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Well-known member
I don't know how to start my own thread but here goes.
When I was 14 my father left my mother and started a whole new family without us. I watched my mothers heart break. For weeks she didn't get out of bed, there was no social media for her to vent her anger, she suffered in silence. Somewhere between the grief and the acceptance she picked herself up and dusted herself off. She became a legend. A few years later she died of cancer, she was 44.
What infuriates me about AE is that she is claiming she will have nothing, he has left her with nothing and she has nothing left to lose.....
Yes you do, your life! You want to be an advocate for women everywhere who have been hurt by men? Then stop acting like you can't live without him! My mother was my superhero, THAT'S an advocate.

Sorry, I might just go and have a quick cry and calm myself down
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Was saving this and now that welshfitnessgirl has beautifully rung in the holiday season it feels appropriate, haha.

(To the tune of “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer”)
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House of Tea

VIP Member
Here's my thinking on why they might get married quickly:

IF IG is that serious about BW, marrying her makes sense. It would solve several practical issues. He can get her American citizenship (a permanent resident card first), just as Alice did for him. It would mean B could stay in the US. She has MS and will need ongoing care while here. He can get her on his insurance once they're married.

Do I think rushing into another marriage is smart? Absolutely not. It will traumatize the girls. And I doubt he's mentally ready. Are there practical considerations involved that lend good reason to do it? Yes, I believe there are.
Don’t you live a few blocks from AE? Do you fancy doing a stake out when he return to the house? You could be our on the ground reporter. He has 40 leather jackets and some Tom Ford suits to collect - he will be in a van. You can’t miss him.
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House of Tea

VIP Member
Thanks for doing the business @welp and congratulations to @welshfitnessgirl for the seasonal title. Only 25 days to go…🎄🎄🌲🌲

Perhaps we should add for the benefit of new posters, we were on a warning by the mods of being shut down on the last thread so if you see an iffy post report it rather than pile on and start arguing. It would suit some parties for this thread to be closed down which could attract provocative posters with that end in mind. I think we can all agree we are not AE and her FMs, we like debate and are open to different opinions, but we don’t like personal attacks or rudeness.
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I’m Muslim and don’t really celebrate Christmas but still my GREATEST holiday pleasure would be if the kids pack up their lil bags and walk out to spend Christmas at Ioan’s crib so then it’s just Alice and Gloria staring at each other in the living room and then Gloria just calmly puts on her purse and says “Bye bitch” and heads out to the car to join them. 🎄🔔
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Why does Alice bother telling us she “cried tears today.”

Alice, we all assume you’re always crying. Your most-used emoji is 😭. You are a 24-hour faucet who only stops sobbing to dramatically vomit and post about it on Twitter. Your whole household, including the nanny, weeps hysterically if a telephone so much as rings. Your sheets are all water-logged, and waves of water that poured from your eyes are now covering your floors and lapping at your bedposts. You’ve solved all future droughts in California if someone can just figure out an inexpensive way to desalinate the enormous Sea of Sorrow made up of your tears.

At this point, you might as well tell us when you’re not crying and have taken a break to rehydrate.
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I’m waaayyyy behind, but this is something that came up on the last thread a couple of times & I just wanted to react to it. I don’t know if anyone else has picked up on this and it’s 💯 not a criticism of posters on these threads as I am in the exact same boat!

So, couple of posters have mentioned gaining weight alongside flaws or being flawed. Gaining weight is not a character flaw, carrying extra weight doesn’t make you a bad person! Gaining weight is a thing that happens for various reasons including eating too much because you’re sad, depressed, stressed, anxious, bored, lonely, overwhelmed by feelings, have other pattern of disordered eating, hormones, thyroid disorder, medication etc etc!

None of this makes you any more or less flawed than anyone else. None of this makes you a bad person. (Much as I like to beat myself up for being x, y, z…. Apols if I sound like a condescending prick but as mentioned, I’m in the exact same boat).

However, Being a dick to your kids and everyone on the internet is an entirely different matter…
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House of Tea

VIP Member
I don't know how to start my own thread but here goes.
When I was 14 my father left my mother and started a whole new family without us. I watched my mothers heart break. For weeks she didn't get out of bed, there was no social media for her to vent her anger, she suffered in silence. Somewhere between the grief and the acceptance she picked herself up and dusted herself off. She became a legend. A few years later she died of cancer, she was 44.
What infuriates me about AE is that she is claiming she will have nothing, he has left her with nothing and she has nothing left to lose.....
Yes you do, your life! You want to be an advocate for women everywhere who have been hurt by men? Then stop acting like you can't live without him! My mother was my superhero, THAT'S an advocate.

Sorry, I might just go and have a quick cry and calm myself down
Alice has a lot going for her, but at the moment she is wallowing. I don’t think she is anywhere near the dusting down stage. She thought he would come back, the picture of him with his new gf put paid to that, which is why she has stepped it up recently. I am beginning to agree with others, the photo was IG attempt at drumming it into AE that he had gone for good. The message was not sinking in before.

Your mum was a role model for you, for everybody really. That’s what most people have to do. There is no choice but to go forward. Bloody tragic that she died so young. My mum died when she was around the same age as yours. She had cancer, and one of my most vivid memories of her towards the end when she had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, was my dad beating her. I came out of my bedroom and she was on the floor and he was hitting her. I feel so sorry for her that she didn’t have much of a life and then life was taken away from her. People have shitty lives sometimes, AE needs to stop wallowing, he is just a bloke at the end of the day. Life is finite, no point in wasting it.

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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Did Alice just say she'll be back to her normal weight in 2 weeks? Is this a Christmas miracle diet? Sign me up! 😎
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
When do they HAVE to see him? Really??

View attachment 899541
I’m still catching up, missed my lunchtime stint today. The above really peed me off.

How have the girls gone from having a good relationship with their father to one where they are terrified and screaming at the thought of spending time with him? One where they rush out to meet him from the car when he comes home (she captures this and shares it with the works) to sobbing on rocks and refusing to see him and if they have to it’s child abuse.

How the fuck did this happen?

No one can be a great parent all the time, we’re humans and we are all flawed. These flaws are normally exacerbated when we are under a lot of stress, divorce being one of them. But her behaviour with those girls is off the wall. Children are not your friends, they are not your confidants, they are not extensions of you.

I’m sure she is as mad as a pair of feral cats fighting in a sack at the moment and I don’t blame her for that at all. Whether she is totally or partially to blame for the demise of her marriage put it to one side for the moment; she is facing enormous life changes and she is scared stiff and angry and I get that. But if she truly loved those girls, she wouldn’t be causing them all this pain by dragging them into her world of anger and fear.

Yes they need to be told that their parents are getting divorced but in an age appropriate way. Not with all this wailing, lashing and terror transference. Alice should be leaning on friends, adult family and therapists for the wailing and lashing stuff not young children who have no life experience to deal with stuff like this.

They are not only witnessing their mother’s descent into alcoholism, depression and mania but are getting dragged under with her too. Even with the 50/50 split, as soon as Ioan builds them up, Alice will immediately pull them back under with her.

It’s so very sad.
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I've just been catching up over coffee...this is in no way meant to be a recap, just a few thoughts.
- AE has said the girls are being evaluated. Do we know if AE is also being evaluated or is this just an assumption/speculation?
- To those who know more about narcissism, how easy would it be for AE to appear as charming, 'just someone who is hurting' and reasonable in her (supposed) evaluation and pass? Nobody is going to be presenting the psychiatrist with screenshots of her tweets. It'll be based purely on her performance.
- Lots of activity from IG in recent days, it appears, as many of us had hoped: a possible emergency custody hearing / letter on a Sunday from his lawyers stating 50/50 custody and when he'll have the girls, an evaluation for the girls, and a possible restraining order/cease and desist of some kind which may be behind her decision to stop using BW/IG names on social media and privatising her tweets.
- She's claiming that BW is referenced in these legal documents which is so obviously bullshit. I'm half hoping that it emerges that BW/IG broke up long ago or were never properly together so that her lies completely unravel.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
I wonder if Alice was dropped on her head at birth? I feel like a parrot 🦜 saying this, this woman has zero self awareness.

She thinks the only reason Ioan hasn’t returned to her is because BW is ‘pussy whipping’ him and holding him hostage.
All of her previous manipulative tactics to get him back have failed. She excelled herself yesterday with the throwback photos of how much in love they were but the fucker didn’t bite. This must mean that he is well and truly being held again his will.

In her mind’s eye the only possible reason that Ioan hadn’t returned to her is because BW is stomping up and down his spine in her 6 inch domanatrix size 7 thigh length PVC boots.

She really is portraying him as a simple, wet behind the ears, easily led soul. When she writes stuff like this it I really hope he’s spent the last year attending orgies, having coke blown up his arse and writing ‘Alice has a phallus’ over her stack of faded old fan photos.
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I’ve obviously got it in for RDinLondon today but I will tell you why I can’t stand her. Cos she thinks IG has to wait for the divorce to be finalised until he can have sex again. Cos he’s still married and it’s adultery. Also she continuously trolls BW with terrible language then calls out bullies and she’s been at it for months. She’s worse than bloody Alice.
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VIP Member
I don't know how to start my own thread but here goes.
When I was 14 my father left my mother and started a whole new family without us. I watched my mothers heart break. For weeks she didn't get out of bed, there was no social media for her to vent her anger, she suffered in silence. Somewhere between the grief and the acceptance she picked herself up and dusted herself off. She became a legend. A few years later she died of cancer, she was 44.
What infuriates me about AE is that she is claiming she will have nothing, he has left her with nothing and she has nothing left to lose.....
Yes you do, your life! You want to be an advocate for women everywhere who have been hurt by men? Then stop acting like you can't live without him! My mother was my superhero, THAT'S an advocate.

Sorry, I might just go and have a quick cry and calm myself down
Sorry to hear about your mum. This is exactly why I’m incandescent with rage at her. She’s selfish. I started again with five children, we didn’t have a pot to piss in. I still have three jobs to this day.
You pick yourself up and get on with it, no one owes you a life.
She’s sat in LA with a pool and a maid ffs!
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I need to catch up but as much as I dislike AE I do think IG is being quite callous in requesting to have the girls on Christmas Day when he has been swanning around the world with his new partner for the past few months. Surely he isn’t thinking of having Christmas Day with BW as well? The poor kids, I really feel for them.
I feel for the kids too. What did Alice do with them on Thanksgiving to make it special for them? Oh that’s right. She spent the day on Twitter accusing their dad of buying cocaine.

I have 50/50 with my older kids and their dad. We start at 1pm on Christmas Eve, then they go to the other parent at 1pm Christmas Day and then come back Boxing day at 1pm.
Might not work for everyone but we’ve done it for ten years now.
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