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Thank you! It really wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, couldn’t believe it. I had really worked myself up thinking that I didn’t prep properly as I was ill. I got sedated, definitely helped me! One of the nurses after said I did well and handled it better than she thought I would 🤣 I must have been bad going in lol
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In the middle of a massive flare at the moment, no idea what's triggered it. I was going really well for a few weeks as well :(

I just feel horrendous. Stomach cramps, bloated so all my clothes feel uncomfortable, not sure what's safe to eat and what's not. Even though I'm starving hungry I feel so anxious to eat. This is horrendous
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I have ibd (ulcerative colitis) finally in remission after years of being undiagnosed and fobbed off. I had stomach pain, rectal bleeding and clots, erythmea nodusum(inflammation under the skin) a feeling of needing to go constantly but passing just blood and mucus. I was on prednisone for 7months (the moon face, sweats, constant hunger is very real) im now on biological immunosuppressants as other medication just didnt work for me. I had a blood transfusion when i was first admitted because i was very anemic.
There are tests for diagnosis, sigmoidoscopy to look at the sigmoid colon, colonoscopy, blood tests to check crp levels and a calprotectin test which tests the stools for inflammation of the gut.
Dignity goes straight out of the window after having doctors stick a camera up your arse and nurses administering enemas to prep you for cameras.
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Hey guys, new to this thread!
Only had my ibs diagnosed through stool samples and a colonoscopy in March 2021 but been suffering for about 8 years.

for those with ibs (probably unhelpful to those with IBD) I’d highly recommend peppermint capsules. They really settle my stomach/bowels and there’s recent scientific studies on them with great results.
And there’s reccent research on the use of priobiotics to increase the “right” bacteria in your gut! Currently trying some out but can’t really say if they’re helping yet.

also, my husband is an IBS/Coeliac/gastro dietitian so if you want me to pick his brains for anything then let me know.
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Oh dear, I had a really bad night. Mr DragName and I still aren’t right after eating a dodgy burger a week and a half ago, so decided to keep dinner simple, some rice cooked in chicken stock. Monday had been the first day we’d eaten ‘normally’ and it had upset our stomachs a bit. So, our Tuesday dinner was rice in chicken stock. Feeling the need for some comfort food, I also made us rice pudding, just a basic recipe made with semi skimmed milk. This was potentially a huge mistake. Woke up at about half midnight by my own stomach cramps which went on for over 3 hours and were totally horrendous. Mr DragName was ‘fine’ (although I woke him up crying out so he was stuck awake with me till I went back off to sleep). I feel exhausted today 😳 and terrified of eating. I’ve got a big day at work so I just need to keep my head down and hope I don’t get ill in the office and see how my day goes, otherwise I think it might be time to ring the GP.
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Yes I already have a dietician but my insurance doesn't cover it so I can't see her as often as I should.
I see a dietician for low fodmap. I have her email address and we communicate quite frequently. If you have any issues or questions I could ask her on your behalf and let you know the outcome via here 😊
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My doctors are absolutely useless. Said I need to try over the next four weeks to raise my iron on my own (even though it’s under threshold already at 7.4). If that doesn’t work the only option for me is to take iron tablets. When I went back and said “that isn’t an option as I have to avoid constipation with diverticular disease”, the response was “we would suggest taking laxatives with the iron tablets”

Yeah, let’s just irritate my bowel even further and give me a flare up. I told her I want referring to haematology but the best she could do was “send my results for advice”.

No mention of iron transfusions at all. I’m at the point where I may just ask to be referred private.

It’s almost like I’m being left to get worse and worse to the point where a blood transfusion will be the only option left to me. So down about it and I’m getting anxious over it because no one appears to want to help me because I’m young. It’s ridiculous
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Hello Kitty

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I have Crohn's and currently on day 4 of isolation due to testing positive for covid. I'm double jabbed (was booked for my booster but had to cancel as I felt rough from my flu jab). I feel awful, I'd hate to think what I'd be like if I wasn't jabbed.

Thankfully I had my Humira injection last week. I don't think I'd be able to cope with that and covid!
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Can I ask does anyone find they can eat a mouthful of something and suddenly the stomach pain starts and they have to run to the toilet? I can go several times during a meal but I don't get why it happens so quickly like that.
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Posting updates under “spoiler” heading from now on so that my posts are convenient to skip for people who are not interested.
The kefir was not as strong as I remember; it was mild and sweet, in fact. I purchased a grass fed milk version that was highly rated. Making kefir to align with dietary preference is possible too — just have to obtain kefir granules. I might try it someday to make water kefir which is an ingredient necessary for healthy cream soda. Ordinarily, I don’t drink soda because it adds gas to my digestive tract which is painful to me. However, the effervescence of kefir does not bother me.

Green tea still to come. Still drinking (and enjoying) tea I already have going. I added Yakult to my online shopping. I drank one but I’ve chucked the rest in the freezer to try again towards the end of my experimenting. It was too aggressive after one serving.

Originally my goal was to introduce as many bacteria strains as possible. I’ve since learned about psychobiotics which is the term for certain bacterias that have an affect on mental health. My new aims are to check off a list of strains that have been examined for beneficial qualities and to become in tune with my mental health changes as I add unstudied varieties.

For probiotic foods this week I am continuing with live sauerkraut, cultured cottage cheese and BioStrath. I have added vanilla flavored skyr — if I repurchase it I will order plain. This tastes like vanilla flavored sour cream 🥴

For prebiotics my diet includes carrots and bananas and I have added oats. I prepared overnight oats but I will try cooking them now and see if there is any difference in digestion.

I cannot say there have been improvements to my digestion this week. Aside from the day with Yakult, there have not been any regressions.
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Jelly Bean

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This helped me more than anything the dr prescribed
Hallo 👋
This product looks amazing and I can't believe it has passed me by before now.
I was diagnosed with IBS about 25 years ago after awful food poisoning, it disappeared on the whole for about 10 years but is now back with a vengeance. Life changes, moving country, parents dying, and other stuff (also eating shit, well normally tbh, because I stupidly thought it had *gone*) have just made it resurface. I'd actually forgotten how hopeless, sad and generally unwell it makes me feel. I wake in the morning and there is a small window where I think 'hurray it's gone again' before the dull ache kicks back in.
It's vaguely under control through just eating boiled rice and steamed fish, and drinking kefir or peppermint tea. The cramping has subsided.
I'm going to get that silicol tomorrow.
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im a serial googler too. I literally think I google a health related thing every single day, it’s draining and it really does you no good. The anxiety you’re currently feeling probably is making your symptoms seem worse - mine are always worse when I am stressed, nervous, anxious etc. The good thing is your doctor has said nothing to worry about. My tests showed a vitamin D deficiency too.

I hope tomorrow’s appointment with the dr goes well - let us know! And don’t be afraid to ask questions, or ask for clarification if you’re unsure of anything. It’s what they’re there for x
The good side to Tattle. Thank you 🙏🏻 It's reassuring to know I'm not alone. My friends and family don't understand x
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Hello, I have found my people *waves* I was diagnosed with IBS in my late 20s but had stomach issues for years before that. It definitely seems to be triggered by stress, hormonal contraceptives and a bit of what I eat.

The only times I have been truly IBS free is when I've been pregnant. My midwife did say this is quite common but they don't really know why. I also stopped using hormonal contraceptives after my youngest was born and haven't had an attack since then. Not being at work helps a great deal too as I can run to the loo when I need to (toddler permitting!).
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I thought I was finally over the E. coli (as did Mr DragName) and so we had pasta in a tomato sauce with a wee bit of cheddar cheese on top for dinner. The first ‘proper’ dinner in 2 weeks. My stomach cramps started almost immediately, clearly a huge mistake! I really hope I’m not lactose intolerant forever, I properly love cheese, haha!
How are you doing???
Eurgh I made that mistake. Put my favourite squash with it and now even the thought of that delightful peach cordial makes me heave.
I don’t understand how modern medicine can be so advanced and we still gotta drink gallons of powdery citrus sweat.
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I got 4 hours sleep. That bowel prep is no joke. Without a doubt the worst thing I've ever tasted!
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I’m feeling exhausted, but I had about 3 hours sleep last night! I didn’t eat all day and then Mr DragName made us a nice, bland (in a good way) chicken noodle soup. I’ve had one or two stomach cramps but nothing like last night. Toilet trips are still not nice for either of us, though (me less nice than him). Whatever we did/ate on holiday that caused this, we really did a number on ourselves!
I really think you should go and see a doctor. Having unexplained stomach cramps this long can be dangerous. It's probably nothing but better safe than sorry. It sounds like it could be C-diff.
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I've got my colonoscopy tomorrow and I am terrified. Fasting starts now. Prep at 5pm and 9pm. Wish me luck. 😩
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I have been diagnosed with IBS and started on mebeverine. I don’t think it’s making any difference at all to be honest.

I had a McDonald’s on Saturday and I’m still in agony with cramps and bloating. This is the worst flare up I’ve had, I’ve been in tears with it. Is there anything at all I can do it ease the pains?
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I’ve had IBS all my adult life, nothing I’ve ever tried seems to make much difference.

It’s 6am and I’ve had little to no sleep all night cos my stomach is in bits.
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