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VIP Member
Mine was really low, and I was B12 anemic at the same time when diagnosed. Infusion of Iron was needed to sort me out, much simpler than tablets!
I’m really hoping they take into consideration my diverticulitis stuff because I really fear having a flare up. They’re horrific.

I’m not sure if 7 will be considered low enough but it’s honestly getting me down. I just want it sorted.
I tested positive in July Andrade to delay my infliximab by a few weeks and keepof methotrexate for the same. It did kick off my symptoms a bit but luckily avoided a full blown flare up. Stay well x
in other news I’m off to see the surgeon this afternoon to see if he’s going to open me up for the 3rd time 😬
I’m hoping I’ll keep away from a flare up. This weeks food delivery has all my ‘safe’ foods in it!

oh wow, I hope that all goes well and the right decision for you is made :)


Have any of you had your invite for a booster covid vaccine? Are you going to take it?
I gor a text this week and it mentioned the increased risk of complications but also said 'you are now due your booster as it is over six months since your second dose'. I've booked in for the start of October as it was the first appointment. Hope everyone has a good weekend x


Well-known member
I've got a Dr's Appointment next week, so am going to speak with her about it and hope she investigates! I wonder if it could be a food allergy, as my symptoms are almost like my body is going into some sort of shock!? I'm keeping a food diary also for her to view, although I'm aware she will probably want more than a weeks worth of foods...

Has anyone chose to go Gluten and Lactose Free without Drs/Dietician? I'm seriously debating it... I just hate to self diagnose/do things without guidance! 🤣


Active member
Has anyone ever had what seems like a build up of pain in their stomach, leading to major swelling of their belly, no cramps, doesn’t feel like constipation or diareeah, and a random pain in their shoulder??!
I am prone to what seems like IBS but I don’t know what the triggers are.


VIP Member
Oh bless you. That’s not nice ☹ I know that sometimes they give enemas to those that can’t tolerate or haven’t cleared out properly but you run the risk of them not having a great view or getting far enough through the test. I hope everything goes ok for you!
I don't even think I was cleared out properly because after the seizures I was kept in and was going to the toilet like crazy. Thanks for your reply.


VIP Member
Yeah i have the yoghurt drinks but you can also get in capsule forms from boots. Hmmm well I have IBS and Crohn's disease so hard to tell if actually does anything but trying anything at the moment to calm things down.
Which ones do you use? Willing to try a few different things. I've tried to get back into my walking as a form of exercise


VIP Member
Anything fried is out the question. I will be ill for days. Its hard work when my fella wants to take me out for food have to make sure it's somewhere that can cater for me. Really miss spaghetti bolegnese and pasta and meatballs, cheesecake, toffee Danish. I do find buscopan helps ease my bloating when I'm having an episode. I'm 5ft as well so it's very noticeable. Some days it's like I have a massive balloon in my belly that needs to be popped.
Did they do biopsies for microscopic colitis?


Chatty Member
Has anyone had a positive fit test as I am freaking out
I have UC and always have positive FIT test when flaring. It shows blood in poo. Do you have IBD or you showing symptoms? Did they do a calprotectin test too? I know it's easy to say but try not to stress too much there are many reasons why it could be positive.
Hope no one minds me dropping in on this!

So I was referred to a lower GI doctor on the NHS by my GP after I kept going to the doctors with stomach complaints and episodes of going to the loo a LOT! (At its worst, I went 36 times in a 24 hour period). This has happened 3 times at that amount in the past year. Awful tummy pain, extremely tender to press on stomach, violent cramps and a constant gnawing pain griping my whole abdomen area. Handful of occasions I’ve had lots of bright red blood too, like, lots!

Anyway, I have my first (telephone) appointment with this GI doctor which lasted 1 minute at 56 seconds. He wasn’t interested, just gave it all “yep yep ok yep ok I’ll do blood and stool tests”. So I had the tests and he called me last night with the results and that call lasted 2 minutes and 13 seconds; “results all fine, sounds like IBS, I’ll refer you to a dietician”. And that was that. Off his list. After 2 phone calls. He didn’t even want to physically see me to examine me when I explained how tender my tummy area is. Absolute bloody waste of my time.

What amazes me is that he also does private work. So I bet he’d show me a lot more interest if I was paying £220 consultation fee to get in front of him!!

Im just so fed up with this now. I cannot find a trigger for these pains and upset stomach/blood and I’ve just been what feels like abandoned by doctors.
I can understand the first appointment being so short, without the bloods and stools they can't do the initial tests. When I was diagnosed with Crohn's my inflammation markers on my bloods were over 90, when they should be something like below 8. I was also B12 and Iron Deficient which is another sign of inflammation.

The blood test results would trigger further tests like colonoscopy etc. My IBD Team told me last week the backlog is horrific for MRI and Endo. Talking months rather than weeks.

Bright red blood is usually in indication of you going to the loo so much, it's coming from right by the anus. Any bleeding from within the bowels would be darker and in the poo itself.

As you're going to the loo a lot, are you also loosing weight without trying?, I lost 20kg in about 2 months prior to diagnosis.

You can try and see if adjusting your diet helps. Cutting out raw fruit and veg, anything with seeds and eating processed foods, mash, rice, pain chicken. Stop pop, alcohol, coffee as well. If you stop going to the toilet so much, and lose the pain, try and introduce the eliminated items one at a time. Then if you do flare you can take that info to the Dr.


VIP Member
I read a review for one vibration platform that it helped the reviewer to “go.” I’m currently asking my neighbors if anyone has a platform that they’re trying to get rid of - so much senseless buying took place during lockdown so I’m hopeful 🤞 I will update if I get my hands on one.
I stopped taking my UC medicine at the beginning of December. My ulcers have gone. My digestion is still sporadic so I began taking dicyclomine. The improvement is minuscule 😕
I was diagnosed with IBS but it turned out to be undiagnosed Celiac disease. I've been gluten free for 15 years but still having stomach issues including a big flare up at least once a month. I was vegetarian for a few years but went back to eating meat and my digestion improved a bit. All the vegetables and legumes/pulses did not agree with my stomach in the quantities I was eating them while vegetarian. The turning point of it all seems to be sorting out my anxiety and SAD. I was put on Wellbutrin and it's greatly improved my mental health but also my digestion. One of the side effects can be constipation so it seems to be firming everything up (sorry).

I’m lactose intolerant and I’ve been on the lactose free cheese, bread, margarine and milk for the last couple of years. I was on soya before that and if I try it again now, I get bloating.
Thought I’d treat myself to some halloumi 2 weeks ago 🥴 my whole stomach bloated. Not just the lower stomach like usual and it took days to get back to normal. being stressed at work made an impact too.
does anyone know of any over the counter stuff you can buy to relieve the bloating? Moving about usually settles it, but I’m sat at desk all day.
Have you tried activated charcoal? My GI doctor recommended it years ago and I've kept a bottle on hand since then. Although you need to be careful with the timing of the activated charcoal capsules as they will absorb everything including previous medications if you've taken them close together. If you like hot drinks you could try peppermint or fennel tea.


Well-known member
Not read the thread but are people saying they have had the capsule to investigate? I suffer so badly but had seizures at my colonoscopy appointment maybe from the prep which was not supposed to be given with people with seizures, Been too scared to have another. Help please as it's bad, soiling myself tbh

Also bad pain
Oh dear! That must have been v scary for you! my bowel consultant done a colonscopy and then recommended the capsule as they think the issue is the small bowel and colonoscopy doesn’t go that far. There has also been three scans showing inflammation so they have a case to go with this method.
Not sure if you’re UK or elsewhere and if you have private medical or not but first step is your primary care doctor/GP and discuss it with them or if under a consultant already then ask if you should have it done. Im not sure of pros and cons or what/ why you should have it done so cant advise any further than that

also re incontience issue - ive been recommended physio to help for lack of control but he had Said some cases require surgery but again I would def contact your doctor xx


VIP Member
I’ve suffered with episodes of constipation and bloat for years, I finally mention it to the GP 2 years ago and he recommended peppermint capsules and I’m glad he did as the episodes have gradually become more frequent and then they do make a difference

Currently I spend most days bloated etc feeling normal is rare but last week my stomach behaved really oddly and I’m hoping someone might understand

Last Fri an area at the top of my stomach, just below my ribs began to contract last a second or 2 then stop and the frequency of repetition has varied each day

It feels really unpleasant like I’ve got an alien in there but I wouldn’t call it painful more uncomfortable, it hadn’t stopped by Tuesday so called GP and lucky me can have a phone appointment in a fortnight

It’s been a full week now and there hasn’t been a day without my alien contraction spasms things

I’m going about my day as normal but it’s concerning as I’ve no idea what’s going on

Does I sound familiar to any of you?
When you say top of your stomach, is it a particular side of your body?

I sometimes have sore stomach and ribs on the left side (as well lower back and abdomen sometimes too) and I was diagnosed with diverticular disease earlier this year via a CT scan. I now take 20mg of Omeprazole every day (I’m going to ask my doctor if I can stop this because I’ve read you shouldn’t take it long term).

I’m not saying you have this btw.
I’m lactose intolerant and I’ve been on the lactose free cheese, bread, margarine and milk for the last couple of years. I was on soya before that and if I try it again now, I get bloating.
Thought I’d treat myself to some halloumi 2 weeks ago 🥴 my whole stomach bloated. Not just the lower stomach like usual and it took days to get back to normal. being stressed at work made an impact too.
does anyone know of any over the counter stuff you can buy to relieve the bloating? Moving about usually settles it, but I’m sat at desk all day.


VIP Member
Anyone suffer with colitis?
what are the early symptoms please? My friends suffering atm, is it hereditary?