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VIP Member
Oh lads it was really bad.

Started with a can of very high quality chickpeas from the corner shop when I took the dog for a stroll round the village green. The cat scared me when I was taking this so apols for the worst photo in history.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 19.23.39.png

Would also like to note that I didn't use the whole can because I didn't want to be wasteful, so the other half have gone into a couscous salad with blanched red onion, fresh chilli, tomatoes, cucumber, garlic and roasted aubergine. Because I enjoy foods with texture and flavour.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 19.24.16.png

She doesn't specify how much mayonnaise in proportion to chickpeas, so I guessed. The aquafaba loomed in the background.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 19.25.14.png

I began my first blend without any aquafaba.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 19.26.31.png

Because I'm terrible I did actually try some at this early stage and have to say that it was just as you'd expect from the following picture: gritty mayonnaise with a heavy dose of chickpea and self-loathing. I blended on.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 19.27.58.png

Again, it was just a very mayo-y chickpea purée, so I decided at this point I would try adding some aquafaba. I've made good vegan mayonnaise with aquafaba before, so I was hopeful.

It did look like absolute dogshit though.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 19.30.10.png

But, we blend on, boats against the current and all that. I had zero confidence in this recipe to begin with but fraus, I was disappointed.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 19.31.20.png

Honestly the most astonishingly bad thing I've made. This is neither stretchy, nor is it hummus. I would describe it as a wet chickpea mayo. The addition of the aquafaba did make it less mayo-y, but only on first taste; the aftertaste was appalling. It didn't have any of the lovely tahini, garlic or lemon flavours that you might get in a homemade hummus. Did have flavours of what I imagine a chicken's arse tastes like, though, so if that's your thing then fire on in.

It also slopped off the spoon. It's got the texture of a bog.

Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 19.34.03.png

I was going to save it for Mr Owl's return from the beach to get his reaction for you all but I think I love him too much to subject him to it.

Jack's a menace of the first water because this was rank. I'm having wine.
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Am I the only one who upon seeing the epic chickpea photo , thought the can , having realised what was going on, was trying to do a run?

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Screenshot 2022-07-19 15.50.04.png

Yeah, they'll go down in Jack history as being like the guy who turned The Beatles down.

Screenshot 2022-07-19 15.51.07.png

Yes Jack, why not stalk them as revenge? That's a sane, healthy and adult response.
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I can't stop thinking about it. Singing "Don't cry for me, stretchy hummus" under my breath just now as I fed the cat.
Don't cry for me, stretchy hummus
The truth is I never ate you
All through the hot days
I craved sustenance
But I didn't want to vomit
So I kept my distance
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She already COMPLETED IT MATE. She claims she sent a dedicated copy of her first book to the male teacher who said she would only be good for flipping burgers. With a post-it note on the page with the bean burger recipe, apparently.
'You said I'd never amount to anything, and yet here I am - a recovering alcoholic with a string of failed relationships, grifting money from total strangers on the internet TOOT TOOT'
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Five hundred dogs

VIP Member
I have a suggestion for Jack for a hot weather can’t be bothered to cook recipe, it’s quite novel and I think people will really benefit from learning it. I take two slices of bread, lie them down side by side on a plate then thinly spread with butter (to make it vegan use vegan spread). Then I add cheese or cold sliced meat, some lettuce or tomato and maybe a savoury condiment to the top of one slice and put the other slice, butter side down, on top. It’s a fantastic lil sneaky sucky snack at any time of day.
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Sorry if this has already been posted, I didn’t see it on my grunk, but Lil Pixie Vainchops won’t appreciate this, squig. (Not kind, I know, but I am pissed off at her ignoring a charity that asked her to amplify their tweet).
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I hope there's more.

To my brother, you are a Tory wanker. And just so you know...I ate the last cookies that one time, blamed you, and I still laugh at the fact you got into shit for it.

To David Walliams, take less coke you racist fuck.

To Kelvin MacKenzie, I'd throw the whole stationery cupboard at you if I could.

To Heartbreaker Homophobe Harold, fuck you. I thought you wanted to start a life together, you tattoophobic prick. Well guess what? I faked it. Every time.
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And why would you HAVE brown paper bags at home?! Sorry to any paper bag fraus.
On a grunk so sorry if this lands inappropriately. Many years ago I had my first ever panic attack (have only ever had about 3), full on shaking hyperventilating etc. The then Mr FF rang 999 as he thought I was having some sort of attack or dying - I managed to quaver that I thought it was a panic attack and the operator told him to get me a brown paper bag to breath in and out of. Ignoring available paper bags in other colours, because it was brown, he brought me a Henry Hoover bag. I fell about laughing and recovered without using the bag 😂 . Old timey medicine
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Just for the lols I looked at her school alumni. Seems like the teachers weren't so bad after all and were quite good at their jobs...
2 Olympians.
Nathalie Emmanul from Game of Thrones.
An author.
A pediatric oncologist of some note.
Award winning radio broadcaster.
and my personal favourite...
They probably don't even remember Jack
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
I know Peter and Barbara are from the Secret Seven, but not sure who Jenny is. Maybe Jack means Janet?

This isn't the first time Jack has claimed to be maligned by fictional characters.
Their names do sound like they come from a Ladybird learning to read book.

Peter, Barbara, and Jenny went to the beach. On the beach they saw a lady with tattoos. “White trash!” Yelled Peter, angrily. Jenny saw that the lady had a baby in a pram. “That lady is too young to have a baby!” Exclaimed Jenny, looking cross. She walked up to the lady and said: “You should have kept your legs shut!”

Reading comprehension questions:
1. Why did Peter get cross?
2. Why did Jenny think the lady should not have had a baby?
3. Did any of this shit ever happen to anyone anywhere?
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Sorry guys, I know we have all moved on, but just realised no one pointed this out and to me it’s important.

If a straight girl has a one night stand or even a brief fling with a woman, but ultimately says they are straight and moves on, no one gets angry at her for “pretending” to be straight and discrediting straight people.

It’s just a ridiculous double standard we seem to place on gay people.
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Teachers don’t expect fame from famous ex-students. We teach because we want the best for our students. If those students have achieved success (or whatever that particular student’s idea of success is), the only thing we feel is happiness.

Hospitality/flipping burgers is not a career to be sniffed at Jack. Stop revealing your true colours.
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