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Does anyone hear get frequent stomach/bowel/intestinal rumbling and gurgling - but not associated with diarrhoea?

If so, does it tend to happen during the night?

I've had this on and off for a while and can be so loud it wakes me up.

Used to - but when I went gluten free, I realised after a while that it hardly ever happens anymore. When it does, Mr D normally disappears off to discreetly check food labels and subsequent evening meals have been things far less likely to carry any risk at all of cross contamination (chicken and potatoes, steak and salad, that kind of thing, rather than something processed labelled GF) until all is quiet again.

Whilst he's never complained of any symptoms, I have noticed that since the house is almost 100% GF (he doesn't want to waste money getting separate things, except for the occasional bag of crisps that I wouldn't like the flavour of in the first place, never mind them being unsuitable), he's stopped trumpeting the onset of sleep as well.
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Thanks so much for replying. I've had a loss of appetite over the last few weeks but think it could be because I've been winding myself up and googling things. I also flip between constipation and looser stools. My doctor called last week to give me the results of blood tests (but I couldn't understand him 😢) he said nothing to worry about, and a slight deficiency in vitamin D, as well as inflammatory markers sligthly up (but didn't say why, which has worried me!! My mind is into overdrive. What does that even mean?)

so I'm speaking with a different doc tomorrow, whom I can hopefully understand.

Do you think it's all linked? I literally Google everything any time I have a slight twinge or pain. It's awful.
im a serial googler too. I literally think I google a health related thing every single day, it’s draining and it really does you no good. The anxiety you’re currently feeling probably is making your symptoms seem worse - mine are always worse when I am stressed, nervous, anxious etc. The good thing is your doctor has said nothing to worry about. My tests showed a vitamin D deficiency too.

I hope tomorrow’s appointment with the dr goes well - let us know! And don’t be afraid to ask questions, or ask for clarification if you’re unsure of anything. It’s what they’re there for x
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@Laurst IBS is a diagnosis by elimination so people obtain it different ways, e.g. generally if you have bowel problems you'll have bloods and a stool sample to test for IBD and coeliac, if this is clear really you should have a colonoscopy to confirm a diagnosis of IBS but GPs tend to say people have it when those tests come back clear. It can also be brought on after a bad bout of any kind of food poisoning, gastro etc. It doesn't really matter whether you have a confirmed diagnosis though as most of the time if you have bowel issues then the usual suggested IBS relief will help you - e.g., going low FODMAP and working out food triggers, minimising stress, etc. GPs can prescribe you mebeverine also, I have this on rolling prescription but rarely take it as I find it makes me constipated. Buscopan for IBS works well for cramps for me (over the counter) I was told by a consultant that you can take up to 6 tablets safely, about 3 usually does the trick for me if I'm really in agony. When I'm constipated I take Movicol which can also be bought OTC.
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Oh god. I didn't want to say too much but yeah they are horrific. It feels like some sort of medieval torture. I have to have them twice a year. Give me a colonoscopy any day.
You are a remarkable person. ♥

Medieval torture really is the best way to describe it. I’m so sorry to anyone silently reading this who is about to have one. you will get through it though.

Someone really need to look at better ways to explore the throat/stomach/upper colon, the capsule aspect for example needs to be funded asap. If I ever come into a lot of money, I’ll throw money at it myself.
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Oh heavens yes. But if hubby is still complaining too then it sounds like you both got the same dose. His tum is obviously just a bit more resilient than yours so he’s not struggling as much. Sometimes these things just take time to clear out (pardon the pun!) and i am reassured that you’re not getting actively worse. Wanting to eat and being terrified of eating is such a horrid place to be. Please keep me posted? I’m invested now!
Bless you, you are really lovely! This is Tattle and everyone is supposed to be really mean, remember?! Hahaha I joke, of course, I’ve actually never found it like that at all!
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You really have to fight fight fight when it comes to getting a diagnosis or treatment unfortunately . Try to keep a diary/list of symptoms it really helps when trying TJ explain how you’re feeling and your symptoms
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Have got a telephone appt with the GP for today. I absolutely live in fear of giving a stool sample. I know that’s really pathetic. I’m so squeamish and prone to dry-heaving when I have to do anything unpleasant. (Also, Mother DragName’s bowel cancer diagnosis always lingers in my mind when I think of a stool sample, too). I’m hoping for a miracle where the Doc can accurately diagnose me through the phone and I’ll get a prescription for a miracle cure sent to the pharmacy. Hahaha, dream on, right?!
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Omg! thank god i found this thread i’ve wondering for ages whether i have IBS.
My father and cousin have Chrohns/IBD and have to inject.
My dad, grandad and uncle have all had their haemorrhoids removed too.
in 2016, i just randomly become constipated one day and i’m not even joking i was on there for about. an hour TMI**** the smallest thing came out of me and ever since that day i been constipated the gp gave me cream and lactulouse. lactulouse alone is really awful, dulcoease (not dulcax) i find works really well and also a combination of fybogel when things get REAL bad. however before i ever got constipated i was always known by everyone (my family) as suddenly getting the urge to go, it’s so bad i hate it. but if i don’t have constipation i get really stronge urges to go to the loo, i’ve had times i’ve literally had to run of the train before, out cars, feel like i’m going to pass out if i don’t make the toilet, never pains more discomforting, bleeding when wiping, and the sensation of not feeling completely empty sometimes i even feel full up, like i’ve had a whole meal that’s how unempty . i don’t want to inject like my cousin and my dad but i’m worried if i don’t tell the gp’s it’ll get worse. what do you think? does this sound like ibs? or anyone with likely symptoms also?
Not a doctor or a nurse. It sounds like it’s likely under the umbrella of irritable bowel. Definitely tell your GP that the opposite of constipation for you is interfering with your life. Feel better 🧡

I am in a state over here. I developed a plum allergy in my adult life. I never give it thought. It’s only natural I would forget that prune juice is a no go. I drank some earlier and now feel like I have a black and blue mark on my upper abdomen 😣
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Kim Mild

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Hello, I feel like I’m hijacking a bit but this is a thread that might actually have some helpful advice!

I have kind of ‘self-diagnosed IBS’. I’ve suffered a lot with anxiety which tends to be very physical in nature. At the risk of being really TMI, my bowel movements are rarely normal and pretty much always loose, but it goes hand in hand with my moods and anxiety levels, so I think I just wear my anxiety very physically. I try to take probiotics and I was on SSRIs (reducing off then at the moment) and I sort of have my own ‘normal’.

Anyway, I’ve been away on holiday and I’ve eaten something that’s disagreed with me (as has my husband) and we’ve both had diarrhoea since Saturday night, mine worse than his. Whilst we were on holiday I took Imodium just so I could leave the hotel. Yesterday we lived on a very light diet of toast and I don’t feel like I’m getting any better, in fact I now have more stomach cramps than I did. Every trip to the toilet is pretty unpleasant, shall we say. We’re trying to stay hydrated, I’ve had a supermarket’s own Actimel today alongside my probiotic pills. I’m starting to get hangry but I don’t fancy any more quick fire trips to the toilet than I’m already dealing with. There’s been no vomiting (which I’m grateful for as I’m emetophobic) but I feel really sick today.

I cannot stand the taste, smell or texture of bananas which of course seem to be Dr Google’s number one food stuff for people in my situation. Can anyone recommend anything (food, OTC meds, herbal remedies, interpretive dance) to help me out? I don’t want to take any more Imodium because I’d like whatever is causing me so much upset to get out of my system as quickly as possible!
Cooled boiled water to drink . I agree to try and get everything out to run its course and that immodium can cause a different kind of stomach ache in some people.

You need to replace salts and sugars . If I've had the shits , I nibble on crisps or nuts , although I appreciate not everyone will feel up to eating them .
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This is the bane of my life! Even at my slimmest this could leave me looking like I was pregnant!
I’ve read that colonic irrigation is good for it and am seriously tempted...anybody tried it?
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Thanks for replying
I got anti biotics after a phone consultation due to having covid and the gp sort of took it seriously.
It Cleared up a little, for a week or so and now unfortunately I’m very unwell and in hospital tomorrow because I should have been seen two weeks ago.
I’m in lots of pain.
Very worried
Probably surgery.
Trying to be positive but I’m struggling.
Did you get admitted and then get the op there and then?
glad it was a quick job and hope you’re doing ok now x
I had the op about a week after the colonscopy. It wasn't too bad and I've dealt with alot worse with my crohns. It's painful but not as painful as it sounds if you know what I mean.
Fistulas are super common so just remember that these Dr's perform these procedures multiple times a week.
You will be fine and much more comfortable once its fixed.
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I had one last year and prep was worse than the procedure. They give you sedation which makes you feel mildly drunk, but you’re with it throughout. Then, later that day, you’ll realise you’ve forgotten most of it.
This was my experience too. The prep was the worst part honestly. The rest was a breeze. Definitely opt for sedation though even though I probably could’ve done it without I think the sedation was nice 🤣
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Try some peptac/ gaviscon or similar as well as a hot water bottle and movement- hopefully it eases soon :) also lying on your left side with a hot water bottle can get things moving.
This has completely changed my life. I’m sleeping on my left side now 99% of the time.

I’m still going without gluten and FODMAPS. Tonight I was lazy when it came to cooking / meal preparing and decided to have a vegetarian protein smoothie. I’m just not impressed with myself atm. I forgot to read the label first and it’s basically alllll FODMAPS in there 😣
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We are back, it was v. hot but we took hydration very seriously indeed, haha! I felt like I was on some sort of intrepid exploration rather than a regular person’s holiday, hehe.

will continue the hydration and add in mint tea and see how things go over the next couple of days!
Ah great! I hope you still managed to have a lovely holiday?

Bowels are annoying.
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There’s no blood, is that a red flag or can you have it without any bleeding?
Thank you for your reply xx
My disease is pretty well maintained through medication although I still have the odd flare up that is more often than not without blood. The thing with chronic illness is you quickly learn you have varying degrees of being unwell and more severe flare ups will have blood in them. Best advice I can give is taking note of symptoms and if necessary keep a food diary. More often than not it’s misdiagnosed as being IBS so the more information that can be given at apts the better.
you really have to push sometimes to be heard, I was starting to feel like I was imagining what was going on with me as the GP kept passing off what I was telling them as being nothing . If they were telling me it was fine then I must be exaggerating kind of thing. I ended up on a drip for 3 days and getting a blood transfusion as I was so severely dehydrated and anaemic from going to the toilet so much. You know your own body and what is different for you, if I could go back and tell myself anything it would be to be more assertive about what was going on and not take no for an answer.

I have crohns, have had a bowel resection and inject myself once a week and have infusions every couple of months. It has literally destroyed my life I had over 25 hospital admissions one year and currently have covid and am really high risk cos im on immunosuppressants. It sucks
Take care @Milfordcubicle that sucks hope you’ve got a good support network xx
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Bless you, I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Health anxiety is horrendous. If it helps, anxiety often makes me lose my appetite too, especially when I’m worried about my health (I have IBS, endo, and a kidney condition so I’ve been around the block!) medicating your anxiety even in the short term is something I would really recommend if you can, I was really worried about it as I’m quite ‘medication averse’ but honestly it’s helped me so much. Let us know how you get on with the other doctor!
Thank you so much, I feel a bit calmer having just exchanged messages on here with you, so thank you so much. I know I get on the nerves of my friends and family, but I just can't help it.... :(
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I've woken up to the worst flare :(
I think it's because I was off work yesterday so for some unknown reason I felt anxious about coming back in today. I have cramps, I'm sweating but I've got goosebumps. I keep getting waves of nausea and my stomach looks like I'm 6 months pregnant. I feel hideous.
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