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Chatty Member
I am sure in the same way you are bored of JM, you must be bored of me dipping on here every now and again to say the same thing (at least I’m self aware!) - she fucking infuriates me as a person in recovery and I’m actually in tears looking the stories on these threads of those who have lost someone to the evil of addiction. I’m sorry. I know it’s shit for you during the alcoholism when we are utter arseholes and hard to love and the absolute grief/relief/guilt when we pass. I didn’t until I found recovery.

look maybe Jack is but I yet to see evidence of recovery as opposed to sobriety - there is a difference. I didn’t dare broadcast my sobriety for several reasons until I had some proper time because:

1. I was sick of hurting my family over and over by doing that and then drinking
2. It’s ego based and you only ever have today
3. In the real world where you aren’t JM and don’t thrive on being defined as an alcoholic, it’s still pretty stigma based if people don’t understand it, and you are always the “Alcoholic” even when sober and
4. And this was my biggest reason - I was shit feared every day I would fuck it up and drink again.

Recovery is not pissing about with your hair, pretending to hate social media whilst courting it, finding it all fairly easy and thriving off it.

Recovery for me was rehab, finally giving up my job, career, money, relationships. THE LOT. Admitting I was a bit of a cunt. Having hard conversations with loved ones who has heard it all before and were fuming, whether I was sick or not; too scared to leave my bedroom some days let alone face social Media as I just couldn’t cope and was riddled with anxiety. It was hell early days, utter hell. I couldn’t sponsor a donkey let along another person or offer any sort of assistance yet this cunt is Marie Von Trapp. It makes a mockery of alcoholism, it’s so much more complex and she is still suffering majorly whether sober or not (happy to explain alcoholism for an alcoholic if anyone is interested. JM could find it interesting)
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Jack’s being a little fucking smarm with fellow manic pixie dream enby Laurie Penny because Laurie got absolutely bodied by JK Rowling on Twitter yesterday after a long, self-indulgent thread where she claimed that bad book reviews had given her c-PTSD. She then back-pedalled in Monroe fashion like “I didn’t say that, I just meant it triggered a pre-existing condition” but even as someone who would not immediately fall with Rowling on gender issues it was patently obvious that that was implied. Laurie was using serious, debilitating illness to silence dissent, all while blithely unaware that probably hundreds of thousands of people struggle with similar symptoms without the money or ability to self advocate to be even diagnosed, let alone treated (familiar 🤔).

Penny and Monroe are cheeks of the same arse: no integrity and a predilection for claiming that what they - both professional writers - wrote, has been misconstrued. Predictably, though, Jack stayed out of the actual issue because she’s a snivelling fence sitter who doesn’t want to lose any Patreons who are also Rowling stans, so she’s being obsequious to Laurie off to the side instead. Jack is Belgium in 1939 but all the chocolate is actual shit.
I just can't get over how useless and completely self-involved these blue tickers are. I mean, we always knew it but when you're literally posting shit like 'bad book reviews are a conspiracy and have triggered my CPTSD' and 'I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW' to the backdrop of the worst refugee crisis since WW2 and photos of entire families shot dead in the street, it really drives it home. Now, I do realise not everyone is stupid enough to be watching the news every waking hour like I am, but FGS these people will never not make things about themselves. And then the whole of British twitter becomes about them too. It's so sick.
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Toffee finger

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It’s becoming a thing in our house when something goes wrong/can’t afford something/any random reason one of us will shout SHE RENTS. My husband text earlier saying he is off to Thorpe Bay


I’m a bit disappointed he didn’t realise who I meant straight away but he’s had a long shift!

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Silver Linings

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Title by @Smeghead

Please remember no thread titles until the tail end of the thread and to add ‘thread title’ or ‘thread title nomination’. No swearing in them please.

Wiki is the pink button for newbies.

Another thread by obsessed trolls with unhinged theories. Toot fucking toot, Jack.

Lights status -

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Wait am I watching the wrong thing? I've been listening to someone talk about HS2 in the midlands 😭
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Toot toot, all aboard the Monroellercoaster! Not sure why she went for FirstName BunchOfNumbers to characterise all of us, unless she specifically has it in for @jenny2603 or she thinks @heretoreaditall2019's first name is actually Heretoreaditall. She must know that there are more of us named after her furniture and possessions, including but not limited to the sentient mirror and charity shop Le Creuset.
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The MPs must be quaking in their boots at the FORENSIC take down Jack is going to do with stuff she's lifted off Twitter and a load of twaddle about lungs like they'd never heard of lungs before.
Wouldn't a doctor specialising in respiratory disease be better able to explain the results of poor housing on lung diseases?

Wouldn't a person claiming UC at the moment be better able to explain the results of not being able to survive on benefits?

Wouldn't a person stating that £20 is NOT enough to feed a family of three for a week be better able to explain the results of not having enough food?

Wouldn't a person living in a small house be better able to explain the results of overcrowding?

Wouldn't a person that has been homeless recently be better able to explain the results of living without accommodation?

Wouldn't anyone working closely with charity service users be better able to explain the results of depending on charity?
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I'm perplexed by what her followers must think when she posts about (but never names) this site.

Do they *genuinely* think that there are hundreds of us who have decided to bring down a good woman for.......reasons?! If she was exactly what she claimed to be at best you'd have a handful of stereotypical angry gammons.

But there are people from all walks of life here, most former fans of hers. And we just ........decided to hate her one day did we?

Fuck off mate.

P.S You can't play Vimes when you haven't even created the Index named after him, you petulant gibbon.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Jack - 'Discretionary housing payment top ups were completely removed 8 years ago'
MP - 'They are still available'
Jack (gulp, drinks water) - 'yes they are available but harder to access'.

So not removed then.
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