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New landlord already being obstructive, eh? Or could her completion date be pushed back perhaps? Evil current landlord magically letting Jack stay…..why do I believe precisely none of this?! Answer: because it’s Jack.
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Last night's return really was like a megamix of her greatest hits. We got Namaste Jack, Snark Jack, Landlords Are Evil Jack, Some Snark, Some Slops, and inexplicable egg and breadcrumbing of a new fuckbuddy. We are truly blessed.
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Chatty Member
I've been absent for a few days due to WORK but you've been in my thoughts, dear Fraus and I've just done a mega grunk and I still hate Jack. ☺

Her Guardian films are dreadful. Really, really vomit inducing. She can't chop anything properly (use the right knife you actual fucking food expert, you 🥴) hate her faux coy side glances to the camera, the veg on the plate with that chicken was so raw it looked like she'd cooked it with a tealight, I hate the way she presses and prods at things with her minging fingers, the raised inflection at the end of Every. Fucking. Sentence, the bottle as rolling pin WITH THE LABEL STILL ON mmmm, bacteria 😋 that sick little "mmmm hm hmmhmmm" at 3.12 was the final straw for me. Also her HAIR wtf. You've got to admire the confidence of someone who looks, sounds and cooks like that marketing themselves as a whizz in the kitchen that just so happens to be a sex siren. She's grotesque.

ETA - the performative povvo pride as she announces "I don't actually own a rolling pin?" as she produces a bottle that once held one of the most expensive pressés money can buy to roll the pastry with is just fucking ridiculous. Can't afford to buy a rolling pin that literally cost £1.50 in Wilko's but can and will buy a soft drink that costs £3.99 a bottle. Make. It. Make. SENSE. Cunt.
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She deserves everything that happens to her- the humiliation, the legal ramifications, the obscurity, being financially ruined.
Former patreon subs should take her to court, report her to the police where fraud is likely to be a thing, the council for running a knocking shop when she's finally 'opening up' on onlyfans, and so on. She is finished as a credible 'campaigner' but she shouldn't be able to carry on the financial malarky any longer- whether that's taking money under false pretences for crowd funders (book, legal), actual tax fraud which she may or may not be engaging in, paypal jar rattles while falsely claiming to be a pov, or whatever else. She's a liar and a thief.
None of us would be able to do it. None of us would get away with it. None of us would want to. We all stick to the rules and lead good honest lives- why do the rules not apply to her?

The great thing is, and I mean really great, is that it's not something that's going to happen, it already started last year with HH2 at least. The scales have fallen from the eyes of so many. She might have the odd win, she might gain more patreon subs next month or in six months, but the actual work, her reputation and credibility are already disappearing. She lives on charity, which is unsustainable. She is a force in decline, collapsing, just like her septum. So take heart dear ninnies, flip out a deck chair and pop a blanket over your knees- she is burning her career down and we can all warm our hands on the flames.
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Did she FUCK come off her bike at a roundabout "a few months ago" and not post a single tweet about it. This is the tedious bint who managed to wring multiple days of content out of a splinter in her finger. I'm only surprised she didn't make out there was a 10 vehicle pile-up and that she softly, gently bench-pressed an articulated lorry to make her miraculous escape.
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Here’s something she’s lied about that’s a lot more insidious, and I’m going to call her out on it.

Long, long triggery detailed descriptions of Jack’s alleged attempts on her own life so please click advisedly and with care/skip entirely.
In April 2013 she states very clearly that to that point, she’s made two suicide attempts.

Chronologically, here’s the first one, an overdose for which she was hospitalized in November 2011 (which may have been accidental, so we won’t count that one)


So let’s count this as the first one. Christmas Day 2011, apparently. (Not Christmas 2012 as in a now-deleted blog post she says they were at her parents that day)
Number two: July 30th 2012. Immediately after writing and publishing Hunger Hurts. She’s talked about this one multiple times over the years, usually weaponizing it in response to someone, like Edwina Currie here in 2014.
Last year she went into great detail about the time frame


This is a complete lie because she posted this job advert on July 31st 2012, despite not “waking up til the evening”. She’s also lying about not speaking to “other human beings” because she was volunteering full time at this time and writing a column for the paper. She’s also lying about the “messages from strangers telling their own stories”, in response to hunger hurts because- there simply aren’t any. Those 8 responses? NONE of them “telling their story” and none of them from July 30-31st. Needless to say, she’s also lying about being “a wraith”.

Then there’s this one, allegedly in February 2013. Yet again this is weaponized in response to someone (a Cambridge undergrad student this time) writing something about her she didn’t like.

she repeats it the following month
That one is blatantly a lie too. “Still has the scars on her wrists” in August, despite this video posted by the Guardian earlier in August from the mirror kitchen she’d allegedly already moved out of in July showing no sign whatsoever of any scars. (Also, as I posted yesterday, Jack got offered a job in mid February 2013, was home having jolly times with SB for the first half of the month and posted around FIFTY yep that’s 50 jolly blog posts, many of them recipes that combined have many and varied ingredients. So not only did she not slit her wrists in February 2013, she was not reliant on a food bank either, therefore lying about that in the above article too)

So at least three suicide attempts, possibly four BEFORE April 2013, yet in April 2013 claims she has “attempted suicide twice”, and perhaps not entirely coincidentally, ALL articles and posts about her suicide attempts BEFORE April 2013 were written and published AFTER April 2013. And she clearly either loses count at some point, or forgets that she said “twice” in April.

In November 2015 she tells the Times about a suicide attempt in 2015 which is apparently a “second attempt”. This is the second time she’s apparently been hospitalized for an overdose, BUT she’s also claimed multiple other attempts in very, very public posts before 2015 which would be very easy for someone to find, and despite being scared she’d lose her son if anyone knew she’d attempted suicide.

By 2018 she’d also tried to kill herself FOUR times “that she remembers” under austerity policies. (Which would imply these were austerity policy related/during THE POVERTY, one would think)

Note that apart from her deleted volunteer job advert post and all the posts from her Feb 2013 blog, all the above sources are still very publicly available too.

Recall also she’s claimed to have attempted suicide a number of times due to “trolls” separately from these above attempts too.

AND been very publicly “suicidal” due to two separate people ending relationships with her. LJC in 2020 and Old Hazza in 2022
“Dead if it wasn’t for that dog… haha

This is an utterly despicable thing for anyone to lie about, let alone someone with a big public platform and a child who “googles his mother” and “sometimes reads her tweets”.

But she’s definitely and demonstrably lying about at least two of these graphically detailed attempts (and I suspect many more of them) and EVERYONE who knows her well would know that too. Yet it’s all still out there and she just keeps on repeating it and rehashing it with apparently zero concern or consequences.

ETA I feel SO fucking dirty and disgusting just collating all that together. She’s FUCKING VILE.
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View attachment 2007576Such a twat and this archaic attitude is why your book has bombed, hun -HTH🥰
Specialist equipment that people have been buying en masse as they are much cheaper to run than an oven. And her books are full of recipes that need bullet blenders?
To ~actually~ (did I do that right?) be accessible she could've done recipes that could be done either in the oven or air fryer.

What can a food bank do with an air fryer?
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Further to this

I present this
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Just noticed that in the comments of the lasagne video, we've got a genuine Italian mad at food.

Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 10.11.54.png

Signed, an angry Italian lolllll
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Chatty Member

Never fear frauen, she is calm, happy, peaceful and rested!
Now if maybe she could do some work… send out some patreon rewards or something?
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Happy Anniversary to all you cute tiny shiny buttons out there in Tattle land. One year ago today we were treated to facetuned tiny headed Jack (with very strange eyes and a giant conk) in her new ugly pigskin hat


Oh well, Jack. While the rest of us cringed our sphincters inside out at an adult calling themselves “cute as a tiny shiny button”, at least that berk who wrote Fifty Shades of Absolute Bollox liked it.
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