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Mrs Peel

VIP Member
Seeing as she's very quiet this evening I'm going to do a little bit of thinking out loud.

Imagine if I had a friend who lived in Southend and I had known that person for over 30 years. Imagine if they were the most honest, kind hearted person who has never uttered a bad word about anyone in all the time I've known them. Imagine if they very much kept themselves to themselves, and didn't do social media etc.

Imagine if I casually asked them if they knew Jack Monroe. Imagine if they responded that yes indeed they knew her. Not just knew of her - knew her.

Imagine if I asked their opinion, and they responded, "quite a cold person, not someone you can warm to, and she's made a lot of enemies over the years."

Really makes you think.

Edit: Jack, if you are reading this, and I know you are...

Don't bother trying to come after me. It was just me thinking out loud, pet.
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I have had another thought. What local authority would put vulnerable children in a foster home where the parents were so poor they themselves were skipping meals?

Would they put vulnerable children in the care of parents who hide a diagnosis of autism and not address the issue?

Would they put vulnerable children in the care of parents who ignored the fact that one of their children had an eating disorder?

Would they put vulnerable children in the care of parents that ignored their own child self harming?

Would they put vulnerable children in the care of parents that forced their child to have unnecessary painful operations to remove birthmarks that the child didn't want as Jack said they did?

Jack said all these things happened and as we know Jack can't lie.
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
I'm grunking, but please can we all agree that calling one of our favourite fraus @jenny2603 Jenny Num Nums is akin to referring to holidays as holibobs.

Sort it out you group of nefarious asshats.

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Mrs Peel

VIP Member
This will be my last post of the evening/early morning, but I want to say this.

I feel sorry for SB/nearly teenager
I feel sorry for Content and Coops and all the poor animals that went before them
I feel sorry for the well meaning Squigs that were taken in
I feel sorry for her family, including SB's dad and all who are associated in that way
I feel sorry for every single person that has donated even a penny

I don't feel sorry for Jack Monroe
Not one bit

Night all xxx
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This is a squig I haven't seen before, who according to her bio is an academic with a special interest in media representations of poverty.

Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 14.08.30.png

Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 14.08.42.png
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Two hundred quid squig is upsetting me. This person has just given two hundred pounds of their very own money to someone they don't know and are unsure of their financial status and can't bear to believe it may all have been a lie and a manipulation? I mean this is absolutely awful!
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Has anyone checked Mollys followers lately. There’s some extremely heavy hitters following her. Panorama for one
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Marmalade Atkins

VIP Member
I have posted these before but I thought they were worth another look.

Matt's wife (pink) welcomes him home after he's worked on Daily Kitchen Live for two weeks...

One of the comments... (Matt's wife pink)
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I’m Grunking through the last thread and feel sick to the pit of my stomach that someone ‘flung her £200 last week’.
there’s so many things wrong with this. How come Jack didn’t ‘fling it back’
How come Jack didn’t email immediately saying thanks but I’m fairly well paid and this is an obscene amount of money
How come Jack didn’t ask whether the woman could afford this?
how many more times has this happened?
Would the flinger herself do this to someone on the street, or is begging now only acceptable if it’s from a middle class woman.
I’m disgusted. Disgusted with the woman who done this and disgusted with Jack Monroe. There have been many things that I thought would break me on this forum; the bollock sausage stroganoff being one of them but this one has ruined me.
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Top and bottom, same person, Her squigs are so charming. Also DECEASED at “precarious celebrity income”. Is that you Jack?! Is this one of her 🧦?

Just like Gingerbread allows you to “self identify as a single parent”, apparently “considering yourself to be in dire circumstances” (regardless of your actual circumstances) is a more than adequate condition for you to go for a big ole grift.

Loving that it’s either grift or go to your “elderly sacrificing parents” and not option C ‘get a fucking job like everyone else’ too



Also, how could the cold flat be “empty” if she was in it “freaking the fuck out”? Flat with person in=not an empty flat.

Makes you think.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
I'm not disgusted with the woman. She was taken in by Jack Monroe. I feel a bit sorry for her.
@Veronicaaa made such a good point on the previous thread about reporters being so keen to write 'pieces' about how ghastly Tattle is, they never bothered to look into why a lot of posters here have huge issues with supposedly benign and loveable public figures.
We are all jealous, ugly and potentially dangerous stalkerish (usually) women.

If this is the slow demise of grifter Jack, it will be interesting if people start to think 'Hang on Tattle were right about Jack Monroe - who else might they be right about?'
Really makes you think.
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There is a flying monkey I noticed had been giving it large overnight who just kept circling back round to 'better Jack than a tory'. I am a left winger, a former member of the Labour party, an active trade unionist my entire adult life (as in, travelling to Westminster for demos on my day off active) and this level of argument is so reductive, it's cringeworthy. No wonder twitter is riddled with cretins.

Why is the only alternative to Jack a Tory? She isn't the sitting MP for Southend about to contest a by election? If Jack is dethroned as queen of the povs does Ann Widdicombe appear with a new cookbook to fill the vacuum?

These people will never change their minds. It's not football, you aren't supporting Jack FC 'Munroe til I die, kickyball 4eva!'. I'd almost revel in these idiots getting rinsed if it didn't enable her to grift the vulnerable alongside the deluded.
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“What’s the matter babe? You haven’t touched your rice paper replica of a much loved deceased childhood pet”
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