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Well-known member
Posting all this bragging while staying in Benidorm's grottiest, cheapest apartment. I am so jealous Sarah. You may have so called money but my children have an education and a future and a dad that's not a pervert.
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Definitely not jealous lazy. I have a beautiful home, take normal holidays where I don’t drag my kids away for months on end, I’m not overweight, don’t have a shit diet, my husband isn’t a child groomer, I earn money by working hard and not selling my kids online, my kids go to school and socialise at clubs, my kids images aren’t used by perverts online, my kids understand the importance of education and hard work and don’t think that posing on tik tock will be their career, my husband doesn’t pretend to be a 20 year old roller skater who has black hair. Wouldn’t have your life if you paid me.
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Ingham holiday Rap 😂

They bought a 30k caravan to chase their dream,
Loaded it up with pot noodles and shopping hauls from Shein,

Off they set on their way to France,
With the girls doing their usual with their TikTok dance,

Jace in the back screaming he wants more food,
Chris in the front shouting out WooHoo!

Have they caught COVID? With their shortness of breath?
These idiots would be denying it even if they were near death

Report them to the camp for spreading it around,
They shouldn’t be travelling, they should be homeward bound!

But on their way they go and drive to Spain,
Trying to get the views up but their going down the drain,

The car starts spluttering and eventually breaks down,
Sarah says their making memories but really she wants to frown,

The car can’t be repaired, it’s completely broke,
This holiday is turning into one big joke 😂

20 grand they say it’ll cost to repair,
A little less than it would cost to fix Chris’s hair,

Their stuck on the forecourt of the local garage,
With their electric scooters and a joke of a marriage,

Sarah goes on Instagram ranting and raving,
It’s 36 degrees and their stuck on the paving,

Stop watching our channel! Just get a grip!
We can’t help it though Sarah! This is the best holiday trip!
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VIP Member
The Ingham Family #121 Vlogs getting reported left right & centre. Time to give it up & get down to the job centre!
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VIP Member
Wow, another thread already!

These two suggestions seem to be tied so I combined the two. Hope that's ok @Wilma57 and @BorisBear



-The Inghams murdered a butterfly using an ice cream
- Big Frank has returned
- Sarah caught up with Tattle and had a rant about Chris coming home to collect a new car. Chris pipped up but. being the big man that he is, he didn't show his face on camera.
- Sarah nearly dropped the f bomb during said rant but saved herself and said flipping instead
- Once again Sarah (probably drunk on Echo Falls) was sharing personal details on her Instagram stories but it's ok because she deleted it when she sobered up
- Sarah has been sharing all the messages of support she has received to convince us she has fans
- In a town of 2000 people, 30 'ifam' were apparently chasing the Inghams. They were probably trying to make them leave the town.

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VIP Member
"a beautiful home and cars" would that be the home that you've been trying to sell for God knows how long and you don't even like it. And a car that broke down beyond repair, with a couple of other old cars at home in your drive?

That's really something to be jealous of.
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Chatty Member
I'll keep my normal house, average car and my faithful husband who isn't a n o n c e over your life any day of the week, Moon Face
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You know, for people that apparently have money, they talk about money so much. My auntie is a millionaire, my dad is wealthy, both of whom don’t talk about money. Ever. At all. Because it’s distasteful and crude. They’re such weird creatures creepy and lazy!
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VIP Member
Surely if you truly didn't intentionally leave it in the vlog, you'd be THANKFUL people pointed it out so perverts couldn't get their hands on it (although they already have), rather than belittle the people that informed you? She's so gross.
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VIP Member
Morning all!
I’m usually tits deep in the Hinch threads but saw the last thread title and had to have a nosey 👀 I’ve never followed these people and don’t intend to start but OMG these threads are hilarious! Who even are these people?! It reads like a really dodgy soap opera 🤭
I love the recaps so I can keep up with who’s who. I think I’ve sorted it out. That husband is rather unfortunate looking isn’t he? 🤢
Anyway I’ll keep reading and thanks for the proper belly laughs. 😂
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But it isn't the "saddos" (haven't said that since I was about 13) that we're the first to notice it, it was the person who wrote the timestamp on YouTube
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Malcolm Conkers

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‘Most dedicated daily family vlogging channel’?

I’d have to agree. Most people would have disappeared when their husband was outed as a filthy n😮nce.
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Well-known member
Ohhh I am so angry with Big Sarah that people commenting are jealous of her is she for real !! Firstly my husband and I both work full time in high pressure jobs and have 5 kids and we manage to go 2 holidays every year 2weeks in summer and a week later in year not because we can't afford it because we are busy working and the kids have school which is more important than making memories. Imagine my husband and I just decided to go make memories yes we would love it who wouldn't love sitting on a beach everyday but then our patients wouldn't get the surgery they need. Secondly I don't just own a keyboard I have a large home twice your size and our cars are pretty cool too so stop saying everyone is jealous of you its not a good look.

Also you say you don't watch other YouTube families LIES yes you do . You try to be like them eg diet, home school, you buy jace things that I've seen on other channels months before like the ball pit for his birthday u said ohhh I chose the colours no you didn't other YouTube had the exact same one.

Your family are junk food lovers so please stop pretending to be vegetarian, god we haven't seen you all eat a meal for over a week.

Isabelle is dancing around asking people about seeing her naked, the esme groin shot and countless dangerous incidents I am appaled at what I am watching and hearing.

This family are covid cases waiting to happen so if you love your home so much and its the big dream castle in your head that everyone is jealous of then why are you never in it.

Last point stop think the world owes you a living you lazy lazy woman.
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Active member
Just wanted to let Sarah and Chris know I can take some credit for the sl04n video 🥰 I spent a very lot of time giving him a lot of information about you two 😜 I’m so glad to see he’s done a video. Let’s hope all the others I have informed do the same! Cheers Sarah!
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Chatty Member
I can’t stand her bragging about money so much at the moment, I could never be jealous of that life, I love the life we’ve built, I don’t have any sort of money they might have but I do have a beautiful partner, we have a little 2 bedroom house that we are sooo fucking proud of, we both have our own cars, we both work our butts off AND study for our dream careers, We have a loving family and one day hope to conceive our little rainbow baby.
I went through a very traumatic birth resulting in neo natal loss of our daughter last year, I wish I could tell her to enjoy her kids and be grateful for what they have instead of constantly feeling the need to show everything off, she must need validation for everything in her life, she’s so caught up in how “making memories” looks to the outside world that she misses the real memories with her babies, it’s fucking sad.
NOTHING Sarah Ingham says or does can make me jealous.
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Sarah, FYI I am due today and would love to get this baby out on time so if you could do a massive rant that would be great to help things along 🤣
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That apartment they are renting with the naff sofa looks naaaasssssttttyyy. This is not where millionaires stay. This is where desperate people on their last dime book as a last resort after scrounging a free weeks stay on a garage forecourt.
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