Helen wood

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Oh really? Was she not very nice her mum?
Oh really? What did her mother do? I know in one interview she said her mother and father were arguing like cat and dog but the media made out she came from a loving middle class family. I even remember her dad making an apology to Coleen in the media! Wasn’t she pregnant at 15? Wouldn’t mind reading the book!
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Omg Danielle smith what are ye doin there Lloyd .. just banging this Bootlehead
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Oh really? Was she not very nice her mum?
I read her book in the first lockdown so my memory won’t be bob on. I think it was her Father who was the driving force behind her childhood trauma but her mum more or less stood back and let it happen rather than stand up for them. She described him as a bully, he had free reign. She ran away on numerous occasions, describes some dark situations were adult males had taken advantage of her as a 14 maybe 15 year old, I was reading thinking now in this day those situations would be classed as grooming and rape.
Growing up her family were quite well to do, Helen ended up with a foster family. I saw how much she appears to do for her mum on insta even before covid and her move to London, I remember thinking that I wouldn’t be so forgiving if I had been In her shoes.
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Yep! I have Jenny Thompson’s book. It’s not nice and very detailed and graphic, and is VERY descriptive about the the Rooney hook ups
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Pregnant at 15 with a boyfriend who she clung onto because she had nobody else. He would turn up at her flat drunk and beat the shit out of her regularly in front of the baby, and her mum and dad still wouldn’t help. Really sad read, makes a lot of sense how she turned to sex work to take back some form of control/power. She also talks about being single and I think it’s because she is unable to separate sex / abuse / control from a loving relationship

I’ll post the book to anyone who wants a read? It was an impulse lockdown buy what I couldn’t put down.
I’ve always thought she was a bit of a argumentative gobshite with stuff she tweets etc but the way she has kept her son anonymous (rightly so)- in Bolton he obviously won’t be anonymous, she’s often mentioned that he’s well aware and the conversations she has had to have with him from a young age so he heard it off her first hand, before he found out anywhere else, makes it more believable about the other bird leaking the Rooney story. Don’t get me wrong if she didn’t have a son to consider she may of leaked it all herself who knows?
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Ah that is sad isn’t it. I do recall now that it was Jenny who sold the story and I think that’s what she said when she made that statement that I mentioned before about only bringing it up when she was asked or had to defend herself.
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So in her book or on a podcast, she said she went to see someone of waynes management when Jenny went to the papers. She said she didn't want her name out as a prostitute so she'd deny it in court or where ever she needed to. If Wayne would pay to keep her name out, his management told her to sign the paper, probably a non disclosure agreement. She went outside on the phone to speak to her lawyer first who said she won't be able to make money from this if she signs it. She didn't sign anything but yeah am far more on her side then Wayne's. She lost her job I think from redundancy that's why she started escorting I do have sympathy for her since she had her kid young and her family were awful. Im also surprised she's looking after her mum considering her upbringing.
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Holy Jaysus sam is having a melt down in his video telling her to stay away from him and not mention his name again She probably didn't even no who he was before he started about her.

He is saying he was told by 15 people what she was at. But thats madness all hear say. No acatul proof. Like I've said really dont like her but defo feel for her in this situation. Maybe she won't be so quick to throw the word around herself now. Id actually put money on it she won't use it again.
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Hahahaha that Sam looked like steam was going to come out his ears, he’s proper mad the shithouse

Cracked up at him saying Manipulative
Scouse Gareth Gates
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Hahahaha that Sam looked like steam was going to come out his ears, he’s proper mad the shithouse

Cracked up at him saying Manipulative
Scouse Gareth Gates
he seems certain what he’s saying is true .. why would he embarrass himself otherwise. ??
i’d say he’s pissed off more because he knows she’s lying ?? why isn’t she suing him? Or even threatened him with a solicitor ?
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he seems certain what he’s saying is true .. why would he embarrass himself otherwise. ??
i’d say he’s pissed off more because he knows she’s lying ?? why isn’t she suing him? Or even threatened him with a solicitor ?
It dosnt matter if its not true, its said and some people will believe it no matter what and in turn will blow smoke up his hole and he's accepted by people.

Why do flat earthers not get embarrassed when they did an experiment that actually proved the earth was round, they still tell stay in their group of acceptance believing its flat.
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he seems certain what he’s saying is true .. why would he embarrass himself otherwise. ??
i’d say he’s pissed off more because he knows she’s lying ?? why isn’t she suing him? Or even threatened him with a solicitor ?
calm down Sam you’ll burst a blood vessel or two fella
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If someone falsely accused me of something so heinous, first thing I would be doing would be ringing the solicitor,

Getting a lie detector test!!!!!! Bullshit there’s obviously something true in all this
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Yeah its abit strange. I've seen people say she deleting comments about this. And yes if my memory series me right it was last sunday he posted about her. Id of been ringing my solictor from sunday evening until someone answered Monday morning. So I dunno. That is odd. She a mother thou of a teenage son. She would want to be rightly fucked in the head to be doing stuff like that. She a dark sence of humour thou. Torn.


No I still not convinced its true. Why she not suing is odd thou. Money maybe. Surely thou if someone is to post something online thats not true with out clear evidence u can sue really good.. Why isn't she.. Why no solictors letter to him. Can't make it out.
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Suing someone is a waste of time. You have to pay all the legal fees and even whe. You win you get no compensation. Its a civil matter not legal so no jail time. A forced apology is the most she would get and it would cost thousands in legal fees.
She already said she went the police about it and tbh I have been watching her comments and none have been deleted sso I don't know where that's come from. Now on another note, she is anti mask anti vaccine and yet uses science to prove her innocence. Irony.
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So Sam's new video, he said she's used the same lie detector guy/company/couple that got paid 50k to cover up some lies. I can't find the article he's talking about but. The company/couple seem to jump at any publicity or work thrown their way. Offering to test someone about prince Andrew then doing love island interviews about lie detectors. Can't keep up really
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Oh has he done another one, fancies himself as a proper Roger Cook don’t he

On a side note if someone accused me of something as grim as that, I’d not be getting a lie detector, I’d be knocking their door and giving them a walloping
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