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A Short Report from a Well-Organised Conservative Troll whom Targets Jack on Account of their Immense Courage in Criticising the Conservative Establishment* and/ or a brief run down according to a Frau.

*this is guests description of her detractors which she referenced in response to every question asked.

Firstly, guest appeared visibly nervous which I think was an excellent deflection technique: although I initially felt that Speirs may be a secret Frau as he asked her directly about whether she was poor or middle class growing up; whether she was wealthy now as per the Shattenstone article or destitute; whether she was really drinking a bottle and a half of whisky a day; whether there was any truth to the fact that she had appropriated money from Patreon etc he never followed up on her stock responses (the predictable denials “I’m a chaos” etc that we know by heart) but I feel it would have been hard for him to do so without looking like a bully particularly in front of a sycophantic audience of rage nanas. Spiers is not a Frau: he ended by saying how gorgeous she was.

She was asked about the VBI: she acknowledged that she had underestimated the work involved but said she had a team working on it that she oversees like a ‘mother hen’.

My highlight was her ‘AuDHD’ / puppy brain / wild wacky shtick where she recounted an episode where she had had to write down how to behave like a human ie wake up, brush teeth, eat breakfast etc and realised that there were 850 things that most humans do without thinking each day that she being a smol chaos pixie has to think about / set alarms for and the potential Herr next to me muttered “oh fuck off” in response to: I did my best not to owl champagne.

I’d be interested to know the areas he pushed her on and what she said in response. Graham Soiers I would sway from the old fashioned hack stable in Scotland although I suppose he could hardly rip her apart in front of a paying and supportive audience.
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I can’t believe (I can?!) that she is still going along with saying she’s doing the VBI. It will never see the light of day, it’s doesn’t exist, she’s a lying liar.
She said her Hellsite silence was on account of her working on the VBI
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Gross and unprofessional.

(unless there was context to this that is relevant)
No. It was gross there was no context.

Re the VBI delay there was also a supplementary explanation of this. As soon as the big supermarkets cottoned on to what guest was doing they responded by lowering their prices to undermine the whole project! So guest has essentially been forced to put the project on the back burner as this data needs to be gathered by stealth! Remember guest speaks truth to power!
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I was,
Were you there?? What was said???
I was. Battling the festival throngs right now, but in brief the interviewer pushed her harder than I expected, but not too hard. Some classic rage nans in the audience, one in particular could not have been more stereotypical Jack Stan. Also a charity had some staff there.

No pov jumper, checked shirt. Jack appeared nervous and tbh quite vulnerable. She is expert at deflection to give her her due.

I think the venue was switched to a smaller one, which seemed quite full.

There were a few questions from the audience and a rousing round of applause at the end.
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Now suspend your disbelief for a moment. This VBI team... let's assume it isn't Cooper & The Brambly Mice. Let's assume the team is comprised of actual existent human beings. She's overseeing them like a 'mother hen'? Doesn't sound like very... professional project management, does it? More like volunteers? As if there's a core squad of neckbeards and Nanas to whom she's allocated nonsense VBI information gathering tasks?
I can't express how much I would love this to be true. Oh my aching sides.
I can almost hear the office exchanges now... :







Now cluck off!
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I am at a photo shoot to be included in an exhibition at the opening of the new theatre/arts complex. Scarily it will be a 1.5 X 1 metre high shot of just your face, so it's going against every fibre of my body. I have yet to see a good photo of me, but we'll see what a professional can do.

They asked you to bring along something that represents yourself. I brought a hat, because I love hats.

I was musing over what Jack would bring. I came up with a gram of J1G and a begging bowl.

Any better suggestions?
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No. It was gross there was no context.

Re the VBI delay there was also a supplementary explanation of this. As soon as the big supermarkets cottoned on to what guest was doing they responded by lowering their prices to undermine the whole project! So guest has essentially been forced to put the project on the back burner as this data needs to be gathered by stealth! Remember guest speaks truth to power!
🚨 I stopped collecting data because I did not like what the data showed. 🚨
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Re the VBI, she claimed that it will be "sent for sign-off by the Office of National Statistics."

This was such a batshit crazy lie I felt someone, somewhere, would mention it, but didn't.

Prior to attending today's event, some Frau's visited the celery stand at Ross Street Sainsbury's.

It was emotional.
She was (according to her) the Mother Hen of the rebab she went to a couple of years ago. Fascinating how she sees herself, isn't it?
She claimed she painted the rehab and hung artwork up today.
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Simpler times...

I've just rushed downstairs to save a poor baby pigeon from marauding magpies, to find that it was a red and grey "work glove".
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Some nice people get stuck in relationships with awful narc abusers because they feel they're the only one that can help them, especially if they appear to be as physically and mentally ouchy as guest is. "I don't know what I'd do without you" becomes a threat when the person you're with has previous form for claims of suicidal ideation and self harm attempts like guest very publicly has.

I got stuck with my abusive alcoholic ex-husband for years in a relationship that nearly destroyed me and is still affecting my mental health six years later because he was apparently so mentally unwell and I thought I was helping him.
I owe any vestiges of my sanity to a very good friend who was the only person to sit me down and say "He's not ill, he's a cunt. Leave him."
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I've not mentioned it before as people seemed to be quite pro-Nigella but she was very horrible to a friend of mine on a shoot and I've never liked her since.

I wasn't on it but one of the first TV companies I worked for did a few shows with her (my parents still have a couple of kitchen bits that were divved up amongst staff once it was all over!).

I'm sure she's capable of being nice but she sure as shit wasn't to my runner friend and quite frankly, I'm always of the opinion that how you treat ppl 'below you' in the pecking order says everything about the type of person you are.
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It's crickets on the XBird site, since the event started we've just had one person (not at event) including Jack in their Fantasy government cabinet in a reply to Vorders.

" We have Marcus Rashford for Levelling Up, Michael Rosen for Education, Martin Lewis for Chancellor, Ricky Gervais for Foreign Office, Esme Young for Business, Jack Monroe for Health, and now Carol [Vorderman] for Home Secretary. Any more for the People's Cabinet?"
Jack Monroe for health? Is that because Harold Shipman is dead and can't fulfil the role?
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I’m very afraid that Rhianna Pratchett is funding a team of people and Jack’s having to pretend they exist and are doing something.
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