Heavy painful periods... no diagnosis yet!

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No he hasn’t mentioned yet but I am due a follow up this week on Friday so I will certainly press for consideration of one.. although that scares me as we do want to conceive and I understand it can completely reduce changes of conceiving or stop it completely.

I can’t believe all you’ve gone through, it’s reassuring to read others stories because then I don’t feel so alone.. friends don’t understand and as supportive as my partner is he can never truly understand. Xx

It’s so interesting to hear each of your stories and how first investigations didn’t show anything- we all know our bodies and what’s ‘normal’!!! I am sorry so many of us have or are suffering 💔
I personally am on pills that have stopped my periods to keep the endo from getting worse since it was really only the start of it. then when I want kids I'll be off them for a time to try to get pregnant. I would advise you to take several different tests see how far along whatever you have is because you may not be at the point of surgery yet.
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When I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism my heavy, painful periods improved significantly with thyroid meds. Might be worth asking for a blood test to check that since it’s a really quick thing for them to do and rule out if necessary. I’d had loads of appointments with GPs about my periods before and no one had mentioned thyroids at all. I only had the blood test because I had a horrible pain in my toe for six months and thought it might be arthritis.
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I had similar & was diagnosed with endometriosis. You need a laparoscopy to see it; you can’t see it on a scan (although you can see the damage it’s done). I kept going back again & again until someone listened to me. I hope you’re ok. It’s hard xx

To add: I was 21 when I was diagnosed (after 5 years of agony). I was told to get on with it if I wanted kids. I started trying for a baby as I turned 33. He’s 9 now 😍 I had laser laparascopic surgery to clear endo when he was a toddler & another baby at age 36. Endo doesn’t always affect fertility; it depends where it is & what damage (if any) has been done.
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No he hasn’t mentioned yet but I am due a follow up this week on Friday so I will certainly press for consideration of one.. although that scares me as we do want to conceive and I understand it can completely reduce changes of conceiving or stop it completely.

I can’t believe all you’ve gone through, it’s reassuring to read others stories because then I don’t feel so alone.. friends don’t understand and as supportive as my partner is he can never truly understand. Xx

It’s so interesting to hear each of your stories and how first investigations didn’t show anything- we all know our bodies and what’s ‘normal’!!! I am sorry so many of us have or are suffering 💔
I hope your dr decides to go for it.I had a friend with endo ,who also had the laparoscopy.She went onto have a baby successfully ,so it doesn`t always prevent conception.xx
It is difficult to help your husband/partner truly understand.My husband was wonderful ,but still didn`t really know how much i went through (I used to take my 2 girls to school ,and wrap a large thick cardigan around my waiste ,as no matter what i used i`d bleed through everytime).They can`t get the pain ,frustration and shere exhaustion it causes.
I pray the new year brings you answers and your dearest wish to become a mum ,whatever road that takes.xx I must add my own mum had severe issues with periods and conception ,and i and my brother are adopted ,very happily.Take care ,and good luck.XX
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When I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism my heavy, painful periods improved significantly with thyroid meds. Might be worth asking for a blood test to check that since it’s a really quick thing for them to do and rule out if necessary. I’d had loads of appointments with GPs about my periods before and no one had mentioned thyroids at all. I only had the blood test because I had a horrible pain in my toe for six months and thought it might be arthritis.
I had been checked last May for possible thyroid problems as it runs on the maternal line of my family but nothing showed up. Is it worth checking again do you think?

I had similar & was diagnosed with endometriosis. You need a laparoscopy to see it; you can’t see it on a scan (although you can see the damage it’s done). I kept going back again & again until someone listened to me. I hope you’re ok. It’s hard xx

To add: I was 21 when I was diagnosed (after 5 years of agony). I was told to get on with it if I wanted kids. I started trying for a baby as I turned 33. He’s 9 now 😍 I had laser laparascopic surgery to clear endo when he was a toddler & another baby at age 36. Endo doesn’t always affect fertility; it depends where it is & what damage (if any) has been done.
Is it worth getting the surgery do you think and did it make a difference to treatment and life quality? Xx

I hope your dr decides to go for it.I had a friend with endo ,who also had the laparoscopy.She went onto have a baby successfully ,so it doesn`t always prevent conception.xx
It is difficult to help your husband/partner truly understand.My husband was wonderful ,but still didn`t really know how much i went through (I used to take my 2 girls to school ,and wrap a large thick cardigan around my waiste ,as no matter what i used i`d bleed through everytime).They can`t get the pain ,frustration and shere exhaustion it causes.
I pray the new year brings you answers and your dearest wish to become a mum ,whatever road that takes.xx I must add my own mum had severe issues with periods and conception ,and i and my brother are adopted ,very happily.Take care ,and good luck.XX
Thank you so much for your kind words, really appreciate it xx
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I had been checked last May for possible thyroid problems as it runs on the maternal line of my family but nothing showed up. Is it worth checking again do you think?
No harm, especially if you have any of the other symptoms of hypothyroidism. And ask them to consider subclinical hypothyroidism. There’s a range which they’ll medicate automatically and then a broader range that they’ll only medicate if you have symptoms, which is subclinical. Then obviously there’s just the normal range as well.
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Sometimes diet can be to blame because my painful periods stopped when I started eating healthy and then when I had a month of eating frozen foods and takeaway food and sweet stuff I had an awful period for the first time in 4 years.
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I got referred for an ultra sound and I have fibroids. Was experiencing similar symptoms to this
I had extremely heavy periods to the point where I had to rely on tranexamic acid each month to be able to leave the house. I’ve since left the U.K. and under my private health insurance found out I had several fibroids which were causing my problems and I had surgery to remove them (which wasn’t a decision I took lightly).
I don’t know what to suggest but keep pushing for tests and hopefully you’ll get an answer x
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My *periods* are horrendous I call them *periods* but in fact I’m getting a continual bleed lasting 14 weeks at a time twice a year sometimes 3, so heavy that I cannot even wear anything protective I’ll soak through the thickest pads the cloths are the size of golf balls, I’ve seen so many gynaecologists about 8 of them, I leave angry every time because ” we can’t see anything wrong, it’s probably weight or related to you being in a wheelchair” which my GP is also angry about as she disagrees.
I’ve had bloods done, ive had scans. The only thing is I’m have anaemia and I’ve tried everything. I’m just so fed up
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My *periods* are horrendous I call them *periods* but in fact I’m getting a continual bleed lasting 14 weeks at a time twice a year sometimes 3, so heavy that I cannot even wear anything protective I’ll soak through the thickest pads the cloths are the size of golf balls, I’ve seen so many gynaecologists about 8 of them, I leave angry every time because ” we can’t see anything wrong, it’s probably weight or related to you being in a wheelchair” which my GP is also angry about as she disagrees.
I’ve had bloods done, ive had scans. The only thing is I’m have anaemia and I’ve tried everything. I’m just so fed up
Sounds very similar to my experience with the large blood clots etc. Have you had an ultrasound? That’s how they found I had fibroids.

my local GP, I don’t actually know how he kept a straight face! Xx
I don’t want to man bash but if men had to put up with what we do each month, there would have been more funding into research; laws to give them a few days off each month and a miracle cure found.
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I’ve just come on today, out of the blue and we were due to go to a spa break. We’ve had to cancel because i can’t leave the bed I am in agony once again and heavy bleeding 😭 still haven’t heard from my GP so going to get my partner to call on my behalf today to fight my corner and follow up on my scan results, as I honestly don’t have the energy!
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I’m so sorry that you’re going through this, that’s so awful you had to cancel your spa break.

I would’ve seconded the advice of changing up your diet and avoiding high sugary foods and eating healthy - as this is something that’s helped me over the years, mine used to be so so painful to the point of making me physically sick each month.. Though It does sound like you must have something more going on (possibly Endo?) and you really need to push for that referral so they can examine you properly.

In my experience NHS/GPs seem total tit when it comes to period/cycle related problems. I think you must have to really push/basically ask to be referred. I had a cycle where I’ve bled for 2 weeks straight and all they did was send me for an ultrasound 3 months after I stopped bleeding.. useless waste of time. They did say they were referring me to gynea but I never heard anything of it.
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Hi.. hope nobody minds me jumping on. I’ve suffered with very heavy and very painful periods for 10 years now. I got referred to see a GYNAE consultant and I saw her last week, I also had a scan in December which showed a very large cyst in my ovary, I had my tumour markers tested and thankfully it wasn’t a tumour. My consultant has put me on the waiting list for a laparoscopy and proceed.. the last time I had a large cyst I ended up in emergency surgery.. I’m not really sure where I go from here after the surgery? Has anyone been through this? Ps I already take tranexamic acid, mefenamic acid and naproxen. I’m a bit nervous for surgery, And the consultant didn’t really explain anything. I know she’s looking for endometriosis but that’s all she told me.. what happens if they find it? What happens if they don’t find anything 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sorry for rambling I’m just super anxious about it all x
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Hi.. hope nobody minds me jumping on. I’ve suffered with very heavy and very painful periods for 10 years now. I got referred to see a GYNAE consultant and I saw her last week, I also had a scan in December which showed a very large cyst in my ovary, I had my tumour markers tested and thankfully it wasn’t a tumour. My consultant has put me on the waiting list for a laparoscopy and proceed.. the last time I had a large cyst I ended up in emergency surgery.. I’m not really sure where I go from here after the surgery? Has anyone been through this? Ps I already take tranexamic acid, mefenamic acid and naproxen. I’m a bit nervous for surgery, And the consultant didn’t really explain anything. I know she’s looking for endometriosis but that’s all she told me.. what happens if they find it? What happens if they don’t find anything 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sorry for rambling I’m just super anxious about it all x
I’m afraid I can’t give you any advice about your situation but keep pushing for results. It’s awful if you’re on that many tablets just to cope. ( I was on Tranexamic Acid and that was enough as it was causing side effects). I recently had a c section surgery to remove fibroids and I was worried before hand, especially being new to and alone in a new country, but it all went well and I recovered well afterwards with two weeks off work and back to driving after two. Wishing you luck x
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