I don’t really like the term aromantic but I’ve just learnt it’s a thing so I’m using it.
Wondering if there’s other people on this board that don’t get romantic feelings towards people?
Growing up, people used to think it was weird that I didn’t fancy any boys at school. I kind of thought that would happen when I grow up. But it never did. As I went through my 20s I wondered if I should join dating sites (I guess the idea of being in my 20s and never even kissed anyone made me think I should). Now in my early 30s and realised I just don’t want to share my life with anyone. I haven’t ruled it out completely but at this age ive still never fancied anyone.
However I love the idea of romance! I love chick flicks/lits and Taylor Swift songs. And think certain couples are adorable/ship people.
I do occasionally worry about being alone when I’m old but I’m saving up for a good old people’s home haha.
Btw this is different to being asexual (where you don’t have sexual desires). People can be either or both.
Interested to hear from people who identify with either.
I don’t really like the term aromantic but I’ve just learnt it’s a thing so I’m using it.
Wondering if there’s other people on this board that don’t get romantic feelings towards people?
Growing up, people used to think it was weird that I didn’t fancy any boys at school. I kind of thought that would happen when I grow up. But it never did. As I went through my 20s I wondered if I should join dating sites (I guess the idea of being in my 20s and never even kissed anyone made me think I should). Now in my early 30s and realised I just don’t want to share my life with anyone. I haven’t ruled it out completely but at this age ive still never fancied anyone.
However I love the idea of romance! I love chick flicks/lits and Taylor Swift songs. And think certain couples are adorable/ship people.
I do occasionally worry about being alone when I’m old but I’m saving up for a good old people’s home haha.
Btw this is different to being asexual (where you don’t have sexual desires). People can be either or both.
Interested to hear from people who identify with either.