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Chatty Member
I am still HOOTING over the fact she will not hold her hands up and say “I got it wrong over Mrs Tutelage”

She’s doing herself absolutely no favours by carrying this on. She’d be better off admitting she made a mistake there, pressing that she doesn’t like certain aspects of the stories and that she’d implore parents to check they are happy with the literature their children and reading.

She then needs to get a friend (maybe the one who reads here, hello 👋) to change her social media passwords for her so she can have a real break of a few weeks, not just a few hours.

If she does both of those, she might just about save her career. (For now at least)

Also, someone is about to get blocked...


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@choccydigestive - I agree with those who say to block for now, I think the cooling down is key here. I discovered recently that apparently my daughter and her friends don't see blocking as a particularly heinous crime, it's just part of the social tools and they do it to each other fairly regularly if things are getting heated for one reason or another, so it may not be quite the nuclear option it seems.

Also, with my daughter, she goes all supersonic when I suggest any kind of intervention in friendship things (which I think I have only done once or twice and was only for the sort of thing you're talking about). Once I'd done it, and things were sorted, she was hugely relieved that I had. I think the trouble is, they think they are all grown up, but they are still wee babies in some ways and they might rail against it, but they do need the grown ups still.

As to handling it, I think it would depend on how I saw the parents. I see the argument against contacting them directly, but if I thought they were reasonable I think I would be inclined to do it in a non-confrontational 'How do we sort this out for everyone' way, while stamping on my internal urge to be all lion-mother like. I do think schools (from my experience) consider things like this relevant to them, and they might think that even more now as most things are virtual, including interactions with schoolmates.

Friendly shoulder squeeze to you too. These things are horrible to deal with. x
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Well, 1i like coriander

2 she approached me to work together

3 then she disappeared

Hey ho
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Two insults I remember from school; the laughing cow & being likened to Michelle McManus in size 🙃 kids are cunts, are they.
I met Michelle McManus before she got famous-ish. She was very nice. Quite shy. She briefly temped with my flatmate.
No real point to this other than some more triangulation info.
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Absolutely creased at the Ian Bishop comments. I loved Neighbours growing up. Susan and Karl are my adopted parents (in my head).
I only watched Neighbours for a few brief months back in the day, but my abiding memory is of Susan slipping over on some spilled milk and suffering full blown amnesia.
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The context of the Tweet she replied to. She is defeating her own argument 🤦🏻‍♀️ View attachment 175465
It doesn't make any kind of sense at all (and stop implying Greek Cypriots look 'dirty'. Absolutely no one I know does, and they would be utterly horrified at the idea)

People come in different colours, even in the same full biological family. Accept it, and move along
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Not Now Bernard

Well-known member
[QUOTE="heretoreaditall2019, post: 1775184, member: 47054"

She’s actually lazy. She does the bare minimum to float on by, heavily motivated by huge advance payments and and when and the rest is just being the laziest bitch going. She doesn’t even read to form opinions, she has no insightful political analysis to provide us with. Her book - again she’s so lazy she’s making black women write the fucking thing - is going to have no citations because she can’t be bothered to research for it.
That's one of the things that really annoys me about her, the slogan shouting with no depth of knowledge. She could listen to the news, she could read atuff ,she could develop opinions based on that, but instead it's all shouty don't tell me about being poor, I used to live in POVERTY. Not one fucking nuance ever.

boys not reading is a huge issue. Is she really expecting parents to throw away loads of their children's books then pop out to their local Indy bookshop to spunk God knows what on a pile of Jack sanctioned books that they won't read.

She is so fucking middle class it is almost a parody. She comes from a background of ballet lessons and holidays on farms, not hanging around the park and holidays at Butlins, which frankly I found preferable. Her sense of entitlement is incredible.

Do what the rest of us did Jack. Save up a deposit, see a financial advisor, buy
what you can afford. If you can't afford a shitty bungalow with huge rooms and multiple bathrooms in a village location, buy a terrace in town.

That’s the thing - if she genuinely had been properly poor for more than a couple of months she would understand that buying some cheap books from a supermarket that you absolutely know your child will read Is a lovely thing to do. Not finding some obscure independent bookshop, paying through the nose for a book that your child won’t read.

it’s a bit like cooking - your average person would serve spaghetti hoops on toast because they know their child will eat it. But not our Jack as she would rinse the hoops and mix with curry powder and peaches. Because for her, being poor means having a joyless miserable experience.
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Here’s to your pelvic floor, babe ❤

Vlad says, How’s the new hoover treating you, have you named the baby after him, and if not why not?
I love the Shark, it is fabulous.
The baby is called Putinelope, it's like Penelope but with a Putin. (Anyone watch Toast?)
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Bestselling authors are well known to need tip jars. Especially ones with multiple bestsellers.

If she is *that* poor, despite all the bestselling books, perhaps she'd be better off changing agent?! They must have stuffed her up a treat.
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Jelly Bean

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Guys, I can't believe you're doubting that hundreds of people have messaged her to say they're removing all DW books from their schools, libraries and bookshops. Why would she lie about that. It's not like she's trying to cause a pile on and get him cancelled.
Yes it makes perfect sense doesn't it? Libraries are empty, bookshops are losing customers due to the Amazon behemoth, so of course they'll remove one of the best selling and popular authors from their shelves. It's not like businesses are struggling at the moment or anything :rolleyes:
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Chatty Member
Slightly OT and apologies - I can sort of connect it on the sweary teens subplot -

I've recently found evidence that my son is being bullied. He has a "close" friend who's been bullying him about being so-called fat for some time now on and off but who thinks it's "jokes" and no big deal. Anyway, now a couple of other friends have been pulled in and they over the last few days have been messaging my son telling him over and over he's fat, nobody really likes him, he's a cry baby, can't spell, stupid, etc. My son is no angel and has said some stuff in return to all this that is way less than ideal, but I also figure that when you continually poke a dragon with a stick and then get others to do it too then at some point it's going to lash out. Idon't know what to do. It's out of school so I don't know whether to contact them (they have excellent pastoral support). I am raging but I'm also shit at confrontation.
I'm so sorry to hear this, big hugs to you and your son. I would definitely speak to someone at the school, especially if as you say they have good support structures in place.
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