only doing the damage to herself so batter on 😂 she keeps mentioning about her anxiety and self diagnosed IBS guess you’ve been reading on here again. Hi Chins 👋
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She reminds me soooo much of my Nan except my Nan is more sociable and fun and usually sees alot of friends (not now obvs) her favourite shop was bon marche but now that's shut down she shops in Matalan 😂 although to be fair my Nan dresses better than Jane. 😁
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Charlie is a cad isn’t he.....
Yeah he comes accross that way doesn't? Almost like he has a certain expectation of what a wife should be and what a wifes duties are.
May be because his mum perhaps did everything for him right up to the day he moved out.
But then again Jane buzzes off all the #wifelife cringey bollocks so she doesn't care.
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